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Single Scoop: Mono Black Aggro (Historic, Magic Arena)

This episode, I decided I'd be a little more aggressive than my usual slow and grindy decks. That's right! I'm playing Mono-black aggro. The deck was is a hit in Pioneer but I had to see how the deck would play without cards like Mutavault and Bloodsoaked Champion. This list has a few singletons that I enjoy in the colors for fun! Check out the list..

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With cards like Thoughtseize clearing the way for us, we're able to be low to the ground and really disruptive. 

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All of our cheap threats are perfect as our goal is to flood the board with as many one-drops by turn two. All of these cheap threats will eventually summon a special spawn for us ...

$ 0.00 $ 0.00

Our late game consists of efficient beaters like Spawn of Mayhem. The spawn has evasion and trample to force an answer from our opponents as they deal with all of our early threats. We also have other late game closers like Rankle, Master of Pranks and Phyrexian Obliterator. The Rankle will usually be held for a turn where we're preparing for a sweeper or when the opponent is low on resources and cards. It also doesn't hurt that Rankle forcing our opponents to sacrifice a creature of value while we sac things like Gutterbones is a ton of value.  The Obliterator is a solid wall against opposing aggro decks and pretty much reads as unblockable. 


The deck is powerful enough to stick around in Historic's Bo1 ladder system but suffers from the same issues that most aggro decks have in the format.... it's slower than goblins. However, having cards like Thoughtseize can help us fight all of the control decks on a more disruptive axis. Another unfortunate thing for us is that the maindeck Grafdigger's Cage in the meta hurts us a decent amount so don't play into one if possible. Overall, I would recommend the deck for the aggressive mage looking for something different than Goblins and the typical Red deck playstyles. With Kaldheim coming, I wonder if cards like Valki, God of Lies and Egon, God of Death could have a home in this deck? I guess we'll find out as Kaldheim is just around the corner!

If you ever want a deck to be made into a video feel free to leave a like, comment, Email, and subscribe to MTGGoldfish and MTGGoldfishCommander on Youtube!

-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger

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