Weekly Update (Jan 02): 2021 Top 10s
Top 10 Budget Magic Modern Decks of 2021 |
We played a ton of budget Modern decks costing $100 or less this year. Which were the best? Let's count down the top 10. If you're looking for something cheap but competitive for 2022 Modern, this article's for you!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week the world of Magic finance was fairly quiet, perhaps because of the holidays. The biggest winners were once again related to impending release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, with two Ninjas leading the way. Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni shot up 38% to $33 and Higure, the Still Wind 28% to just under $25. I still can't shake the feeling that a Ninja-themed Commander precon is likely to come with our return to Kamigawa, in which case either card (or both) could be reprinted, which makes buying in at current prices risky. Of the two, Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni is probably less likely to be included in a precon because it's been a $20 card for a long time and we don't often get $20 singles in Commander precons. On the other hand, before the recent spike, Higure, the Still Wind was under $10, making it a likely inclusion. If you need a copy of either card, look for the Planechase or Planechase Anthology printings which are about $10 cheaper than the original Kamigawa versions.
This week also saw Sword of Hearth and Home starting to tick up in price, jumping 21% to $13.65. Here, we have two things going on. First, Sword of Hearth and Home has the look of a long-term Commander staple. Sword of the Animist is one of the five most-played equipment in the format, and Sword of Hearth and Home is a mostly upgraded version. Right now it's in 3% of decks according to EDHRec, but I wouldn't be surprised to see that number (and Sword of Hearth and Home's price) continue to grow as more players realize just how strong the equipment is in the format. Second, we're roughly six months past the release of Modern Horizons 2 and traditionally between six months to a year after a set releases is when supply starts to dwindle and prices start to grow. If you've been waiting to pick up the cards you need from Modern Horizons 2, sooner is probably better.
Last but not least, Sarkhan, Fireblood saw a 13% increase this week to just over $10. While everyone is focused on the return of Samurai and Ninjas in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, it's important that Dragons - specifically Spirit Dragons - are important to Kamigawa's story as well, with a cycle of mythics leading the way. While many Dragon cards spiked a few months ago when Adventures of the Forgotten Realms released, if you're looking for a secondary tribe that could see a price increase based on the theme of Kamigawa, they are as good of a bet as any. You even get a bit of extra upside because Dragons are such a popular tribe; even if Kamigawa doesn't offer enough support to move prices, it's likely that another set in the not-super-distant-future will.
Podcast 361: Still Trippin': 2021 Spoiler Review |
The crew looks back on their best and worst spoiler season predictions of 2021!Read more
This Week in Legacy: 2021 is Over! |
Joe Dyer waxes poetic about the end of the year in Legacy!Read more
Against the Odds: Top 10 Moments of 2021 |
It's the holiday season and the new year is just around the corner, which means it's time to reflect on the year gone by...with the top 10 Against the Odds moments of the year!Read more
Top 10 Thumbnail Arts of 2021 |
One of the best parts of making videos is seeing what Adriano Kitani comes up with for the thumbnail art. Here are our 10 favorite pieces of 2021!Read more
Estrid vs. Hazezon Tamar vs. Ephara vs. Kardur Doomsayer| New Year's Resolutions | Commander Clash S11E20 |
Nears yaers is a time to look back on the year that was while also looking ahead to the year that will be, and the Commander Clash crew has some EDH-based New Year's resolutions for 2022!Read more
Much Abrew: [Bogardan] Hammer Time (Modern) |
It's Hammer Time but probably not the one you're thinking of. Can Hammer of Bogardan revitalize Mono-Red Prison in Modern? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Pew Pew Your Lands (Historic) |
Depriving our opponents of lands has never felt so good. Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: