Single Scoop: This Deck Shreds! (Explorer, Magic Arena)
Dimir Tempo has always seemed fun and with how much Ledger Shredder has taken off, I had to see if it was strong enough to make Dimir tempo playable!
The deck is essentially a Dimir Delver deck that is looking to pick off a few threats and counter key spells to close the game out with a few threats on board. We've also got Poppet Stitcher and Sedgemoor Witch to reward us for each spell cast. If we're able to untap with them, we can just sit back and hold onto our threats until they're answered as the two three drops are essentially our "endgame" threats. We also are hoping to chip away at enough health to get a flashed Brazen Borrower or Nimble Obstructionist to close out the remaining life of our opponents!
The deck does excellent against the slower matchups but will often just fold to mono-red hence the four copies of March of Wretched Sorrow to hopefully help us stay alive long enough but even then, the matchup still feels pretty rough. So may you dodge all the low to the ground red!
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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger