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Weekly Update (Nov 25): Ultimate Masters Full Spoiler

Ultimate Masters Spoilers

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The entire Ultimate Masters set was revealed this week and the set is brimming with value. Check out the Ultimate Masters spoilers at, and check out the important highlights of the set from SaffronOlive:

MTGGoldfish Black Friday Sale — 20% off

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Get 20% off $30+ on EVERYTHING at our merch shop from now until Cyber Monday!Read more

Budget Magic: $68 (8 tix) Artifact Blast Affinity (Modern)

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Can Shrapnel Blast and Galvanic Blast make an ultra-budget Affinity-style deck work in Modern?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Liliana of the Veil Manamorphose Niv-Mizzet, Parun

This week, the big finance news is Ultimate Masters. The entire set was spoiled this week and even considering the increased cost of a sealed box, the expected value is looking strong. As a result, box prices have increased about $20 over the past couple of days from $265 to $285. Even at $285, the set has enough value that you should get your money's worth opening a box, especially with the Ultimate Box Topper providing some free value.

Meanwhile in Modern, pretty much all of the important cards being reprinted in Ultimate Masters are trending down, losing somewhere between 5% and 15% of their value on the week. On the other hand, cards that dodged reprinting are increasing, with the biggest winner being Manamorphose which doubled in price this week to about $20, making it the most expensive common in the format. While prices of Ultimate Masters cards will continue to drop over the next month or two, if you're putting together new Modern decks, try to pick up the cards that aren't in Ultimate Masters soon. They could see an increase in price thanks to new demand generated by Ultimate Masters.

Finally in Standard things are mostly quiet with Niv-Mizzet, Parun being the big winner increasing 23% to about $5. We probably won't see many big changes until Ravnica Allegiance previews start the first of next year. If you want to get ahead of the game, consider picking up the cards you'll need to play Gruul, Rakdos, Azorius, Simic, and Orzhov this winter. Many are cheap, and the combination of the community being focused on Ultimate Masters and various Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales makes it a perfect time to get a head start on Ravnica Allegiance Standard.

The Price of Ultimate Masters

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Ultimate Masters is the most expensive set of all time, but are the complaints about the MSRP increase all justified? Read more

Much Abrew: Goblin Prison (Modern)

Ultimate Masters Spoiler Card: Woodfall Primus!

Ma goblin prison Woodfall

What if rather than going aggro, Goblins try to lock opponents out of the game in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

An official spoiler from Ultimate Masters! Read more

Sorry We... Put Brainwash Online Instead of These Cards (Part 10)

Cube Goldberg Machine: Thanksgiving Special

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Show your Port(al)land pride! Come and see the top 10 best things to do in Port(al)land! And keep Port(al)land weird! (Turns out, not a problem.) Read more

Taking a break from regularly scheduled articles, Drew gives thanks for some of the cube cards in his life. Read more

Free-To-Play Fish: Dimir Walk The Plank

Walk the plant

Y'arrrrgh. Its TheAsianAvenger and he's here for your treasure!! Read more

Against the Odds: Forced Fruition (Modern)

Vintage 101: Shopping for Dummies

Forced fruition Shopping

What are the odds of winning with a deck built around Forced Fruition in Modern? Let's find out! Read more

Joe Dyer takes a look at the current incarnation of Workshop Aggro in Vintage Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: UW Artifacts (Standard, Arena)

Uw artifacts

Can an artifact deck work in Guilds of Ravnica Standard without all the powerful rotated artifacts from Kaladesh block?Read more

Free-To-Play Fish: Boros Strength In Numbers (Standard, Arena)

Commander Clash S5 E19: Mono-Black Week! (Phage vs. Geth vs. Ob Nixilis vs. Marrow-Gnawer)

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TheAsianAvenger needs us all grouped up and ready to take down our opponents! Come join the him in the Arena! Read more

The crew all builds a different version of Mono-Black. Who will prevail? Read more

No Man's Land (Izzet Land Destruction, Standard, Arena) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 198: Goldfish Origins & Ultimate Masters

Izzet land destruction stream highlights Podcast white

Is it possible to get a flawless victory in Standard? Read more

Seth and Richard are joined by a special guest, new Goldfish contributor Crim, to discuss their Magic origins and Ultimate Masters! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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