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Weekly Update (Oct 23): Rotation Timeline Changes, Jan FNM Promo

Standard Rotation Changes: Once-A-Year Rotation Returns


Standard returns to once-a-year rotation.Read more

January FNM Promo: Noose Constrictor

Noose constrictor featured

January's FNM Promo is Noose Constrictor!Read more

Budget Magic: $88 (36 tix) Standard Poisonless Infect

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Have you ever wished you could play Modern Infect in Standard? Now you can, thanks to Electrostatic Pummeler!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Liliana, the Last Hope Liliana of the Veil

While Standard cards are still adjusting to last weekend's Pro Tour Kaladesh, by far the biggest finance news of the week is the change back to the once-a-year rotation schedule. This means that Battle for Zendikar and Oath of the Gatewatch are in Standard until next September (rather than rotating in April), and the prices of some important cards from these sets increased this week to reflect this new reality. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar spiked 26%, and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger gained 13%, not to mention small upticks (in the 10% range) from many of the rare Eldrazi from Oath of the Gatewatch. The new high point for these cards will likely be this winter, sometime between December and March, so instead of selling copies now (which was my advice last week, before the changes were announced), hold on for a few more months to get maximum value.

Discounting rotation changes, GB Delirium seems to be a popular choice for post-Pro Tour Kaladesh Standard, and in just the last day, we've seen many of the important cards from the deck starting to increase in price. Liliana, the Last Hope, Grim Flayer, and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet all jumped between 7 and 11% in the past day. Considering the deck was an importantly player in Eldritch Moon Standard and remains near the top of Kaladesh Standard, there's little reason to think it will fade away soon. I'd be very comfortable holding these cards over the next several months.

Finally, on Magic Online it seems like we're starting to see the impact of the increased supply of Modern rares and mythics from Treasure Chests. While it's hard to say for certain (since October is a month that traditionally sees a drop in the price of digital Modern cards), the price trend on staples has been down since the Treasure Chest announcement, with the Modern Index losing around 5% each week. As such, when you combine the prices decreases with the coming Modern Masters 2017, it's looking like this winter may be a good time to pick up a Modern deck on Magic Online if you've been waiting to buy into the format.

Pro Tour Kaladesh: By the Numbers

Ceremonious rejection kaladesh mtg art

Which cards and decks broke out at Pro Tour Kaladesh, and which cards / decks fizzled? Let's break them down by the numbers!Read more

Against the Odds: Dubious Challenge

Observations on the Removal in Kaladesh

Dubious challenge kaladesh mtg art Chandra torch of defiance kaladesh mtg art

What are the odds of winning with Dubious Challenge in Modern? We're about to figure them out! Read more

How the removal in Kaladesh stacks up. Read more

This Week in Legacy: 66th KMC, Landstill, Reanimator and a Different UR Delver

Vintage 101: Eternal Champions

Collective brutality eldritch moon mtg art 700

Sean features a few lists, new and old, from around the world, and gets some insight from Matthew Brown, a SCG Classic Top 8'er. Read more

Eternal Weekend is coming up fast, take a look at some past Vintage Champions with Islandswamp! Read more

Commander Clash S2 Episode 11: Alphabet Soup

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The crew builds decks around their favorite letters!Read more

Brewer's Minute: Jeskai or Grixis?

Podcast 091: Pro Tour Kaladesh

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Pro Tour Kaladesh saw two control decks meet in the finals. What's the difference between the decks, and which should you play? Read more

The crew discusses Pro Tour Kaladesh results, the new Standard, untapped Spirebluff Canals, and Hall of Fame invites. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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