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Weekly Update (Mar 3): Modern Horizons Previews

Modern Horizons Spoilers

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Wizards announced Modern Horizons this week, a new set that introduces cards directly into Modern (and older formats) skipping Standard. The set will contain a mixture of new cards and new-to-Modern cards. The set releases June 14. Check out the Modern Horizons spoilers at, and check out the important highlights of the set from SaffronOlive:

Rent Any Deck on Magic Online

Cardhoarder loan program

Rent any deck/cards on Magic Online!Read more

Budget Magic: $95 (10 tix) Rakdos Shamans (Modern, Magic Online)

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Can Judith, the Scourge Diva revitalize the Shaman tribe in Modern in a straight Rakdos shell? Let's find out!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Serra the Benevolent Mox Amber Scalding Tarn

This biggest finance news of the week was the announcement of Modern Horizons; a set that will release in June and contains a mixture of new cards and new-to-Modern reprints that skips Standard and puts cards straight into Modern (as well as other eternal formats). Here there are a couple of financial considerations. First, keep an eye out for Legacy and Vintage cards that will be reprinted and enter Modern for the first time. If we get a staple or two, the original printings could spike in price thanks to the increase in demand. Second, if any Modern Horizons cards are good enough to create new archetypes (or turn tier three decks into tier one decks), the existing pieces of these decks will be on the rise.

In Standard, the biggest winner this week was Mox Amber which jumped 48% to $15. While there was one Bant Midrange list that managed to 5-0 playing the artifact, the increase seems to be mostly based on War of the Spark speculation. If the set is overflowing with planeswalkers, this gives us a bunch more legends to power up Mox Amber. Personally, I'm still not sold. The main problem with Mox Amber isn't that we don't have enough ways to turn it on, it's that most of the good legends are three or more mana, which makes Mox Amber slow. This said, if the planeswalkers in War of the Spark are not just powerful but also cheap, it's certainly possible a Mox Amber deck could develop making Mox Amber spike even more.

Finally in Modern, Scalding Tarn is back up to $100, which is close to an all-time high (it hit $110 for a short time in January 2016). With Modern Masters 2017 now two years in the past, the impact of the reprinting is starting to fade and we'll soon need another reprinting to keep the price in check. The question is, without Masters sets, where can Wizards reprint the fetchlands? Unfortunately, at this point there's isn't a clear answer, especially since Modern Horizons won't have any current Modern reprints. For now, the options are either to bite the bullet and buy your fetchlands now or make due with less than optimal Khans of Tarkir fetches until we eventually get another reprint of the Zendikar cycle.

Much Abrew: Gate Worship Walls (Modern, Magic Online)

Modern Mayhem: Esperits (Modern, Magic Online)

Ma gate worship Esper spirits  1

Can a pile of Gates and defenders plus Worship to jank the opponent out of the game work in Modern? Let's see! Read more

We all know how spooky Spirits are in Modern but what if we add black instead of green? Read more

Series TBD: Aluren (Legacy, Magic Online)

Kicking it like a Middle-Schooler

Aluren Middle schooler format

Legacy is pretty awesome, so let's play it! Today, we're checking out one of the most unique combo decks in the format: Aluren! Read more

Joe Dyer talks about one of his new favorite formats known as Middle School! Prep your pencils and schoolbooks! Read more

Budget Arena: Mardu Humanz

Pauper Primer: Control

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Humans are great in Modern. But how would they work in Standard? Let's find out! Read more

ArmchairGeneral (John Moyer) gives an introduction to the pauper metagame, specifically control decks. Read more

Against the Odds: Four-Color "Horses" (Modern, Magic Online)

4 c horses

What are the odds of winning with Crested Sunmare and a bunch of "horses" in Modern? Let's find out!Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: Smothering Storm (Standard, Magic Arena)

Vintage 101: The Innovators

Smothering storm Vintage 101 innovators

Can we make so many Treasure and Soldier tokens that we break Magic Arena? Let's find out! Read more

Joe Dyer talks about innovation in Vintage, in addition to interviewing some key innovators of the format. Read more

Fish Five-0: Green Deck Wins (Standard, Magic Arena)

Modern Horizons Spoilers — March 1, 2019 | Serra Planeswalker

Green deck wins Modern horizons daily spoilers   march 1

As my family would say "It's time for your greens!" Well let's see if that rings true with the meta as we try a Stompy playstyle! Read more

A new Modern-legal set is announced and Serra finally gets a Planeswalker card! Read more

Commander Clash S6 E3: Commander 2018! (Aminatou vs. Estrid vs. Saheeli vs. Windgrace)

Commander clash 2019 week3

Better late than never! Here's our frist C18 episode!Read more

Walkers at the Gates of Dawn (GateWalkers, Standard) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 212: Mythic Championship Cleveland & New Mulligan Rule

Gatewalkers stream highligths Podcast white

Are planeswalkers better than traditional Gate payoffs? Read more

The crew breaks down Mythic Championship Cleveland and debates a new mulligan rule being tested in Modern at Mythic Championship London i... Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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