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Weekly Update (Jan 13): Complete Ravnica Allegiance Spoiler

Ravnica Allegiance Spoilers

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This week the entirety of Ravnica Allegiance was revealed! We also got a look at the new Ravnica Allegiance Mythic Edition planeswalkers and the Planeswalker Deck decklists. Remember, pre-release starts next week! Check out the Ravnica Allegiance spoilers at, and check out the important highlights of the set from SaffronOlive:

Ravnica Allegiance Planeswalker Deck Decklists

Ravnica allegiance pwdecks

Decklists for Dovin, Architect of Law and Domri, City Smasher!Read more

Budget Magic: $116 (14 tix) Restore Balance 2019 (Modern, Magic Online)

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Can the combination of a rules change and some powerful new cards keep Restore Balance competitive in 2019 Modern on a budget?Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Scryb Ranger Arcades, the Strategist Mana Severance

This week, much like the last couple of weeks, pretty much all of the big finance news ties into Ravnica Allegiance spoiler season. The biggest news this week comes from Modern, where the uncommon Scryb Ranger jumped nearly 400% to around $5 after people discovered the two-drop is key to many game-winning Prime Speaker Vannifar loops. Meanwhile, Restore Balance is on the rise as well (up 27% to $6.39) thanks to Electrodominance providing a new way to cheat the spell into play early in the game.

In Standard one of the biggest winners is Arcades, the Strategist (increasing 15% to $4.59). Ravnica Allegiance seems designed to make the Arcades Wall deck playable with Tower Defense and High Alert being hugely important to the deck's success in the format. Even if Arcades Walls doesn't end up being top tier, it's budget friendly and the type of deck that a lot of people will build since it's unique and fun. I wouldn't be surprised to see Arcades, the Strategist continue to rise over the next couple of weeks. Worst case, Arcades, the Strategist is a unique long-term hold for casual and maybe even semi-competitive Modern play.

Last but not least we have a weird one: Mana Severance. The (non-Reserved List) Tempest rare was bought out in the last couple of days going from around $2 to near $40. Apparently people are considering the card a Persistent Petitioners enabler (exiling all non-Petitioners cards from your deck) and it's starting to creep into some strange competitive Commander combo decks like Jhoira Cheerios. The new price is unlikely to stick, but it's also unlikely that Mana Severance drops all the way back to $2 anytime soon. If you have copies laying around I'd try to sell them as quickly as possible while prices are high.

Brewing Ravnica Allegiance

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The first official week of Ravnica Allegiance spoiler is in the books, which means it's time to start brewing!Read more

Much Abrew: UB Ninjas (Legacy, Magic Online)

Budget Arena: Golgari Midrange - 10 Rare, 3 Mythic (Standard, Magic Arena)

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Can Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow and Ninja of the Deep Hours make a new Legacy deck? Let's find out! Read more

Can TheAsianAvenger grind out all of our opponents with Golgari Midrange? Come hang out and watch Budget Arena to find out! Read more

Angel of Grace: Exclusive Ravnica Allegiance Preview

Playing Pauper: Dreadmaw Stompy (Pauper, Magic Online)

Angel of grace rna preview Playing pauper dreadmaw stompy

Thanks to Wizards being awesome, we've got a super-sweet Ravnica Allegiance preview for you today: Angel of Grace! Read more

Is it finally time for the meme card Colossal Dreadmaw to shine in constructed? Read more

Vintage 101: The Power of Skulls

My Grind to Mythic (Standard, Magic Arena)

Power of skulls 2018 12 31

Joe Dyer investigates the sheer power of skulls with the deck Dark Petition Storm! Read more

Join TheAsianAvenger as he talks about how he got to Mythic on the Best of One Ladder! Read more

Against the Odds: Warped Devotion (Modern, Magic Online)

Warped devotion

What are the odds of winning with Warped Devotion in Modern? Let's find out!Read more

Goldfish Gladiators: Momir Madness (Momir, Magic Arena)

This Week in Legacy: GP Shizuoka and Beijing Orlov Legacy

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How has Momir Madness changed on Arena with the addition of a new set of cards? Let's find out! Read more

Sean is back in the New Year, talking about his experiences playing Legacy all around Asia at the end of 2018, including Shizuoka and Beijing. Read more

Budget Commander: Teysa Karlov

Budget commander teysa

Tomers show how to build Teysa Karlov into a sweet Sacrifice Tokens deck!Read more

Podcast 205: Ravnica Allegiance Spoiler Season

Fish Five-0: Jund Midrange (Standard, Magic Arena)

Podcast white Jund midrange

The crew discusses a ton of sweet new Ravnica Allegiance cards and answer some fishmail! Read more

Is the splash of green what Rakdos Midrange needs? TheAsianAvenger will help us find out! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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