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Weekly Update (Jul 9): Hour of Devastation Jank Set Review

1v1 Commander Banlist Update — July 5, 2017


Blue gets hit hard in the latest round of banlist changes for 1v1 Commander on Magic Online.Read more

Hour of Devastation Planeswalker Decklists

Nicol bolas featured

The complete decklists for the Hour of Devastation Planeswalker Decks.Read more

Budget Magic: $23 (11 tix) Mono-Blue Reservoir (Standard)

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With Aetherworks Marvel gone, is it time for Aetherflux Reservoir to rise to the top of Standard in an amazingly cheap shell?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh Intruder Alarm Dusk // Dawn

The biggest finance news of the week is Hour of Devastation. Now that the full set is out and the numbers are crunched, it's clear that the set is one of the lowest value sets of recent years. This means a couple of things: First, buying sealed product is a bad deal from a finance perspective, which means lower supply and the chance for higher prices over the long run. Second, buying singles early isn't a horrible idea. Prices for most cards in the set are already so low that it's hard to imagine them dropping too much after the set releases.

As for the rest of the Magic world, the biggest news of the week was the buyout of Intruder Alarm, which managed to top eight a Modern IQ in a Combo Elves deck. This caused the enchantment to more than double up to about $12. As a unique effect and key piece of a ton of casual combos, it wouldn't be surprising to see this price stick or even rise further in coming months. With only two printings and the last one being in 8th Edition, it's more surprising that Intruder Alarm was only $5 until last week.

As far as Standard, the big winner was Dusk // Dawn which increased 26%, but is still less than a dollar. WU Oketra's Monument was the breakout deck of last weekend's SCG Invitational and is putting up a lot of results online, and Dusk // Dawn is an important part of the deck as both a one-sided wrath and a card advantage engine. While it remains to be seen if WU Monument will stick around in Hour of Devastation Standard, even if it doesn't, it wouldn't be a surprise to see another Dusk // Dawn list develop in the future now that the power of the card is clear.

Hour of Devastation: Jank Set Review

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Most set reviews focus on the best cards from a set, but what happens if you flip this paradigm on its head? Let's see!Read more

Much Abrew: Black Burn (Modern)

Against the Odds: Chromantiflayer Worship (Modern)

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Generally, we think of burn as red-based, but what happens if we turn our Lava Spikes into Bumps in the Night? Read more

What are the odds of winning in Modern with Chromanticore (backed by Soulflayer and Worship)? Let's figure it out! Read more

Hour of Devastation Printable Price Sheet

Hour of Devastation: Underrated and Overrated Cards for Prerelease

Featured imminent doom Hod prerelease

Grab a printable price sheet for your Hour of Devastation prerelease! Read more

Today we shift our focus from constructed to talk about some cards to look our for (and be wary of) for your prerelease this weekend! Read more

This Week in Legacy: Rediscovered Potential and an Interview with LewisCBR

Commander Review: Hour of Devastation Part 1 (White, Blue, Black)

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Sean runs through a few cards that are getting a little more attention, as well as interviews Legacy trophy leader LewisCBR! Read more

Sphinxes, Horses, and Cycling, oh my! Part 1 of the HOD Commander Review has arrived! Read more

Brewer's Minute: Seven Hour of Devastation Combos for Modern

Bm 7 hod combos

Hour of Devastation might not be the most powerful set in Standard, but it has a lot of combo potential in Modern!Read more

Commander Clash S3 Episode 14: Personal Commander

Podcast 129: Hour of Devastation, Standard, Modern

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Sit back, relax, and let us tell you a little bit about ourselves over a fun game of Commander! Read more

With Richard busy fixing the site, Chaz and Seth discuss the full Hour of Devastation spoiler and the newfound health of Standard and Mod... Read more

It's Raining Atogs and Colossi (Fling Colossus, Standard) – Stream Highlights

Fling colossus highlights

While we wait for Hour of Devastation, let's throw some Metalwork Colossi at our opponents!Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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