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Weekly Update (Aug 2): Pro Tour Decklists

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Zendikar vs Eldrazi Spoilers

Ddp box

The face cards for Duel Decks: Zendikar vs Eldrazi revealed. The new Duel Deck releases Aug 28 for $19.99. Remember that this is an unlimited print run product, so you should not be paying over MSRP for it!

Visual Decklists on Instagram and Tumblr!


We now have official Instagram and Tumblr accounts! Follow us for all the latest Magic the Gathering news. We've been busy posting visual deck techs for Pro Tour Magic Origins over the weekend! You can find our "Visual View" on any decklist on the site now as well!

Pro Tour Magic Origins by SaffronOlive

The big happening in the world of Magic this week was Pro Tour Magic Origins. Congratulations to Joel Larsson for taking down the prestigous tournament with Red Aggro. Check out our Pro Tour Magic Origins Tournament Page for all the published decklists from the Top 8 and decks with 6+ wins in the Standard portion; we have 78 decklists in total! We also have all the video coverage broken down by rounds so you can jump to matchups you're interested in.

The biggest winner this week is a card I've been talking about and watching for a while: Demonic Pact which increased 191 percent to $12.75 off the back of several day two feature matches and a deck tech. Since none of the Demonic Pact decks made the Top 8 (although at least one should end up Top 32), I'd look at cashing out copies soon because having one less day of camera time and hype has potential to swift the focus to other cards. You can check out the new spicy decklists here: BG Demonic Pact by Antonio Del Moral Leon and Sultai Pact by Daniel Fournier.

Speaking of cards that are going to get a ton of Sunday camera time, we've seen a big jump from both of the Magic Origins rares in the Mono-Red Aggro deck which managed to put three players into the top eight. Exquisite Firecraft is up 47 percent to $6.00, while Abbot of Keral Keep - which Michel Flores compared to Snapcaster Mage during a PT interview without a hint of hyperbole - shot up 151 percent to $8.50. The downside is unless these cards start showing up on other decks or, in the case of Abbot, formats, their mid-term trajectory likely down; it is virtually impossible for a rare that only sees play in one archetype to maintain a nearly $10 price tag.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy comes out of Pro Tour Magic Origins a loser despite the fact that nearly every pro who talked about him had good things to say. He just didn't get much camera time. While he is only down one percentage point in paper, on Magic Online he's dropped 38 percent in the last 24 hours as speculators sell off their copies. The good news in the digital world is if you are looking for a chance to dump your copies of Phyrexian Revoker (up 398 percent to 1.85 tix), Temple of Epiphany (up 151 percent to 13.46 tix), or Stoke the Flames (up 72 percent to 4.21 tix) before rotation, Pro Tour hype has given you a window to profit.

One more cards worth talking about: Hangarback Walker (up 90 percent on the week to $16.00) was the glue that held together the most exciting deck of the tournament, Team Channel Fireball's UR Ensoul Artifact. While we don't the all the decklists just yet, when I publish my Pro Tour Magic Origins: By the Numbers article I'm expecting to be lauding it as the best deck in the tournament based on the data we do have. At various times over the weekend I heard Hangarback Walker compared to Voice of Resurgence and Goblin Rabblemaster; both of these comparisons are good for the card's financial future. Multi-archetype rares from core sets have potential to maintain a significant price tag so the possibility that Hangarback Walker hangs around in the $15 range is very real.

Finally a fun fact: there ended up being more copies of Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh in the Top 8 of Pro Tour Magic Origins than of Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, or any other flip walker for that matter. If you had predicted this on Friday you would have literally been laughed out of the room. Magic is a strange and wonderful game.

Magic Duels available on Steam

Although faced with a myriad of launch problems, Magic Duels is now available on Steam. Go download it and give a try as it is free to play!

SDCC Black Planeswalkers Out of Stock

Sdcc 2015

The San Diego Comic Con all-black planeswalkers went up for a brief moment at the Hasbro shop this week. If you were following us on social media, you would have been notified! I and many followers managed to snag a copy! If you missed it, your best bet is now Ebay. Check the listings over the next couple of weeks as people start unloading their sets; this is probably the cheapest they'll ever be with the fresh surge of supply. The sets are currently going for ~$240 on Ebay.

Arena of the Planeswalker Back in Stock!


Arena of the Planeswalker is back in stock at after being sold out shortly after released due to rave reviews. I was lucky enough to get in on the first batch and must say the game is quite fun! Be sure to check it out if board games interest you at all! Arena of the Planeswalker - $29.99 on

Budget Magic: $55 (20 tix) Standard Starfield Enchantress

Looking for something different to play at your next FNM or Daily Event? Why not give Starfield Enchantress a try? Budget Magic: $55 (20 tix) Standard Starfield Enchantress

Budget Commander: Zedruu the Greathearted

It is the will of Zedruu that you read this article. Budget Commander: Zedruu the Greathearted

Magic Origins Limited Archetypes, Enemy Pairs

Jake Stiles talks drafting the enemy colored pairs in Magic Origins Limited. Magic Origins Limited Archetypes, Enemy Pairs

The Recent History of Plus-EV Supplemental Products

What will happen to the price of the Magic Origins Clash Pack? SaffronOlive predicts the future of the Magic Origins Clash Pack by breaking down similar products from the recent past. The Recent History of Plus-EV Supplemental Products

Tournament Results

Articles Recap

Several great articles were published on MTGGoldfish this week:

#Trending Cards

The five most viewed cards on MTGGoldfish this past week were:
  1. Jace Vryns Prodigy (Magic Origins)
  2. Hangarback Walker (Magic Origins)
  3. Rally the Ancestors (Fate Reforged)
  4. Liliana Heretical Healer (Magic Origins)
  5. Demonic Pact (Magic Origins)

More in this Series

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