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One of the spiciest decks from the first week of Amonkhet Standard was UG Ramp. Does the deck have what it takes to compete?
By combining together two favorites—Ally Tribal and mill—can Halimar Excavator and friends pick up some combo wins in Modern?
Do Ninjas actually have a place in Modern, backed up by some powerful tempo plays and enters-the-battlefield creatures? Let's see!
Can we get some Turn-0 wins with Leylines in Legacy? Let's see!
Can Spawnsire of Ulamog be a legitimate finisher in Modern with the help of Early Harvest and Vernal Bloom? Let's see!
Everyone loves Mill, but it's hard to make the deck work in Modern. Are Walls and Phenax, God of Deception the solution?
Does the Vampires tribe have what it takes to compete in Modern? Let's find out!
Can we lock our opponent out of the game with an old-school build of Smokestack for Legacy? Let's see!
Is Standard ready to reclaim its splendor, or will it retreat back to endless Mardu Vehicles mirrors? Let's figure it out!
Our deck can get a hasty Emrakul on the battlefield as early as Turn 1, but how consistently do these nut draws actually happen?
Can GW Emeria, with the help of Renegade Rallier, give the more common UW Emeria a run for its money as the best Emeria deck?
Is Baral, Chief of Compliance enough to push Storm back to the forefront of Modern? Let's see!
How good is the Modern Puresteel Paladin Storm deck with the addition of Sram, Senior Edificer? Let's see!
Should Modern Chord decks go blue instead of white? Will Identity Thief make Seth pull his beard out? Let's see!
Can we pick up some free wins by using Alesha, Who Smiles at Death to reanimate Master of Cruelties? Let's find out!
Is using Borderposts to generate mana with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and tutoring with Thalia's Lancers a legitimate plan for Modern?
Werewolves haven't done much since their comeback in Shadows over Innistrad. Is it time for the tribe to howl its way through Standard?
Is Enduring Ideal epic enough for Modern, backed up by some janky enchantments like Dovescape? Let's see!
Collected Company, endless Walls, Wild Pair, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. What more could you want from a Modern deck?
Is Erayo, Soratami Ascendant playable in Modern, backed up by free spells, Monastery Mentor, and Dark Confidant? Let's see!
Is boring opponents to death a legitimate strategy in Modern? We'll find out as we take Lantern Control through a league!
Our mission this week is to figure out whether Mono-Blue Mill is just another bad deck or literally the worst deck in Modern. Let's see!
Free Win Red is back and better than ever, thanks to the addition of Chandra, Torch of Defiance!
Can Kobolds actually compete in Vintage, or will we have to change gears and try something a little bit different?
YouTube loves to make people do things they don't want to do, so this week, it's time for Bogles in Modern.
Can our old Mono-U Brains deck Rise from the Tides in Kaladesh Standard with the help of Metallurgic Summonings? Let's see!
Is 14 lands and infinite one-drops the solution to beating Peregrine Drake in Pauper? Let's see!
Can the combo of Sword of the Meek and Thopter Foundry make Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas playable in Modern?
Can we fuse our way to victory with Brain in a Jar and Beck // Call in Modern?
Can we dodge the hate and Dredge our way to victory with a deck that contains zero mana sources of any kind? Let's see!
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