Weekly Update (Jun 19): Double Masters 2022 Previews
Double Masters 2022 Previews |
Double Masters 2022 previews are here, and this week Wizards spoiled a lot of heavy-hitter rares and mythics. Be sure to check them all out at www.mtgpreviews.com.
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance the biggest news - by far - is Double Masters 2022 spoilers. While booster boxes of the set are expensive at around $250 each, so far it seems that the set is overloaded with valuable reprints, which means it should do its primary job of bringing down the cost of important singles, which benefits everyone, whether you crack some packs or not. Like last Double Masters we're keeping a live expected value spreadsheet. While it doesn't include all of the special versions of cards, which means it likely underestimates the EV of the set by a bit, it should give a pretty decent rough estimate of how much value you should expect to get from a booster box. While the best way to handle a set like Double Masters 2022 is usually to pick up singles, if you're on the fence about buying a box (or just want to keep up on the latest price changes of the Double Masters 2022 reprints) give it a look.
Meanwhile in Modern Time Sieve is on the rise, increasing
This week in the world of Magic finance the biggest news - by far - is Double Masters 2022 spoilers. While booster boxes of the set are expensive at around $250 each, so far it seems that the set is overloaded with valuable reprints, which means it should do its primary job of bringing down the cost of important singles, which benefits everyone, whether you crack some packs or not. Like last Double Masters we're keeping a live expected value spreadsheet. While it doesn't include all of the special versions of cards, which means it likely underestimates the EV of the set by a bit, it should give a pretty decent rough estimate of how much value you should expect to get from a booster box. While the best way to handle a set like Double Masters 2022 is usually to pick up singles, if you're on the fence about buying a box (or just want to keep up on the latest price changes of the Double Masters 2022 reprints) give it a look.
Meanwhile in Modern Time Sieve is on the rise, increasing 21% this week to around $15. There's a new version of Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar Food that plays Time Sieve as a four-of in hopes of taking infinite-ish turns with the help of Academy Manufactor to make a bunch of artifact tokens each turn. The artifact keeps getting better in Commander as well thanks to the heavy support of Treasures opening up new two-card combos like Time Sieve with Bootleggers' Stash. It's risky to buy any non-Standard cards during the middle of Double Masters 2022 spoiler season - there's always a chance that Time Sieve (or just about anything else, for that matter) could be reprinted, driving down the price - but if Time Sieve manages to dodge a reprint it wouldn't be a surprise to see it continue to rise if it remains important in both Commander and Modern.
Finally this week Desecration Elemental double up from $1 to $2 thanks to Jon Irenicus, Shattered One where it's a pretty hilarious way to take advantage of Jon's ability to give an opponent a creature and make it so that creature can't be sacrificed. By itself this price movement isn't really a big deal - the Fifth Dawn rare is still just a couple of bucks - but it is a good reminder that just about any old rare has potential to spike in price in the current era of Magic where the focus is on printing unique legends for Commander. My current MTG finance theory is that the best thing you can do is buy old bulk rares that are unique, but don't really have a home. Odds are a new legend will come along to support its effect sooner or later - like Jon Irenicus, Shattered One for Desecration Elemental - and the price will spike. Worst case this never happens and your bulk rare remains bulk, which isn't much of a loss outside of a bit of opportunity cost.
21% this week to around $15. There's a new version of Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar Food that plays Time Sieve as a four-of in hopes of taking infinite-ish turns with the help of Academy Manufactor to make a bunch of artifact tokens each turn. The artifact keeps getting better in Commander as well thanks to the heavy support of Treasures opening up new two-card combos like Time Sieve with Bootleggers' Stash. It's risky to buy any non-Standard cards during the middle of Double Masters 2022 spoiler season - there's always a chance that Time Sieve (or just about anything else, for that matter) could be reprinted, driving down the price - but if Time Sieve manages to dodge a reprint it wouldn't be a surprise to see it continue to rise if it remains important in both Commander and Modern.
Finally this week Desecration Elemental double up from $1 to $2 thanks to Jon Irenicus, Shattered One where it's a pretty hilarious way to take advantage of Jon's ability to give an opponent a creature and make it so that creature can't be sacrificed. By itself this price movement isn't really a big deal - the Fifth Dawn rare is still just a couple of bucks - but it is a good reminder that just about any old rare has potential to spike in price in the current era of Magic where the focus is on printing unique legends for Commander. My current MTG finance theory is that the best thing you can do is buy old bulk rares that are unique, but don't really have a home. Odds are a new legend will come along to support its effect sooner or later - like Jon Irenicus, Shattered One for Desecration Elemental - and the price will spike. Worst case this never happens and your bulk rare remains bulk, which isn't much of a loss outside of a bit of opportunity cost.
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The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy Viewer Decks (June 12-18, 2022) |
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Single Scoop: Pyro of Precinct One (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
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