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Can we dodge the hate and Dredge our way to victory with a deck that contains zero mana sources of any kind? Let's see!
Does Dragonstorm have what it takes to compete in the current Modern meta, or will our question for Archwing Dragon fizzle?
Is killing the opponent with Runeflare Trap and Ebony Owl Netsuke a legitimate plan in Modern? Let's see!
Are Snow-Covered Mountains the secret to building a great Blood Moon deck in Modern? Skred Red would say yes!
Does the Warrior tribe have what it takes to compete in Modern with the help of Collected Company?
Can we make enough mana and draw enough cards to win some games with Legacy Enchantress? Let's see!
Can we make Sphinx's Tutelage work one last time before rotation with the help of Curious Homunculus and Bedlam Reveler?
Is emerge the mechanic that can make Zombies playable in Standard? Let's see!
Does Thing in the Ice have what it takes to bring Pyromancer Ascension back to the top in Modern? Let's see!
Are Uktabi Drake and Groundbreaker, in conjunction with Primal Forcemage, the secret to success in Modern?
Is our Abzan deck tough enough to compete in Modern, or will our plethora of zero-power creatures doom us to defeat? Let's see!
How many planeswalkers can we ultimate? How many Turn 2 Blood Moons can we cast? Is it possible to hard cast Emrakul? All this and more!
Is Souleater Combo the real deal in Modern? How many games can we win on Turn 2? Let's see!
Does Seismic Swans—last week's Instant Deck Tech winner—have what it takes to keep up in Modern? Let's see!
Can the plan of using leylines to make fast mana with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx really work in Modern? Let's see!
Does the Nahiri / Emrakul combo make Modern Living End better or worse? What about Siege Rhino? Let's see!
The winner of last week's Instant Deck Tech voting was Slivers in Modern! How does the deck play? Let's see!
Does UB Mill have what it takes to compete in Modern, or will Emrakul shuffle us into submission? Let's see!
Does Blistering Rage still have what it takes in Modern? How many turn two kills can we accumulate? Let's see!
Is Heroic Naya playable in Modern, or is it a bad version of Bogles? We're about to find out!
Does the Mono-Counterspell, Mono-Blue Control deck from last week's Instant Deck Tech have what it takes to keep up in Modern? Let's see!
Crushing the competition in last week's Instant Deck Tech voting, today we are looking to make a Demonic Pact and Languish our opponents!
You asked for it! It's time to see our first Instant Deck Tech deck in action: Angel Moon for Modern!
Eldrazi are all the rage in Modern. Saffron shows off a Heartless version of the deck and breaks down all the flavors of Modern Bx Eldrazi!
Half of Modern scoops to Blood Moon. Half of Modern scoops to Ensnaring Bridge. What happens when you put the two together?
Saffron upgrades the Budget Magic Mono-White Emeria deck and takes it through a Modern League!
A new version of Rally Vampires - now with 50% less Vampire and 100% more infinite combos!
Displaying Article 391 - 417 of 417 in total