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Tomer (BudgetCommander) joins the crew for a Commander 2015 special.
The crew discusses Shadows over Innistrad, Death of Legacy, Commander 2015.
The crew discuses BFZ Power Level, Reliquary Retreat, Old School MTG.
The crew discusses the results of PTBFZ, the new Snapcaster Mage RPTQ Promo, and OGW Fatpack full art lands.
The crew discusses the second week of BFZ Standard and the upcoming Pro Tour.
The crew discusses the new Standard Meta, Jace Vryn's Prodigy and the price of Fat Packs.
The crew discusses their pre-release experience and first impressions, as well as the new B&R update.
The crew wraps up spoiler season with their final thoughts and bid farewell to Theros standard.
The crew discusses the latest batch of spoilers, BFZ finance and tournament results.
The crew is joined by Corbin Hosler and we discuss Expeditions and new spoilers including Kiora, Ob Nixilis.
The crew discusses Zendikar Expeditions, Full Arts, and BFZ Spoilers.
The crew discusses the BFZ Fat Pack Full Art Lands and Eternal Weekend
Chaz is back and the crew discusses Zendikar vs Eldrazi spoilers and Battle for Zendikar.
The crew discusses the outcome of Pro Tour Origins and the new spoiler Oblivion Sower.
The crew discusses the weekly movers and Magic Online.
The crew discusses Week One tournament results for Magic Origins and the new Play Points changes for MTGO.
The crew discusses the Magic Origins prerelease as well as the weekly movers and shakers.
The crew discusses GP Lille and Legacy in general, and make predictions for the upcoming Banned and Restricted announcement.
The crew discusses the second batch of Magic Origins spoilers and the new mulligan rules.
The crew discusses Magic Origins spoilers.
The crew is joined by Sawyer Blatz to discuss the merits of mtgfinance, and in the spirit of ORI, discuss their own Magic origins.
The crew discusses Magic Origins spoilers and MTGFinance in relation to the recent modern spikes.
The crew discusses GP Vegas and Goyfgate along with a bunch of #mtgfishmail.
The crew discusses the Modern Masters 2015 release and all the packaging woes.
The crew discusses the past weekend's tournament results.
The crew discusses Modern Masters 2015 with the full spoilers revealed.
Chaz and Seth discuss MM2 spoilers and the results of the Standard GPs in Toronto and Sao Paulo.
The crew discusses MM2 and the unofficial spoiler rumors.
Rolle and Jake join Richard and Chaz for some discussion on DTK Limited.
The crew discusses the results of Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir and go over some sweet decklists from States.
Displaying Article 481 - 510 of 523 in total