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Single Scoop: Spiritual Dovin (Standard, Magic Arena)

This week we're going to try to make Spirits viable in Best of One!

Disclaimer: I forgot to add Hallowed Fountain and Glacial Fortress. You can remove -4 Islands & - 4 Plains for those cards.


We're trying to hit the ground running with a bunch of cheap evasive threats. The biggest thing is to make sure not to overcommit into the board wipe. I usually sit back after playing a Hanged Executioner

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This card is absolutely amazing as it's three mana for two 1/1 flying threats and an exiling removal spell the following turn. 

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This card is the perfect card lord effect. It flies, it doesn't die to shock, and the pump ability hitting anything with flying makes this our copies of Favorable Winds five through eight. 

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Dovin felt like he needed some kind of Azorius Tempo deck to find a home and I think if there is a shell for Dovin moving forward, it's going to look something like this. He provides us with a quick ult as we can flood the board easily. Also, Dovin provides us with threats with his -1 ability.


I can only imagine our matches going better if we had our dual colored lands but the deck still was solid and got us up to Gold. We went overall 7-2 getting two losses due to us disconnecting from the server. We might've had a better record if it weren't for that. There's a few discussions for Sephara Sky's Blade but the issue is often she just sits in my hand and is a win more as we're already ahead and when we take a turn off to play her. If you're not a fan of the spirits version, there is just the pure Azorius fliers variant which I might lean towards more as we get Faerie Miscreant.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you at the next one!

-Your Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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