Weekly Update (Jun 13): Modern Horizons 2 EV
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Previews |
This week we got a couple of more early previews, including a powerful new Mill card. Be sure to check out mtgpreviews.com for all the latest previews!
The Expected Value of Modern Horizons 2 |
The expected value of Modern Horizons 2 is currently off the charts! Let's discuss it and answer some important questions!Read more
Budget Magic: $90 Squirrel Twin (Modern) |
Splinter Twin is back thanks to Modern Horizons 2, but like Yawgmoth's Will and Urborg, it's now mono-green and a bit squirrely!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week, most of the biggest finance news is once again related to the upcoming release of Modern Horizons 2. Percentage-wise Feasting Troll King was the biggest gainer this week, jumping a massive 568% to $4 as the centerpiece of a new Modern deck built around Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar which some people have compared to the now-banned Hogaak deck. Trailing the Throne of Eldraine rare were Arcbound Ravager (up 30% to $40) thanks to a resurgence of Affinity in Modern brought about by the artifact lands, Greater Auramancy (up 13% to $56) with Enchantress on the rise, and Pillar of the Paruns (up 25% to $25) as an important land in Niv to Light and other multi-color themed decks often powered by General Ferrous Rokiric.
As far as Modern Horizons 2 itself, Urza's Saga increased a massive 63% on the week to $42. The enchantment land has quickly proven itself to be one of the (if not the) best Modern cards from the set and is showing up across archetypes with combo (Amulet Titan), aggro-combo (Hardened Scales, Hammer Time), control (Azorius and Mono-Blue Tron), prison (Lantern Control) and aggro (Affinity) all playing it. While being a rare should help keep the price in check, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Urza's Saga continue to rise. This might make it seem like the best thing to do is pick up your copies now, but this plan comes with risk: players are already talking about a potential Urza's Saga banning, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen in the near future. Unless you desperately need Urza's Saga to play in a tournament, I'd try to wait a few weeks and see how things shake out before spending more than $150 on a playset. If you open a copy that you don't plan on playing in your Modern Horizons 2 box, I'd look to try to sell quickly.
Finally, the expected value of Modern Horizons 2 is live on the site (you can find it on the Modern price page under the sealed product section for the set). Right now, prices are off the chart with a draft booster box offering $546 in value, Set Boosters $792, and Collector Boosters a massive $1,200. However, these numbers are already trending down. When I wrote about the set's expected value on Thursday, the expected value of all the various booster boxes were around $100 higher than it is today, which is huge decline in just 72 hours. Since Modern Horizons 2 is not a limited print run set, we should see the expected value of boxes end up somewhere near the price of the box (especially for draft and set boosters) as the set is being opened. If you're thinking of picking up singles from the set, you should probably wait. There's a decent chance that the cards you want will be a lot cheaper in two or three weeks. If you are thinking of cracking a box or two, avoid draft boosters, they offer - by far - the least value. If you want to splurge, collector boosters are likely the best long-term value thanks to all the expensive special treatments you can open. If not, set boosters are strictly better than draft boosters (unless you are planning to draft) thanks to the higher odds of opening multiple rares and/or mythics in a single pack.
Commander Review: Modern Horizons 2 | Part 3 | Green, Multicolor, Colorless, Lands |
Tomer wraps up his Commander review of MH2 with Green, Multicolor, Colorless, and Land cards!Read more
The Best Answer To Voltron | Commander Clash Moment #19 |
No Voltron commander is truly safe.Read more
Podcast 332: Did Wizards Fix Universes Beyond? |
The crew discusses their first impressions of Modern with Modern Horizons 2, the domination of Izzet decks and Brainstorm in Historic, a ...Read more
Historic 101: Grixis Control |
Kolaghan's Command has arrived in Historic. TheAsianAvenger pilots his creature-heavy Grixis deck through the ladder to see how the meta responds!Read more
This Week in Legacy: Cold as Steel |
Joe Dyer dives into the return of AFFINITY to Legacy with Modern Horizons 2!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 009: Will You Pay The 1? |
Most people agree that Esper Sentinel is a pretty good Magic card. But is it good or bad for the health of the format? The crew debates t...Read more
Modern Horizons 2: Top 10 Modern Cards |
Seth and Crim count down their top 10 Modern cards from Modern Horizons 2!Read more
Against the Odds: Upheaval (Modern) |
What are the odds of winning with Upheaval now that it is legal in Modern? How many flawless victories and salty scoops can we get along the way? Let's find out!Read more
Banned and Restricted Update, June 9, 2021: Time Warp Banned |
Time Warp is banned in Historic.Read more
Single Scoop: Naya Tokens (Historic, Magic Arena) |
It's been awhile since we've had a good ol' Tokens deck so TheAsianAvenger is looking to take Intangible Virtue onto the ladder!Read more
Modern Horizons 2: Top 10 Commander Cards |
Seth and Tomer share 10 favorite Modern Horizons 2 cards for Commander!Read more
Much Abrew: Martyr's Grace, or "Good in Soul Sisters" (Modern) |
Every set there's a card Seth says might be good in Modern Soul Sisters. Every set he is wrong...until now! Can Abiding Grace and its synergy with Martyr of Sands revitalize the Modern lifegain archetype? Let's see!Read more
The Fish Tank: Modern Horizons 2 Edition (June 6-12, 2021) |
What sweet decks did viewers submit this week? Let's find out!Read more
Forgotten Realms Spoilers: How Good Is Tasha's Hideous Laughter? |
How does Tasha's Hideous Laughter compare to other powerful mill spells like Glimpse the Unthinkable in the context of Standard, Modern, Legacy and Vintage? Let's discuss the math and find out!Read more
Modern Mayhem: Esper Control |
Counterspell and so many cards have arrived in Modern and TheAsianAvenger is taking them through a league. Let's find out which cards are the truth!Read more
Tournament Center |
- gonzalo dominguez took down Insight Esports Presents: Tier 1 $5,000 Standard Open (standard) with Jeskai Cycling.
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: