Single Scoop: Jeskai Spirits (Historic, Magic Arena)
Strixhaven brings new cards to the archetype of Spirits! We do drop Collected Company for some burn spells!
Since the deck will be lowering its creature count anyways, its only natural we drop CoCo. The good news is that we get to try a ton of sweet spells to close out games. We've got a good grip of burn spells to close out the final few damage that we need. Ontop of that, Lorehold Command is a spicy singleton that we're hoping to protect our creatures with. At the very least, its an instant speed 3/2 spirit that comes with a Lightning Helix!
We're also trying out Venerable Warsinger as a way to reoccur our cheap threats like Supreme Phantom and etc. The card is a spirit so being able to benefit from our Spirit lord and Rattlechains is great. Just remember that it doesn't fly so Empyrean Eagle won't work. Speaking of a spirit lord, Hofri Ghostforge is a sweet Spirit lord that also gives us haste and pseudo board wipe protection!
The loss of Collected Company hurts a lot. Its a different variant of the Spirit tribe but definitely weaker to the bant counter part. However, it was really nice to have the burn to close out games. Hofri and Lorehold command were fun but five mana is a bit too much for us. Of course, the deck is a Spell Queller away from being Jeskai Tempo! For now, the Bant version is recommended but if you want to try a different variant spirits. Give this a try!
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-Your Friendly Neighborhood AsianAvenger
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