Weekly Update (Aug 28): Complete Dominaria United Previews
Dominaria United Previews |
Dominaria United previews are in! Standard rotates with the new set release, so expect some some new spicy decks to come out in Standard. Further, this set rocks Commander precons, as well as Set Booster exclusive commander cards and commander-focus box toppers, so be sure to check out www.mtgpreviews.com for all the latest cards:
- Dominaria United Spoilers — August 22 | Weatherlight Compleated, Karn
- Secret Lair Spoilers — August Superdrop
- Dominaria United Spoilers — August 23 | Serra Lurrus, Lotus Artifact
- Dominaria United Spoilers — August 24 | Legendary Tribal Jodah, Naya Dragon
- Dominaria United Spoilers — August 25 | Red Defiler, Elder Dragon War
- Dominaria United Spoilers — August 26 | Final Previews
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week in the world of Magic finance is Dominaria United week, with the focus of the community on spoilers from Magic's newest set. The biggest Standard gainer this week was Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset, which increased 81% to $8. While Teferi hasn't seen a ton of Standard play, it has seen a bit of play in Pioneer thanks to its ability to untap permanents than generate mana which essentially turns Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset into a weird ramp spell with upside. The problem in Standard has been that there just isn't anything great to untap, but Dominaria United changes the equation with the printing of Timeless Lotus. With a Teferi on the battlefield we can play Timeless Lotus and immediately untap it, which essentially makes it a free spell, and then on future turns Teferi untapping Timeless Lotus has potential to generate absurd amounts of mana. While it isn't exactly clear what deck this synergy will fit in, on paper it seems powerful which means Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset's stock (and price) is heading up. If a tier deck manages to make use of its big-mana potential, the sky's the limit for Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset.
Meanwhile in Commander some weird old Griffin cards are on the rise thanks to Zeriam, Golden Wind; a new Griffin commander coming in the Dominaria United Commander precons. Leading the way was Zuberi, Golden Feather, which was the best Griffin commander before Zeriam came around, but is much better suited as a lord in the 99. The Reserved List rare doubled up from under $5 to around $9. Griffin Canyon also nearly double up on the week from $9 to $16 thanks to the Griffin tribal hype. While neither card is all that powerful, considering that the overall power-level of Griffins is pretty low, they are likely to have a home in most Zeriam decks, which combined with their low supply thanks to the Reserved List, makes it pretty easy for prices to spike from even a small increase in demand. The good news is that both cards have had even bigger price increases in the past only to see their prices slowly fall. It seems likely that this will happen once again with Zuberi, Golden Feather dropping back towards $5 and Griffin Canyon settling around $10. If you want to build Zeriam, Golden Wind right after Dominaria United drops you'll have to pay a premium, otherwise you're best off waiting a few months for the hype to die to down to pick up your copies and complete your deck.
Finally, last week we talked about Tomb of Urami increasing in price after showing up in a Modern sacrifice deck by AspiringSpike and the trend continued again this week, with the Saviors of Kamigawa land hitting $7 after being bulk a couple of weeks ago. In the past couple of week several more sacrifice decks featuring the land as a one-of have posted finishes on Magic Online or in small paper tournaments, which bodes well for the card's future playability. If people continue to adept the tech, it wouldn't be a surprise to see the price of Tomb of Urami continue to rise considering that Oboro, Palace in the Clouds is from the same set and currently is over $60 even though it really only sees play in one or two Modern decks (Mill and sometimes Merfolk) as a one-of. There just isn't that much Saviors of Kamigawa to go around.
Top 10 Standard Cards from Dominaria United |
What Dominaria United cards are likely to makes waves in our new Standard format? Seth and Crim count them ddown!Read more
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Spellslinging Returns to Standard! | Exclusive Dominaria United Preview |
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Vintage 101: Citadellic |
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Single Scoop: Definitely Mono Green (Explorer, Magic Arena) |
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Everyone Plays Mill! | Commander Clash S13 E05 |
No lethal damage or alternate win conditions. Only MILL!Read more
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