Weekly Update (Aug 22): Ashaya's Devastation
Brewer's Kitchen: Ashaya's Devastation (Standard 2022) |
Brewer’s Kitchen brews up some Landfall shenanigans in Standard 2022.Read more
Budget Magic: Enchantress (MH2 Modern) |
Enchantress is one of SaffronOlive's all-time favorite Modern budget decks, and it got a ton of powerful new additions in Modern Horizons 2!Read more
Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive |
This week has been a slow one in the world of Magic finance, perhaps the calm before the storm of 2022 product announcements and Innistrad: Midnight Hunt spoilers coming in the next week or two. The biggest winner was Sarkhan Unbroken which jumped 60% to just under $20. Dragons have been a hot tribe in Commander thanks to Tiamat and the other new Dragons from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, but even so Sarkhan Unbroken seeing a big price jump is somewhat surprising considering it isn't really a staple in Dragon Commander deck according to EDHRec. It's most popular home is The Ur-Dragon where it shows up in 47% of decks, followed by Tiamat (this mostly reasonable explanation for the price spike) at 34% of decks with no other deck playing the planeswalker more than 30% of the time. The ultimate is obviously insane in a Dragon deck, although ultimating planeswalkers is incredibly hard in Commander (outside of Doubling Season shenanigans) where you have three opponents that can attack or kill it. My guess is that Sarkhan Unbroken is near its ceiling and once Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is previewed the commander community will move onto Zombies, Humans, Werewolves and the other tribes the set supports. If you really want to play Sarkhan Unbroken in your Dragon deck you'll have to pay the higher price, but it's not an essential card to any Commander deck, so feel free to replace it with a cheap Dragon as a substitute.
In Modern, Fracturing Gust is on the rise thanks to Modern Horizons 2 where the instant offers a way to fight Affinity as well as cleaning up Urza's Saga (showcase) and its tokens, leading to the Shadowmoor printing increasing $3 to $15 in the past couple of months. The good news is that there's a Secret Lair printing featuring Mystical Archive style art that's still just $5. You can also snag the From the Vault foil for around $9, so it's pretty safe to ignore the price spike of the original printing. If you need a copy to play with there are other, cheaper options available.
Finally in Standard both Prismari Command (planeswalker stamp) (up 24% to $7) and Righteous Valkyrie (planeswalker stamp) (up 23% to over $5) saw a bit of a price increase this week. It wouldn't be a surprise to see more cards from Zendikar Rising through Adventures in the Forgotten Realms increase a we head into rotation in a few weeks. Throne of Eldraine was so powerful that it kept the best cards from many of these sets from seeing much play in Standard. Now that it's leaving the format these cards may finally get a chance to shine and the best of the bunch will likely get more expensive. If you have some ideas on what might be strong after rotation it can't hurt to pick up those cards now, because if you're right they'll likely be meaningful more expensive in a month or two.
Against the Odds: Wizard Class Combo (Modern) |
What are the odds of winning (by going infinite) with Wizard Class in Modern? Let's find out!Read more
Single Scoop: Grixis Lutri (Historic, Magic Arena) |
"We're gonna be rich!!".... Oh wait wrong game. Regardless, we're playing a singleton deck this episode. All Nicol Bolas needed was a pet otter!Read more
Commander Clash Podcast 015: What's a Combo? |
What's a combo? What's a synergy? The community uses both interchangeably, so the crew sets out to find a concrete definition for both!Read more
This Week in Legacy: Delver-less |
Joe Dyer talks about Delver and Delver of Secrets in Legacy!Read more
Vintage 101: The Saga |
Joe Dyer dives into Urza's Saga and how the card is shaping current Vintage.Read more
Commander Clash S11 E2: Historic Brawl Commander |
In celebration of Wizard adding a permanent Historic Brawl queue to Magic Arena the crew tries their hand at porting the format over to Commander proper, building decks with the Historic Brawl card pool!Read more
Single Scoop: Silverquill Clerics (Standard 2022) |
TheAsianAvenger looks to grind out some wins with Clerics in Standard 2022!Read more
The Fish Tank: Sweet and Spicy Viewer Decks (August 14-20, 2021) |
What spicy decks did viewers submit this week? Let's find out!Read more
Podcast 342: Is Roping Ever Okay? |
The crew discusses roping on Magic Arena, Historic Horizons being delayed, the increasing cost of Modern and more!Read more
#Trending Cards |
The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were: