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Weekly Update (Apr 7): War of the Spark Previews

War of the Spark Previews

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War of the Spark preview season was in full force this past week, with new Teferi being spoiler, Fblthp being found, and the battle between Sorin and Nahiri raging on. Check out for the latest previews and check out the important highlights of the set from SaffronOlive:

Budget Magic: $93 (13 tix) Mono-White Taxes (Modern, Magic Online)

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Can a Death and Taxes style list work in Modern on a budget? Let's try to annoy some opponents out of the game and find out!Read more

Finance Update w/ Saffron Olive

Liliana, Untouched by Death Mycosynth Lattice Leveler

This week in Standard, the biggest news is Zombies. With the confirmation that War of the Spark has a bunch of tribe members thanks to the eternals, both Liliana, Untouched by Death (up from $4 to $12 over the past two weeks) and Death Baron (up 26% to $3.31) jumped this week. While holding onto copies to play Zombies in Standard is a fine plan, you should probably trade or sell extra copies since both cards will rotate in the fall, which means even if Zombies do break out in War of the Spark Standard, both cards will likely start trending back down in a couple of months.

In Modern, we've had a couple of big buyouts. First, Mycosynth Lattice increased from $10 to $34 over the past week thanks to its synergy with a yet-to-be-officially-previewed version of Karn that leaked on Reddit. Second, Leveler (up over 1000% to $10) was bought out after people realized it's essentially a two-card combo with Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. While the plan of exiling your own library is a risky one, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries does offer a lot of upside compared to Laboratory Maniac since you can use the planeswalker to draw a card and win the game immediately after Leveler resolves. This said, both combos feel more like fun Against the Odds decks than top tier Modern strategies, so my guess is we'll see both Leveler and Mycosynth Lattice decreasing in price (although not all the way to their pre-buyout price) in the coming weeks.

Finally, as for War of the Spark as a whole, my guess is that the expected value is going to be extremely high when the set first releases. While they will probably get there eventually, it's unlikely that uncommon planeswalkers will be true bulk on release weekend and having 13 rare planeswalkers (including some like Teferi, Time Raveler which is nearly $20) should make the set a solid open on release weekend. And this doesn't even consider that the buy-a-box promo — Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge — is currently close to $50. We'll have a full expected-value breakdown as we get closer to the set's release, but based on current prices, it's tempting to snag a preorder or two from your LGS to lock in the buy-a-box promo (and hopefully a good box price).

The Return of Neheb: Exclusive War of the Spark Preview

Neheb dreadhorde champion preview

Everyone's favorite Zombie Minotaur Warrior is back and better than ever!Read more

Much Abrew: Brisela's End (Modern, Magic Online)

Budget Arena: Golgari Zomberts (Standard, Magic Arena)

Ma brisela end Golgari zomberts

Can the combo of Electrodominance and Living End make melding Gisela and Bruna into Brisela a reality in Modern? Read more

Just a day in the life of the hordes of undying this week! Read more

Series TBD: Legacy Oozes

War of the Spark Trailer: What We See, What We Learn

Legacy oozes series tbd War trailer analysis

Can a deck that walks the line between Ooze tribal with Biogenic Ooze as a lord and Necrotic Ooze combo work in Legacy? Read more

Niuttuc delves into the layers and references going into the second War of the Spark trailer and the story it tells. Read more

Against the Odds: One with Nothing (Modern, Magic Online)

One with nothing

What are the odds of winning with (*gulp*) One with Nothing in Modern? Let's find out!Read more

Vintage 101: Vintage Super League Finals!

Commander Clash S6 E8: Colorshifted! (Wort vs. Polukranos vs. Thassa vs. Bruna)

Vsl finals Commander clash 2019 week8  1

Joe Dyer covers the finals of Vintage Super League! Read more

The crew is taking colors in non-traditional directions this week! Which colorshifted deck will come out on top? Let's find out! Read more

Top 8 At The Mythic Invitational

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? (UB Mill, Modern) – Stream Highlights

Mythic invitiational Dimir mill replay  1

TheAsianAvenger talks about his entire Mythic Invitational and Top 8'ing in detail here! Read more

Is it finally time for mill to shine in Modern? Read more

Podcast 217: Mythic Invitational

Podcast 218: War of the Spark Trailer & Spoilers

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The crew discusses the Mythic Invitational with Crim breaking down his experience at the event. Read more

The crew discusses the War of the Spark trailer and breaks down a bunch of sweet new spoiler cards! Read more

Instant Deck Techs

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Each day we'll be posting a short, three minute deck tech featuring some of the coolest decks that come across the site. The most popular deck will be made into videos the following week based on your views, likes and comments in the videos. Here's this week's Instant Deck Techs:

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