Weekly Update (Jul 17): 100 Rhinos
Budget Magic: $94 Cycling Gifts (Pioneer) |
Today, we're mashing together three of my favorite things in Pioneer—Hollow One, Cycling, and God-Pharaoh's Gift—with a super-cheap Pioneer brew from Thyshuffler!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, the biggest news is Double Masters 2022. In the last week prices of singles from the set have stopped falling and some of the best cards in the set - Dockside Extortionist, Force of Negation, Mana Drain and friends - have already started to increase in price. Draft box prices seem to have stabilized at around $340. I recently updated the EV spreadsheet, and the expected value of a box (discounting foils and borderless cards) is just over $300, which means that cracking boxes isn't really profitable at current prices. When you add all of this together, it seems unlikely that prices - especially those of the chase mythics in the set - are going to fall much more. If you've been waiting for prices to drop to get the singles you need, the time has come.
Outside of Double Masters 2022, the biggest winner of the week was Tower of the Magistrate which tripled up from under $15 to to $45 as the result of a buyout. While the land does occasionally see fringe Legacy play as answer to equipment like Batterskull (giving the Germ token protection from artifacts makes Batterskull itself fall off), it seems the main reason for the buyout it that the card got a shout out on a recent Command Zone podcast as one of the most obscure and underrated cards for Commander. While I guess I could see running Tower of the Magistrate in a Commander playgroup that is particularly equipment heavy, there are so many good colorless lands today that it seems hard to find room for Tower of the Magistrate in most decks. Unless you have some very specific need for the land, I'd wait until it eventually gets reprinted (and crashes in price) to pick up a copy.
Finally, Dragon's Approach is on the rise, climbing about 20% on the week to $2.50. Dragon's Approach is a fairly unique card - alongside Shadowborn Apostle, Relentless Rats and Persistent Petitioners - it's one of the few cards that allows you to play any number of copies in your deck. This means if you want to build around these cards, you're going to need a lot of them, which helps these commons maintain a relatively high price for their rarity. My theory is that the reprinting of Thrumming Stone (one of the easiest ways to combo with these cards) in Double Masters 2022, which dropped its price from nearly $60 to $10, is driving the interest in Dragon's Approach and friends. Four Thrumming Stones and a bunch of Dragon's Approach is a hilarious and sometimes slightly effective meme strategy, but it's difficult for most players to spend $240 on a playset of Thrumming Stone to build a deck that's essentially a joke. Now, with a playset of Thrumming Stone just $40 (and falling), it's much more realistic to build for a laugh. Keep an eye on the rest of the "you may play any number" cards as well. While Dragon's Approach might be the best of the bunch, they all work the same way with Thrumming Stone and could see a demand increase as well.
100 Rhinos in Modern | The Biggest (Literally) Brain Brew |
34 Siege Rhinos wasn't enough. Neither was 35 Siege Rhinos, so today we have the biggest brain brew yet: 100 Siege Rhino Battle of Wits for Modern!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 051: Top 8 Mistakes To Avoid In Commander |
The crew discusses the top mistakes to avoid in Commander.Read more
Single Scoop: The Great Antiquities War (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
Do you remember the Antiquities War? Well, TheAsianAvenger is going to take you down memory lane for a history lesson!Read more
This Week in Legacy: The July Metagame Update |
Joe Dyer dives into the current state of the Legacy Metagame with a metagame update!Read more
Single Scoop: 5C Binder Punch (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
An Enigmatic Incarnation deck sounds exactly like the fun 5 color adventure we're trying to go on!Read more
Much Abrew: Gyruda Combo (Explorer) |
So far, there haven't been many combo decks in Explorer. Can Gyruda, Doom of Depths be the Goblin Charbelcher of the format, where you win if you count to six? Let's find out!Read more
Richard Week | Commander Clash S12 E22 |
The crew builds Richard-style decks to end the season!Read more
The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy Viewer Decks (July 10-16, 2022) |
What sweet decks did viewers send in this week? Let's find out!Read more
Podcast 389: The Technology for Coverage is Here |
The crew discusses Alchemy bannings, Fortnite coming to Magic and community-lead coverage showing off a huge Modern $30k in Syracuse befo...Read more
Single Scoop: The 140 Card Special (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
Lets push the limits of cards in our deck while also playing Harmless Offering Read more
Tournament Center |
- Paweł Kardyś took down $500 Cash GGtoor M:TG Arena Duel #16 (FREE!) (standard) with Boros Aggro.
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: