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Shrines vs. Ur-Dragon vs. Ognis vs. Sea Monsters | Commander Clash S12 E19

Welcome back to Commander Clash! This week is Revenge Week: each of us are bringing back a deck that we played on a previous Clash but for whatever reason failed to show off their true potential. This is our shot at revenge! Here's what we brought

  • Phil looks to drown his opponents in value with a Prehistoric Sea Monsters deck led by Gyruda, Doom of Depths
  • Richard tries to Jund 'Em Out with a Hastey Treasure deck led by Ognis, the Dragon's Lash
  • Seth brings back Shrine Tribal, looking to play as many Shrines as possible and snowball into value town with Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
  • Tomer thinks that fourth time's the charm for Dragon Tokens, going wide with Dragons led by The Ur-Dragon

Phil's Deck

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Richard's Deck

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Seth's Deck

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Tomer's Deck

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What Are You Playing On?

We're playing Commander on a program called Magic Online. If you're interested in Magic Online, then check out my Commander-focused guide to the program over here!

What's the Banned List?

This season, we are using the official Commander banned list with no house bans.

Viewer Submitted Decks Coming Soon!

Viewer submissions are now open! If you'd like to see your deck played on a future Commander Clash episode then simply submit your deck list in the comments section below before Wednesday, June 29th. I look forward to seeing your decks!

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