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Weekly Update (Mar 4): Masters 25 Complete Spoilers

Masters 25 Spoilers

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The complete Masters 25 spoilers were released this week. The set is jammed pack with nostalgia with many iconic cards from Magic's history. Check out all the Masters 25 spoilers at, or you can check out our Daily Spoilers video with commentary from SaffronOlive:

Budget Magic: $100 (60 tix) Mono-Green Land Destruction (Modern)

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Let's lock some opponents out of playing Magic with Plow Under, Eternal Witness, and Stampeding Serow!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

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The big finance news this week is Masters 25, which has been one of the more controversial Masters sets in a long time. We'll have a full EV breakdown next week, but as of right now, the set looks to have a reasonable amount of value. The question is how much value the set will have two weeks or two months from now, since many of the most expensive cards like Filterlands and Imperial Recruiter are expensive more because they have low supply than because they have high demand. If you are looking to pick up cards from the set, wait a month or two for prices to drop and you'll save a nice chunk of money.

Meanwhile in Modern, the biggest winners are cards that people thought might be reprinted in Masters 25, but dodged a reprinting in the set. The biggest is Through the Breach which jumped 55% to $70, but Dark Confidant, Mox Opal, Karn Liberated, and Liliana of the Veil all posted meaningful increases as well. If you need these cards for your Modern deck, you might just have to pick them up regardless of the cost. But be warned: All of these cards will be reprinted eventually, quite possibly within the next year.

Finally, the new Challenger Decks are selling at or below their $30 MSRP... if you buy all four decks together. The problem here is that when stores buy the decks they need to order them in sets of four (one of each), which means there's a real risk that supply will run low on the red deck with Hazoret the Fervent and Chandra, Torch of Defiance, while some of the less in-demand decks will be stuck cluttering up LGS shelves. As a result, some stores might price the red deck above MSRP and the other decks at or below MSRP to try to even out sales. This happened in the past with the True-Name (em>Nemesis</em) Mind Seize Commander deck and Wizards fix the problem by allowing reorders that consisted primarily of Mind Seize (with less of the other decks). It might be worth it for Wizards to take a similar tactic with the Challenger Decks if there's a shortage of the red decks.

Reprint Equity, Masters Sets and Booster Pricing


What does the unbanning of Jace and move away from format-specific Masters sets have to do with reprint equity? Let's discuss!Read more

Much Abrew: 8 Whack Goblins (Modern)

Exclusive Masters 25 Preview: Blood Moon

8 whack Masters 25 blood moon

Will 8 Whack Goblins perform better than the RB Aether Vial build we played yesterday? Let's find out! Read more

Have you been wishing for some free wins in Modern, but having a hard time getting the cards you need? Check out our M25 preview! Read more

Possibility Storm: Rivals of Ixalan #5

Brewer's Minute: 10 Commander Combos—Blue

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Can you find the right line to win this turn? Read more

Looking for some combos to spice up your mono-blue Commander decks? Here are some ideas! Read more

Against the Odds: Starfield Paradox (Modern)

Starfield paradox

What are the odds of winning with Paradox Haze in Modern? We're about to find out!Read more

Commander Clash S4 Episode 19: Jank Tribal! (Birds vs. Chairs vs. Ladies Looking Left vs. Fungi)

They're Always After Me (Lucky Charms, Modern) – Stream Highlights

S4e20   jank tribal   thumbnail Lucky charms stream highlights

The crew channel their inner Richard in this Jank Tribal episode! Read more

How many Charms it too many with Bloodbraid Elf in Modern? Check out the stream highlight. Read more

Podcast 161: Jace, Challenger Decks, Masters 25

Podcast white

The crew discuss the new Jace Modern, Challenger Decks, and the first batch of Masters 25 spoilers.Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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