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Weekly Update (Dec 11): Atlazan, Aether Revolt Planeswalkers

Atlazan — An Atlantean Plane?


A post on /r/magicTCG revealed this image of the next two blocks making waves on the internet, apparently grabbed from a Magic: the Gathering survey. We already know of the upcoming Egyptian-inspired set Amonkhet, but appears we're going to Atlazan next, which looks to be a mashup of Atlantean and Mesoamerican mythology.Read more

Aether Revolt Spoilers

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We received a total of 12 (!) Aether Revolt spoilers last week, including the new Ajani, the two Planeswalker Deck planeswalkers (Ajani and Tezzeret), and a new mechanic in Improvise. Be sure to check out the latest Aether Revolt spoilers at

World Magic Cup Qualifier Promo: Inkmoth Nexus

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Inkmoth Nexus is the upcoming WMCQ promotional card.Read more

MTGGoldfish Deck Boxes and Sleeves!

Mtggoldfish supplies

We now have official deck boxes and sleeves stocked in our merchandise store (! A deck box or a 50-ct pack of sleeves will run you $3.99, or get a bundle with a deck box + 100 sleeves for $11.49. Support the website and represent #TEAMSCOOPS at your LGS! International shipping is available. Visit the store today!Read more

Magic: the Gathering – Puzzle Quest Kaladesh Preview

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A first look at the Kaladesh update for Magic: the Gathering – Puzzle Quest.Read more

Budget Magic: $64 (19 tix) UB Key Control (Standard)

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Is Sphinx's Revelation back in Standard as a black card? Can Key to the City work in a control shell? Let's see!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Panharmonicon Heart of Kiran Treasure Chest

In Standard, the biggest financial news this week comes from last week's GP Denver which saw the break out of Panharmonicon (up 17% to $4.41) in the tournament scene and the resurgence of Aetherworks Marvel (up 21% to $7.91). Perhaps the most appealing part of both of these cards is they should only get better as future sets are released. Panharmonicon will be a casual/Commander staple from now until the end of time, and Aetherworks Marvel should be even better with more energy support in Aether Revolt. While they could drop from their current spike, the future of both cards seems bright.

Speaking of Aether Revolt, we got some early spoilers this week, and like usual, all of the cards we've seen so far are extremely overpriced. If Heart of Kiran or Ajani Unyielding were dropped into any other Masterpiece set, they'd be fighting for the title of most expensive mythic in the set. As such, just take a deep breath, wait for the rest of the set to be reveled, and pick up these cards for something like half of their current price once the set is released.

Finally, on Magic Online, we are about a month into Treasure Chests being tradable, and at least so far, this change has been a boon for constructed players. While this could change in the future (if Treasure Chests are tweaked again), right now the change to Treasure Chests has resulted in a significant prize increase for constructed events. The economy has recovered, and while some extremely low supply cards are down a bit in price, the influx of supply hasn't crashed the market. While untradable Treasure Chests were horrible, now that they are tradable they appear to be a great thing for Magic Online, and could actually be a calling card for getting new players onto the program. If you've been thinking about getting into constructed on Magic Online, now is the perfect time to take the plunge.

What is Frontier?

Frontier featured

Wondering about this Frontier format you've been hearing about? Let's explore this budding format.Read more

Much Abrew: Lantern Control (Modern)

Fixing Friday Night Magic (FNM) Promos

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Is boring opponents to death a legitimate strategy in Modern? We'll find out as we take Lantern Control through a league! Read more

Friday Night Magic promos have been pretty horrible lately, but they use to be great. How can we make them great again? Read more

This Week in Legacy: MKM Prague and November Statistics

Playing Pauper: Mono Green Infect

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Sean has a look at the lists that appeared in the large European tournament that occurred alongside Grand Prix Chiba and sums up November. Read more

Jake pilots a blisteringly fast green deck aiming to kill opponents with poison Read more

Against the Odds: Niv-Infinite (Modern)

Budget Commander: $20 "Invent Superiority" Upgrade

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What are the odds of going infinite with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Curiosity in Modern? We're about to figure them out! Read more

Tomer breaks down Invent Superiority and upgrades the deck on any budget. Read more

Vintage 101: Desperately Seeking Tezzeret...

Brewer's Minute: Yahenni's Expertise

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Islandswamp talks about Tezzeret, Paradoxical Outcome, and Aether Revolt! Read more

Just how good is Yahenni's Expertise in Standard? What about in Modern? Let's break it down! Read more

Commander Clash S2 Episode 18: Commander 2016 Partners

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The crew builds around the new partner commanders!Read more

Only You Can Prevent Interaction (WB Hatebears, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Podcast 098: Aether Revolt Spoilers, Aetherworks Marvel

Thalia copy Podcast white

Athreos, God of Passage in Modern? With enough disruptive creatures and card advantage, it just might work! Read more

The crew discusses the three new Planeswalkers revealed from Aether Revolt and the resurgence of Aetherworks Marvel in Standard. Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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