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Weekly Update (Jun 3): Pro Tour Dominaria Decklists

Pro Tour Dominaria: By the Numbers

Pro tour dominaria wrap up

Pro Tour Dominaria is in the books, which means it's time to break down the decks and cards by the numbers!Read more

Budget Magic: $98 (57 tix) Thunderous Wizards (Modern)

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Can some of the powerful new Wizards from Dominaria help the tribe work in Modern?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Goblin Chainwhirler Fiery Gambit Karplusan Minotaur

The biggest finance news comes from Pro Tour Dominaria, which wrapped up today. While we didn't see any absurd spikes, the big lesson from the event is that Mono-Red and Red-Black Aggro are the best decks in the format by a big margin and prices of cards in these decks are creeping up. Goblin Chainwhirler, for example, the most-played card at the event, increased 28% to $7. Rekindling Phoenix and Hazoret the Fervent also gained slightly today. What this means for the long term is less clear, especially with rotation in 124 days and a lot of the key pieces to red-based aggro rotating. If you're not playing the deck, you might as well sell into the hype in preparation for rotation. While RB and Mono-Red could still be played this fall, that's not a sure thing.

Meanwhile in casual formats, we saw the continued buyouts of coin flip cards this week based on the new coin flip commanders in Battlebond (Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom and Okaun, Eye of Chaos]]. Fiery Gambit and Karplusan Minotaur both jumped almost 200% into the $10 range and Stitch in Time also increasing. The lesson here is to get your commander cards early during spoiler season, because when a new archetype is supported, weird old cards double and triple in price based on the rush of players buying them for their new Commander decks.

Finally, this week saw an increased focus on Reserved List cards in the form of a YouTube video from a popular YouTuber. If you need any Reserved List cards for casual play or eternal formats, you should probably buy them as soon as possible. Prices keep going up, and if you don't pick up cards soon, you risk being priced out of some sweet old cards. While not many players need thousands of dollars of power nine cards, there are quite a few Commander staples in the $20 range which will likely be $40 or $50 before long.

Pro Tour Dominaria: Day One Wrap Up

Pro Tour Dominaria: Day Two Wrap Up

Pro tour dominaria day1 Pro tour dominaria day2

What happened at day one of Pro Tour Dominaria? Let's break it down! Read more

What happened on day two of Pro Tour Dominaria? Let's break it down! Read more

Much Abrew: Fauna's End (Modern)

Buying Battlebond: The Conspiracy Model

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Can a deck that looks at home in Commander, with a ton of one-ofs, work in Modern with the help of Fauna Shaman and Living End? Read more

Battlebond has a ton of sweet reprints and spicy new cards, but when is the best time to buy them? Let's discuss! Read more

Against the Odds: Nabanamonicon (Standard)


What are the odds of Naban, Dean of Iteration (and Panharmonicon) winning in Dominaria Standard? Let's find out!Read more

Deep Tracks: Darigaaz

Magic Arena Metagame, Collection, and Superbrew

Darigaaz the igniter thumb Mtggoldfish featured

Darigaaz has returned to lead us into battle on the plane of Dominaria! Things are heating up as we head to Legacy, Modern, and Standard! Read more

We now list popular Arena decks, support an Arena Collection, and Arena Superbrew. Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: WB Knights (Arena)

Goldfish gladiators bw knight

How good is the Knight tribe in the Magic Arena metagame? Let's find out!Read more

Playing Pauper: One-Land Spy

This Week in Legacy: New Archetypes

1 land spy playing pauper   57

Can a one-land combo deck actually work in Pauper? Let's find out! Read more

Sean looks at some new archetypes that have been rising in the Legacy metagame, as well as some old ones reinvented. Read more

Commander Review: Battlebond

Fish Doctor: UW Auras and Equipment (Standard)

Svetlin velinov last one standing Fish dr uw auras

Tomer is here to assist you with some Battlebond evaluations for Commander! Read more

We've got a new series featuring a sickly deck. How do we go about making it well? Let's find out! Read more

Not That Storm (Possibility Storm, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 174: Pro Tour Predictions, Battlebond Spoilers, SCG Stream

Possibility storm highlights Podcast white

Is Possibility Storm the right way to cheat Emrakul into play in Modern? Check out the stream highlight! Read more

Predictions for Pro Tour Dominaria, some Eternal and Commander picks from Battlebond, and SCG stream quality. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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