Weekly Update (Jun 12): Eternal Masters Released, Legacy Decklists
mtggoldfish // Jun 13, 2016
Budget Magic: $46 (20 tix) Standard Mono-Green Aurora
Playing The Great Aurora for value is one thing, but what happens if you go all in on the sorcery's combo potential? Let's see!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive
The big finance news of the week was the release of Eternal Masters on Friday. So far, the set is reacting pretty much as expected. Overall, the set is down 5% over the past two days, but much of this is tied to the fall of Mana Crypt (down 25% on the week) and Karakas (down 18% on the week), two mythics that are essentially one-of's in every format where they are legal. This said, most cards are down slightly, and many will fall further over the next couple of weeks as supply hits the market.
In all the hype surrounding Eternal Masters, it's easy to forget that we are one week away from Eldritch Moon spoilers. It's been confirmed that the tribal themes from Shadows over Innistrad—Humans, Spirits, Werewolves/Wolves, Zombies and Vampires—will make a return, which makes some of the "tribal matters" cards from Shadows over Innistrad interesting pick ups. I still believe that cards like Olivia, Mobilized for War and Relentless Dead (both in the $5-$6 range) have enough raw power to be Standard staples, and it's possible that more tribal support in Eldritch Moon and fall rotation will combine to put these cards on the map. There's very little risk in picking up your playset now, and doing so could end up saving you a bunch of money in a few weeks or months.
Speaking of rotation, it's time to get rid of Magic Origins and Dragons of Tarkir cards that you aren't currently using. While prices have already fallen slightly, most of these cards are going to tumble significantly over the next month or two. Holding eternal playables like Collected Company and Dark Petition is reasonable, although I still expect they will be worth less come November/December than they are today. Otherwise, everything should go.
Much Abrew About Nothing: Slivers (Modern)
The winner of last week's Instant Deck Tech voting was Slivers in Modern! How does the deck play? Let's see!Read more
2016, Year of Modern Flashbacks (Part 2)
Sphinx's Revelation #8: Whose Destiny?
Everything you need to know for the second half of 2016, The Year of Modern Flashbacks! Read more
It was Urza's Destiny, now let's see if it can be yours in this week's puzzle! Read more
Budget Commander: Alesha, Who Smiles at Death ($56)
Against the Odds: Scarecrows
Alesha is a fantastic toolbox commander with an answer to any situation! Read more
We know they're good at protecting cornfields from birds, but can they compete in Modern? It's Scarecrow time! Read more
Eternal Masters: New to Pauper Countdown
Seth and Jake count down all the new to Pauper cards in Eternal Masters, from #26 to #1!Read more
Eternal Masters Instant-Speed Tricks
Playing Around Instant-Speed Tricks in Eternal Masters Limited
Eternal Masters instant speed tricks organized by color, rarity, and converted mana cost. Read more
Instant-speed creatures, removal, and pump that you need to play around in Eternal Masters limited. Read more
Eternal Masters Removal
Observations on Eternal Masters Removal
Eternal Masters removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost. Read more
How removal in Eternal Masters differs from Standard sets. Read more
Rough Drafts: Lorwyn/Lorwyn/Morningtide
Vintage 101: New York Stax Exchange
Another week of tribal insanity on our journey through Modern flashbacks. How much does Morningtide change Lorwyn draft? Let's see! Read more
This week Islandswamp talks all about the greatest paper Vintage event of the summer! Read more
Double Trouble (Blue-Red Fliers - Standard) Stream Highlights
We take to the skies with evasive threats, counterspells and burn. How did we do with this competitive budget ($80) deck?Read more
Commander Clash 22: Old School '03
Podcast 072: The Current Standard
A romp through history where only cards printed from Urza's block up to Onslaught block are allowed! Read more
The crew discusses the current state of Standard. Read more
Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:
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