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Weekly Update (Feb 1): Tiny Leaders and New Decklists

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Tiny Leaders!

TinyLeaders is the hot new format on the block and is taking the Magic scene by storm. It's a hybrid format between Commander and EDH where you play a commander in a 50 card singleton deck and your cards must be three mana or less! We have you covered here at MTGGoldfish, so check out Tiny Leaders: Introduction and this week's podcast where we cover our initial impressions of the new format. What are we playing at MTGGoldfish? SaffronOlive is playing Esper Control, Richard is playing Tempo Geist, and Tomer is playing Tempo Shu Yun. What will you play?

Commander and Tiny Leaders Support

We've added support for Commander and Tiny Leaders decks to the site! Since there aren't major tournaments like Standard, we're collecting data from users like you! Be sure to submit your deck! Check out the metagame and user submitted decks section below:

Also check out our Standard User Submitted Decks, the perfect place to share your new Fate Reforged brews!

Week One of the New Metagame

With SCG DC behind us, the new metagame is taking shape. SaffronOlive breaks down all the day two decks from DC in Week One: Fate Reforged By the Numbers. Temur Ascendancy is now a thing in Standard; Brad breaks down the new deck in Temur Ascendancy and other Standard Breakouts.

Fate Reforged on Magic Online

Fate Reforged Magic Online prereleases happened this past weekend, and things are in full swing this week with the Release Events. Be sure to check our Price List so that you know what the money cards are during your release events!

Lessons Learned from 45 Crucible of the Spirit Dragons

SaffronOlive went deep on 45 Crucible of the Spirit Dragons. What could possess a man to do such a thing? Here's what he thinks he did right... and wrong. Lessons Learned from 45 Crucible of the Spirit Dragons

Building a Deck from the Ground Up

Josh approaches the new Modern with a clean slate and walks you through his deck building process in Building A Deck From the Ground Up and my Standard Sell List

Tournament Coverage

Two Limited Grand Prixes took place this weekend (San Jose and Mexico City) in addition to a SCG Legacy Open and Standard / Modern Premier IQs.

Did you know we have Deck Gameplay Videos now?

We partnered up with MTGCoverage to show pro video gameplay for the major decks. If you go to the archetype pages, you'll find the latest coverage videos for each deck! Try it out today with some Abzan Midrange videos.

Articles Recap

Several great articles were published on MTGGoldfish this week:

#Trending Cards

The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were:
  1. Tasigur, the Golden Fang
  2. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
  3. Goblin Rabblemaster
  4. Monastery Mentor
  5. Eidolon of the Great Revel

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