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Weekly Update (Feb 4): Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan Modern Decklists

Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan

Pro tour rivals of ixalan

Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan has come and gone, and in the end, it was Lantern Control that took down the tournament in the hands of Luis Salvatto. It was a great tournament and we saw a diverse field of decks including new/recent decks such as Humans, Mardu Pyromancer, and BR Hollow One. Check out all the 6+ Win Decklists and read our tournament breakdown tomorrow!

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Budget Magic: $90 (53 tix) WB Aristocrats (Standard)

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Are there enough pieces to make Elenda, the Dusk Rose into a game-winning combo piece in Standard? Let's find out!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Phantasmal Image Jace, the Mind Sculptor Cho-Manno's Blessing

The big news this week is the Modern Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, which caused a few major price spikes. Coming in on top of our list is Phantasmal Image, which jumped 223% to over $10 after being adopted as a four-of in Five-Color Humans (the most played deck at the event). Meanwhile, Bedlam Reveler increased almost 1000% from near bulk to $8.99 after making it all the way to the finals in Gerry Thompson's Mardu Pyromancer deck, while Goblin Lore (part of RB Hollow One, which also reached the top eight) is up to $17 only a couple of weeks after being cheap enough to be featured on Budget Magic. If you have copies of any of these cards, sell or trade them now; cards that spike as the result of the Pro Tour almost always trend down over the following months.

The other important news to come out of Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan were our first 25th Masters spoilers. Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Azusa, Lost but Seeking, and Phyrexian Obliterator are all getting reprinted. Assuming that Wizards doesn't do something crazy like unban Jace, the Mind Sculptor in Standard, all of these cards will crash in price, especially Azusa, Lost but Seeking, which is currently close to $50 thanks to a lack of supply rather than high demand.

Finally, Pauper is continuing to make an impact on Paper prices, with Cho-Manno's Blessing shooting up more than 1500% (to just under $4) on the week. With these Pauper spikes in particular, it's important to keep an eye on buylist prices. If they start to increase, it's a good sign of continued demand rather than just a MTG finance influenced buyout without any real demand to back it up. Right now the best buylist price on Cho-Manno's Blessing is still just $0.08.

Much Abrew: Zacama Storm (Standard)

Intro to Pauper Finance

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Is it possible to use Zacama, Primal Calamity to go (almost) infinite in Standard with Panharmonicon? Let's find out! Read more

Pauper is taking off in the paper world. What does this mean from a finance perspective? Let's break it down! Read more

Possibility Storm: Rivals of Ixalan #1

Sorry We... Put Brainwash Online Instead of These Cards (Part 5)

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Rivals of Ixalan season is here! Can you find the right line to win this turn? Read more

Welcome to hoser-town, ya hoser! We continue the Ice-y sets with #40-26 and a ton of bad color hosers. Read more

Budget Commander: Licia, Sanguine Tribune ($50 & $100)


No Pain, No Gain! Tomer shows how to build around a less talked about commander, Licia, Sanguine Tribune!Read more

Against the Odds: Polyraptor (Standard)

Vintage 101: Power Trip!

Polyraptor deck En vintageformat header

How many Polyraptors can we make in Standard? Let's find out! Read more

Islandswamp talks about the rebirth of the Star City Power Nine Tournament! Read more

GOAT Magic: Unbanned Modern—Jace vs. Bloodbraid

Goat jace vs bloodbraid elf

Wizards mentioned unbanning cards in Modern after Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, so let's explore some of the GOAT options!Read more

Brewer's Minute: Hidden Treasure - Lorwyn

This Week in Legacy: SCG Philadelphia and Other Tournaments!

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What sweet cards from Lorwyn are flying just below the radar, looking for a home? Let's discuss! Read more

Sean runs through decks at SCG Philadelphia as well the Card Kingdom series and recent CFB event! Read more

Commander Clash S4 Episode 15: Rivals of Ixalan Part 2! (Elenda vs. Ramos vs. Ghalta vs. Nezahal)

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The crew shows off more goodies from Rivals of Ixalan!Read more

Panfish (Merfolkish Sulti Panharmonicon, Standard) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 157: Pro Tour RIX Predictions, Our Great Designer Search Application

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Are some Merfolk the best way to abuse Panharmonicon in Rivals of Ixalan Standard? Check out the stream highlights! Read more

Seth and Richard discuss their predictions for Modern at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan, and submit their first trial application for the Grea... Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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