Weekly Update (Jul 02): Magic the Way Tolkien Intended
Secret Lair Spoilers — June 26 | Summer Superdrop 2023 |
Seven new Secret Lair drops including Lord of the Rings!Read more
Lord of the Rings Precon Battle! | Commander Clash S15E4 |
The crew bust out the new LOTR precons for a battle!Read more
Budget Magic: Rosie's Infinite Squirrel Combo (14 Rare, Historic) |
Is making infinite Squirrels with Rosie Cotton and Scurry Oak a legit plan in Historic on just a 14 rare budget? Let's find out!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, all of the biggest news is tied to the release of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth. Let's start with The One Ring (extended) itself. While the 1 of 1 version has apparently been found which will hopefully bring down the price of sealed product for those looking to crack some booster packs. The biggest news is that the normal version of The One Ring (extended) is quite expensive. In paper it climbed 22% this week to $67 while on Magic Online it briefly spiked to $130 before falling back to $75. Why is there so much demand for the mythic artifact? Well it turns out the card is really, really good in Modern, to the point where many are expecting that it will eventually need to be banned. The One Ring (extended) is showing up across archetypes. While 4C Omnath and various Tron decks are the most obvious home, over the past week we've seen White Weenie, Burn, Sacrifice, Reanimator, UW Control, and more post finishes with The One Ring (extended). While we will have to wait and see if this high level of play continues, it currently looks like a format defining card. If you need a copy, keep an eye out for the Lord of the Rings bundle (formerly fat pack), which comes with a promo The One Ring (extended) and, with a bit of luck, can be found for about the same price as buying The One Ring (extended) as a single, giving you eight set boosters, a sweet spindown, and more as a free bonus.
Meanwhile in the world of Commander, sagas like Kiora Bests the Sea God (up 99% to $8.25 this week) are on the rise thanks to Tom Bombadil (showcase) - currently the most popular new legend from the set according to EDHRec. Over the short term the best path forward is likely to snag the sagas and enchantment support cards you need soon before they potentially see a price increase. More importantly, over the long term the big lesson here is that players love five-color legends with a unique theme. We saw the same thing happen with Go-Shintai of Life's Origins back in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty. Next time a new build-around five-color commander gets previewed, snag the pieces you need for the deck right away and you'll likely save yourself a lot of money.
Last but not least, the commander precon rare Forth Eorlingas! saw a huge price increase this week shooting up from $6 to $20 as it finds various homes in Legacy. The monarch is a powerful mechanic and Forth Eorlingas! is one of the cheapest ways to take the crown while also offering some late-game upside thanks to its token production. This has lead to the enchantment finding a home in Boros Initiative decks in Legacy as well as some Delver builds and even Jeskai Control in Vintage! We've seen in the past that commander precon cards that take off in 60 card formats can end up quite expensive; see True-Name Nemesis. Although with Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth expected to be in-print for the next two years, at least over the short term, prices seem more likely to fall than rise. If you're looking for a way to snag a Lord of the Rings commander precon on the cheap, snag the Eowyn, Shieldmaiden deck and sell or trade away your copy of Forth Eorlingas! to recoup some of the cost.
Against the Odds: Magic the Way Tolkien Intended |
What are the odds of winning with a single Frodo, Sauron's Bane attack, with the help of a motley crew of Ring-tempting Lord of the Rings cards? Let's find out!Read more
Podcast 439: The One Ring to Rule Modern |
The crew gives their first impression of Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth, discusses some new Modern brews and answers #MTGFishmail.Read more
Single Scoop: Bowmasters' Fevered Vision (Historic) |
Orcish Bowmasters, Fevered Visions, Sheoldred, and Wheels? Oh yeah, this is going to be one hell of a good time!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 101: Lord of the Rings Tier List A-G |
We rank all the Lord of the Rings legendary creatures on how good they would be in the command zone! With over 120 new options, this will...Read more
This Week in Legacy: The Rise of the Orcs |
Joe Dyer dives into the impact of Orcish Bowmasters the first weekend of LOTR legality on MTGO!Read more
Vintage 101: One Ring to Rule |
Joe Dyer dives into the first weekend of Vintage with LOTR on MTGO!Read more
"Riders of Rohan" Precon LOTR-Only Upgrades! (And Bonus Regular Upgrades) |
Optimize the Lord of the Rings Human Monarch deck with this thorough guide!Read more
Single Scoop: Amassing an Army |
Amass was a pretty bad mechanic last time it was in standard but now we've got a ton of Amass support! Lets see if we can get our army going!Read more
Much Abrew: Forge Anew Reanimator (Modern) |
Can the new Lord of the Rings rare Forge Anew make massive equipment like Argentum Armor, Kaldra Complete, and...gulp...Worldslayer playable in Modern? Let's find out!Read more
The Power of Pauper: Time for Second Breakfast! |
Joe Dyer dives into Food related items with Pauper and LOTR on MTGO!Read more
Single Scoop: Palantir of Orthanc Is One of the Cards of All Time |
Thanks to Prince Imrahil and Palantir of Orthanc, we get to put our opponents in a position to let us draw cards or else they'll take a ton of damage!Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were:
- The One Ring (The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth)
- Orcish Bowmasters (The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth)
- The One Ring (The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth)
- The One Ring (The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth)
- Delighted Halfling (The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth)