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Omniscience Draft is back! Let's see how we break it in War of the Spark!
The crew builds decks around the last remaining commanders from War of the Spark!
Joe Dyer digs deep into the effect that War of the Spark has had on the Vintage metagame while continuing to prepare for SCG Con!
What is War of the Spark draft like on Magic Arena? Let's jump into a queue and find out!
What are the odds of winning with a five-color, duo colored deck fronted by Niv-Mizzet, Reborn in War of the Spark Standard? Let's find out!
Can the combo of Narset, Parter of Veils and Induced Amnesia to Mind Twist away our opponent's hand work on a budget in Standard? Let's see!
War of the Spark is off to a somewhat slow start in Standard, but it's making waves in Modern. Let's break down the new decks and cards!
What happens if you jam a million planeswalkers alongside a playset of Fblthp, the Lost in War of the Spark Standard? Let's find out!
It's a divine bloodbath this week with the new gods from War of the Spark!
Can the combo of Karn, the Great Creator and Parhelion II make for the foundation of an (almost) one-shot kill deck in War of the Spark Standard? Let's find out!
Tomer wraps up his Commander Review of WAR with Part 3!
What War of the Spark cards will sizzle in Commander? Tomer and Seth break them down!
Can Vivien's Arkbow make a flashy tempo-based Simic deck work in War of the Spark Standard? Let's find out!
How much value should you expect to open from a booster box of War of the Spark?
How easy it is to go infinite with Bolas's Citadel in a Golgari shell in Standard? Let's find out!
With War of the Spark cards will sizzle and which will fizzle? Seth and Richard break it down with a top 10 list!
In part 2, we dive into more analysis related to collecting on MTG Arena. And we have some suggestions!
Joe Dyer continues to delve into the world of War of the Spark and Vintage with some decklists and results!
Can War of the Spark and its endless planeswalkers make a Kamahl's Druidic Vow combo deck work in Standard? Let's see!
War of the Spark Mythic Edition is now available!
30 fun Magic: the Gathering decks for under $20 perfect for casual play at home or on Magic Arena in War of the Spark Standard.
Tomer continues the War of the Spark Commander Review with Part 2!
Crim and Seth discuss which War of the Spark cards will sizzle and which will fizzle in Standard!
War of the Spark is here! Can Saheeli, Sublime Artificer do a Young Pyromancer impression and allow for a go-wide token spellslinger deck in Standard? Let's see!
What sweet new combos does War of the Spark enable in Modern? Let's break them down!
War of the Spark removal by color, rarity, and converted mana cost.
How to collect 4x sets on MTG Arena most efficiently!
Joe Dyer goes to war with a look at the Vintage side of War of the Spark!
A reference table of all the instant-speed tricks in War of the Spark.
All 36 planeswalkers reimagined by Japanese artists!
Displaying Article 1 - 30 of 51 in total