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Image for Much Abrew: UG Ramp (Standard) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: UG Ramp (Standard)

One of the spiciest decks from the first week of Amonkhet Standard was UG Ramp. Does the deck have what it takes to compete?

May 8 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Ally Mill (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Ally Mill (Modern)

By combining together two favorites—Ally Tribal and mill—can Halimar Excavator and friends pick up some combo wins in Modern?

May 1 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Grixis Ninjas much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Grixis Ninjas

Do Ninjas actually have a place in Modern, backed up by some powerful tempo plays and enters-the-battlefield creatures? Let's see!

Apr 24 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Legacy Leylines much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Legacy Leylines

Can we get some Turn-0 wins with Leylines in Legacy? Let's see!

Apr 17 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Harvest Wave (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Harvest Wave (Modern)

Can Spawnsire of Ulamog be a legitimate finisher in Modern with the help of Early Harvest and Vernal Bloom? Let's see!

Apr 10 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Wall Mill (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Wall Mill (Modern)

Everyone loves Mill, but it's hard to make the deck work in Modern. Are Walls and Phenax, God of Deception the solution?

Apr 3 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: RB Vampires (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: RB Vampires (Modern)

Does the Vampires tribe have what it takes to compete in Modern? Let's find out!

Mar 27 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Legacy Stax much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Legacy Stax

Can we lock our opponent out of the game with an old-school build of Smokestack for Legacy? Let's see!

Mar 20 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Splendid Landfall (Standard) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Splendid Landfall (Standard)

Is Standard ready to reclaim its splendor, or will it retreat back to endless Mardu Vehicles mirrors? Let's figure it out!

Mar 13 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Expertise Fuse Reanimator (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Expertise Fuse Reanimator (Modern)

Our deck can get a hasty Emrakul on the battlefield as early as Turn 1, but how consistently do these nut draws actually happen?

Mar 6 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: GW Rallier Emeria (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: GW Rallier Emeria (Modern)

Can GW Emeria, with the help of Renegade Rallier, give the more common UW Emeria a run for its money as the best Emeria deck?

Feb 27 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Baral Storm (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Baral Storm (Modern)

Is Baral, Chief of Compliance enough to push Storm back to the forefront of Modern? Let's see!

Feb 20 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Sram'O's (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Sram'O's (Modern)

How good is the Modern Puresteel Paladin Storm deck with the addition of Sram, Senior Edificer? Let's see!

Feb 13 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: BUG Chord (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: BUG Chord (Modern)

Should Modern Chord decks go blue instead of white? Will Identity Thief make Seth pull his beard out? Let's see!

Jan 30 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Alesha Reanimator (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Alesha Reanimator (Modern)

Can we pick up some free wins by using Alesha, Who Smiles at Death to reanimate Master of Cruelties? Let's find out!

Jan 16 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Mono-White Devotion (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Mono-White Devotion (Modern)

Is using Borderposts to generate mana with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and tutoring with Thalia's Lancers a legitimate plan for Modern?

Jan 9 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: GR Werewolves (Standard) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: GR Werewolves (Standard)

Werewolves haven't done much since their comeback in Shadows over Innistrad. Is it time for the tribe to howl its way through Standard?

Jan 2 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Enduring Ideal (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Enduring Ideal (Modern)

Is Enduring Ideal epic enough for Modern, backed up by some janky enchantments like Dovescape? Let's see!

Dec 26 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: CoCo Walls (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: CoCo Walls (Modern)

Collected Company, endless Walls, Wild Pair, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. What more could you want from a Modern deck?

Dec 19 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Esper Erayo (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Esper Erayo (Modern)

Is Erayo, Soratami Ascendant playable in Modern, backed up by free spells, Monastery Mentor, and Dark Confidant? Let's see!

Dec 12 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Lantern Control (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Lantern Control (Modern)

Is boring opponents to death a legitimate strategy in Modern? We'll find out as we take Lantern Control through a league!

Dec 5 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Mono-Blue Mill (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Mono-Blue Mill (Modern)

Our mission this week is to figure out whether Mono-Blue Mill is just another bad deck or literally the worst deck in Modern. Let's see!

Nov 28 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Free Win Red (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Free Win Red (Modern)

Free Win Red is back and better than ever, thanks to the addition of Chandra, Torch of Defiance!

Nov 21 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Kobolds much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Kobolds

Can Kobolds actually compete in Vintage, or will we have to change gears and try something a little bit different?

Nov 14 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Bogles (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Bogles (Modern)

YouTube loves to make people do things they don't want to do, so this week, it's time for Bogles in Modern.

Nov 7 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: Mono-U Metallurgic Rise (Standard) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: Mono-U Metallurgic Rise (Standard)

Can our old Mono-U Brains deck Rise from the Tides in Kaladesh Standard with the help of Metallurgic Summonings? Let's see!

Oct 31 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew: 14 Swamp Black (Pauper) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew: 14 Swamp Black (Pauper)

Is 14 lands and infinite one-drops the solution to beating Peregrine Drake in Pauper? Let's see!

Oct 24 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew About Nothing: Tezzerator (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew About Nothing: Tezzerator (Modern)

Can the combo of Sword of the Meek and Thopter Foundry make Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas playable in Modern?

Oct 10 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew About Nothing: Esper Brain Gifts (Modern) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew About Nothing: Esper Brain Gifts (Modern)

Can we fuse our way to victory with Brain in a Jar and Beck // Call in Modern?

Oct 3 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew About Nothing: Manaless Dredge (Legacy) much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew About Nothing: Manaless Dredge (Legacy)

Can we dodge the hate and Dredge our way to victory with a deck that contains zero mana sources of any kind? Let's see!

Sep 26 | by SaffronOlive

Displaying Article 361 - 390 of 416 in total

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