Weekly Update (Nov 15): Turbo Turns, Holiday Gift Guide, C15 Giveaway
MOCS Update and Promos |
Wizards announced changes to the Magic online Championship Series this week. The tldr is you no longer get promos for each 15 QPs you earn. You can save up QPs throughout the year and enter Monthly Qualifiers which give you access to Quarterly Playoffs (and a special promo Liliana of the Veil), which then feeds into the annual Magic Online Championship. The bad news is the monthly tournaments give the same promo throughout the entire year (Lightning Bolt).
2015 Holiday Gift Guide |
We've updated our Holiday Gift Guide for 2015! Be sure to share with your friends and family to maximize your chances of getting a Magic-related gift this year! Read more
Budget Magic: $57 (22 tix) Turbo Turns Standard |
Have you ever wanted to take all the turns? Well, now you can!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
The biggest financial news of the week is Ugin, the Spirit Dragon jumping another 23 percent to over $41. This means that over the past month, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is up 32 percent, from $28 to $41. This is based on the emergence of Eldrazi decks in Standard, a trend that is likely to continue with more Eldrazi coming in Oath of the Gatewatch this winter. The bigger question is what should you do with your copies moving forward, as we are heading towards rotation which is almost exactly five months from today. A quick look at Karn Liberated shows that rotation didn't hurt a bit. While this might be optimistic for Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, considering Karn Liberated sees significantly more play in Modern, I would expect Ugin, the Spirit Dragon to hold up better than most rotating mythics. While a dip this spring is likely, this will likely be a temporary speed bump. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ugin, the Spirit Dragon at or above its current price a year from now.
Several Commander 2015 cards show up on this week's list of most viewed cards. While a few are holding their value, set-wide the decline has been massive. On November 10th, the combined value of the 500 cards in the set was $455. Today it is down to $304, a 33 percent decrease in only five days. The one winner in the bunch is Mystic Confluence which is maintaining a $10 price tag and a buylist price of $8.10, good for an extremely solid 17 percent spread. While there are a handful of other new cards sitting between $5 and $6.50 (Karlov of the Ghost Council, Meren of Clan Nel Toth, Blade of Selves and Magus of the Wheel), they all have spread between 40 and 50 percent, making it likely they drop more in the coming weeks as supply continues to filter into the market.
Finally, this week marks the start of Legendary Cube drafts on Magic Online. It also marks the release of Legendary Cube Prize Boosters which are awarded for performing well in the events. These boosters contain cards from all the Commander sets and Conspiracy, but of special importance is Commander 2015. Since the Commander 2015 decks will not be solid in the store, these prize boosters are the only way these cards will enter the Magic Online market. The question is, what will the supply of these cards look like? Considering that Swiss drafts award four prize boosters and Single Elimination award six, let's assume that an average of five boosters are awarded each draft. Since each pack contains one rare (or mythic) and there are 63 rares and 16 mythic in the "set," it will take just over 12 drafts for one copy of each new Commander 2015 card to enter the system (since all mythics from the paper set are rares online), while it will take just over 25 drafts for a copy of each mythic (including True-Name Nemesis, Dack Fayden and the Commander 2014 planeswalkers) to enter the market. While I can't say for sure, I expect that this represents a significant increase in supply compared to the old system where the decks were purchased from the store for full MRSP. It will likely mean low prices for eternal staples like True-Name Nemesis and Toxic Deluge, as well as comparatively low prices for the new cards from Commander 2015.
Can't Miss Articles |
Financial Review of Commander 2015 |
What does the financial future of Commander 2015 have in store? Let's discuss!Read more
Commander Review: Commander 2015 (Part 1) |
Commander Review: Commander 2015 (Part 2) |
Let's review the White, Blue, Black, and Red cards from Commander 2015. Read more |
Reviewing Green, Multicolor, Artifacts, and Lands from Commander 2015. Read more |
83K Games of Battle for Zendikar Limited Analyzed |
The recent batch of statistics for Battle for Zendikar Limited is now available!Read more
Against the Odds: Modern Land Death |
Vintage 101: Grizzly Bears and Workshops |
What are the odds of winning with a dedicated, one-for-one Land Death deck in Modern? Let's find out! Read more |
Let's take a look at some non-blue Vintage decks! Read more |
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: