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Weekly Update (May 20): Guilds of Ravnica, Global Series

Announcement Day: Guilds of Ravnica and More!

Announcement day

Wizards announced a bunch of upcoming products today. Here's the the future has in store!Read more

Budget Magic: $76 (41 tix) UR Auras (Standard)

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Can Valduk, Keeper of the Flame and Champion of the Flame make a Bogles-esque deck in Dominaria Standard?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Thrashing Brontodon Hallowed Fountain Spore Frog

This week has been mostly quiet in Standard. Dominaria still hasn't dropped in price and at this point it might not have a significant decline until after the Pro Tour in two weeks. The biggest winner of the week was Thrashing Brontodon which increased more than 200% to about $3.50. Make sure to dig through your Ixalan bulk for copies; the card will likely remain important in Standard at least until Kaladesh rotates this fall.

Perhaps the biggest news of the week is the announcement that we'll be returning to Ravnica for a third time. While in theory this means anything from the first two Ravnica blocks could be reprinted, perhaps the most likely reprint are the shocklands. The Return to Ravnica versions are currently between $10 and $20, which means it's likely that at least some of the more expensive members of the cycle will decrease at least a little bit if they do get reprinted. If you already own shocks, hold onto them to use in Standard. Even if prices come down, when you take into account the spread between buy and sell prices, you're unlikely to come out ahead by selling now and rebuying this fall.

Finally, Pauper cards are still spiking every now and then with the latest being Spore Frog, which has more than doubled in the past couple weeks from about $2.00 to $4.50. If you have a big collection of older cards, it's worth digging through it for Pauper staples; you'd be surprised at how quickly the commons add up to a real and meaningful amount of value.

Magic Arena: Answers and More Questions

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Six months ago, we asked six questions about Magic Arena. How have they been answered, and what's next heading toward wide release?Read more

Much Abrew: Mox and Taxes (Modern)

Deep Tracks: Nantuko Shade ~ Dread Shade

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Can Mox Amber facilitate a new legendary-heavy build of Death and Taxes? Let's find out! Read more

Nantuko Shade dominated Magic in 2002. Now that Dread Shade has emerged, will we see a resurgence of Mono Black archetypes? Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: Firesong and Sunspeaker Control (Arena)

Firesong sunspeaker control

Magic Arena is overflowing with aggro decks. Is Firesong and Sunspeaker the perfect card to punish the Arena meta?Read more

Against the Odds: Naya Helm of the Host (Standard)

Rough Drafts: Dominaria II

Naya helm of the host Rought drafts dominaria part2

What are the odds of winning with a deck built around Helm of the Host in Standard? Let's find out! Read more

One of the unique aspects of Dominaria is the triple-colored mana three-drop cycle. Can they work in limited? Read more

This Week in Legacy: GP Birmingham

Commander Clash S4 Episode 30 (Sort Of): Muldrotha vs. Gonti vs. Marwyn vs. Jori En

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Sean runs down the recent Legacy portion of GP Brimingham! Read more

Can Muldrotha redeem itself if given the chance? Read more

Feline Ferocity (Four-Color Copy Cat, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 172: GP Birmingham and Pricing, Brawl Changes, Commander Anthology 2

4 color copy cat stream highlights Podcast white

How does the former best combo in Standard work in Modern? Check out the stream highlight! Read more

The crew discusses the first big Dominaria Standard tournament, the increasing cost of Grand Prix and the Commander Anthology 2 deck list... Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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