Weekly Update (Feb 12): Five-Color MOMamonicon
Budget Magic: 13-Rare ($60) Poison Proliferate Control | Phyrexia Standard |
Is poisoning the opponent out with spells and proliferate in an odd UB Control shell a legit plan in Phyrexia Standard on just a $60 (and 13-rare) budget? Let's find out!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance, our biggest winner comes from Phyrexia: All Will Be One: Mercurial Spelldancer (extended). The blue rare more than tripled in price from under $3 to nearly $11 thanks to comparisons to Dreadhorde Arcanist] and hype for both Legacy and Modern, but there might be a bit more going on here. Less than a year ago pretty much everyone missed on another blue two-drop which ended up being heavily played in older formats in Ledger Shredder, and it's possible that the finance community is experiencing a bit of FOMO at the moment, worrying they might be once against missing out on the next big sleeper card. It's also important to point out that part of the reason Ledger Shredder was able to spike to around $25 is that it came from a low-value set. Phyrexia: All Will Be One is anything but, with some of the most expensive mythics we've seen in years. While I think Mercurial Spelldancer (extended) was likely undervalued at $2.50, I think the odds of it being the next Ledger Shredder are fairly small. Personally I'd look to sell into the hype while prices are high, although I'm pretty sure I said the same thing about Ledger Shredder which just kept going up.
Meanwhile in Commander we're seeing cards that support Phyrexia: All Will Be One themes get a big bump, with the repeatable proliferator Viral Drake leading the way, nearly doubling in price this week to $5. At this point it is certainly worth pulling from your bulk and could tick up more before it's reprinted. The same is true of Myr cards, which we've discussed for the past couple of weeks, with Myr Matrix gaining about 39% this week to $29 and Myr Superion jumping 88% to $8.
Finally, lost in the hype for #MTGONE is that Dominaria Remastered released not long ago and supply of the reprints is now hitting the market, which is driving down prices. As a result, we see Commander staples like Enlightened Tutor, Worldly Tutor (retro), and Vampiric Tutor (retro), along with popular Modern cards like Urza, Lord High Artificer and Yawgmoth, Thran Physician selling for around half of their pre-reprint price, making it a great time to snag the cards you need. Remember, when Commander staples and Modern all stars are reprinted, their prices typically recover. For an example, look no further than our last remastered set Time Spiral Remastered, where many of the best cards - like Gemstone Caverns and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - have been steadily ticking up since hitting a low a few months after the set released. Basically, if you are in the market for any of the chase reprints from Dominaria Remastered, the next few months will probably be the best time to pick them up, because long-term they are likely to start creeping back up in price.
Commander Clash Podcast 081: Phyrexia: ONE Top Picks |
The crew shares their favorite Commander cards from the new set, Phyrexia: All Will Be One!Read more
Podcast 419: Phyrexia First Impressions |
Seth and Richard discuss the Phyrexia: All Will Be One early access event, #DongGate, Dockside Extortionist and answer #MTGFishmail.Read more
Single Scoop: This Deck is So Toxic (Phyrexia Standard) |
We're looking to poison our opponent's out with our recursive Voidwing Hybrid and friends!Read more
This Week in Legacy: The Cards We Need on MTGO - Part II |
Joe Dyer looks at cards missing from MTGO that exist in paper Legacy!Read more
Should Poison Rules Change in Commander? |
With Phyrexia: All Will Be One adding more poison cards, is it time to change the rules of poison in Commander?Read more
Against the Odds: Five-Color MOMamonicon | Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines | Phyrexia Standard |
What are the odds of durdling to victory with a five-color Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines Panharmonicon brew in Phyrexia Standard? Let's find out!Read more
Vintage 101: First Metagame Update of 2023! |
Joe Dyer dives into Vintage in 2023 for the first metagame update of the year!Read more
Single Scoop: Naya Mondrak Tokens (Phyrexia Standard) |
Skrelv's Hive and Mondrak are making token decks look super juicy!Read more
Budget Commander: Ramos Lucky Charms | $60 |
Tomer updates his Ramos Lucky Charms deck with new cards, showing you how to build this powerhouse for just $60!Read more
Phyrexia: All Will Be One Removal List |
Phyrexia: All Will Be One removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost.Read more
Rough Drafts: All the Blightbelly Rats | Phyrexia: All Will Be One |
What happens if you pick every Blightbelly Rat in Phyrexia: All Will One draft? Let's find out on today's Rough Drafts!Read more
Valentines Day Special | Commander Clash S14 E2 |
We celebrate Valentine's Day with a love-themed Clash episode!Read more
Single Scoop: Superfriends Are Back in Standard! |
Urza is going to be assembling a new batch of titans thanks to MTGPhyrexia!Read more
Here Comes the Value Train | Brewer's Kitchen |
Brewer's Kitchen takes a ride on the Value Train... all the way to the last station. Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: