Weekly Update (Jul 23): Commander Masters Decklists and Upgrades
Commander Masters Previews |
This week was saw the four Commander Masters Commander decks, which each included 10 new cards. Be sure to check out the decklists below and check out our upgrade guides!
- Commander Masters Spoilers — July 17 | Preconstructed Commander Cards
- Commander Masters Commander Decklists
- Commander Masters Spoilers — July 18 | Superfriends Support
- Commander Masters Spoilers — July 19 | Enduring Enchantments New Cards
- Commander Masters Spoilers — July 20 | Eldrazi Support!
- Commander Masters Spoilers — July 21 | Complete Previews
Commander Masters Commander Decklists |
Here are the Commander decklists for Commander Masters!Read more
"Sliver Swarm" Precon Upgrade Guide | Commander Masters |
Transform your Sliver precon into an optimized powerhouse with this $50 upgrade guide!Read more
"Planeswalker Party" Precon Upgrade Guide | Commander Masters |
Juice up this Superfriends precon with an optimized $50 upgrade path!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week was a busy one in the world of Magic finance, mostly thanks to Commander Masters. Oddly, one of the biggest gainers of the week was the Lord of the Rings rare Sauron's Ransom which shot up more than 200% to over $7. The mini-Fact or Fiction (or upgraded Divination, depending on who you ask) has started showing up in control decks in both Modern and Legacy, leading to the price increase. Whether Sauron's Ransom continues to see play has been hotly debated. Combine this with the fact that we know more Lord of the Rings will be printed this fall, I'd lean towards digging any copies you happen to have from your bulk and trying to move them while they are expensive. Its long-term future is unclear.
Meanwhile the Commander Masters precons are having a huge impact on card prices. More specifically, the cards that were missing from the Commander Masters precons are shooting up in price. The clearest example of this are the five-color legendary Slivers that weren't reprinted in the Sliver precon. The First Sliver shot up 73% to $45, Sliver Legion (Secret Lair Extra Life 2022 - Said) 76% to $41 and the Sliver land Sliver Hive jumped a massive 204% to $38. The biggest lesson here is likely to not expect too much from Commander precons - even expensive ones. We've known for months that there would be a Sliver precon, but buying cards like Sliver Legion (Secret Lair Extra Life 2022 - Said) and Sliver Hive felt risky because they could show up in the premium-priced precon. Well, it turns out that precons that sell for $80 or even $140 look a lot like precons that sell for $25 or $40, with both having very few high end cards. Next time this happens, it seems like the smart move is to buy the expensive upgrades early because the odds that Wizards actually reprints them in the decks is pretty low.
The same is mostly true of various Eldrazi which are obvious upgrades for the Zhulodok, Void Gorger deck. Emrakul, the Promised End nearly doubled in price to $75, Void Winnower crept up 14% to $11, and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre gained 12% to just under $30. The Emrakul spike is especially problematic because the 13-drop does see some play in Pioneer and Modern, causing the $75 price tag to impact a lot of players. While selling now while prices are high makes sense, exactly where Wizards can reprint Emrakul, the Promised End is unclear. If you think you might need copies to play with, I'd probably hold because little Emrakul might be expensive for quite a while.
Podcast 442: Is It Worth Buying a Box of Commander Masters? |
The crew discusses Commander Masters, when Pioneer will finally make it to Arena, how they would rebalance some cards for Historic and mo...Read more
Single Scoop: Making Interactive Decks Pay Taxes |
Are you tired of interaction ruining your plans? Great! Let's hunt interactive players on the ladder and ruin their day with tax effects like Defense Grid and More!!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 104: Must-Kill Commanders |
The crew discusses the biggest must-kill commanders and the best strategies to take them down!Read more
Against the Odds: The One Ring, but Infinite | Historic |
The One Ring is busted when played fairly, but what if you play it UNfairly?Read more
Single Scoop: Scry, Scry My Darling |
Scrying is a new mechanic that is attached to elves in the Lord of the Rings expansion and we're fully looking to team Arwin and Elrond up. I also threw Gollum in there because I can,Read more
Oops, All Nazguls! | Commander Clash S15E7 |
Each of us bring a Commander deck built around the 9 Nazguls!Read more
Much Abrew: 2013 Modern Jund vs. 2023 MTG Arena |
Thanks to Historic Anthology 7, we can now (almost) build a 2013 Modern Jund—one of the most iconic and powerful decks in Modern's history—on Magic Arena. But can it compete with a decade of power creep? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Using Aragorn to Unite Historic |
Aragorn, the Uniter and bard Class?! Sign us up as getting Aragorn for cheap sounds like the value we love in this hilariously greedy deck >:3Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: