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Image for Single Scoop:  An Honest Heartflame Burn Deck single scoop
Single Scoop: An Honest Heartflame Burn Deck

With graveyard hate being needed. Can Cemetery Gatekeeper and an honest burn deck deal enough damage?

Mar 2 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Dimir ReEnact the Crime single scoop
Single Scoop: Dimir ReEnact the Crime

Reenact the Crime and an army of looting creatures leads to some instant speed shenanigans!

Feb 27 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop:  Jaya's Fiery Negotiator's Time is Now! (Prowess) single scoop
Single Scoop: Jaya's Fiery Negotiator's Time is Now! (Prowess)

Jaya, Fiery Negotiator deserves some respect and hopefully this Prowess shell can help. Especially when we've got a few new cards from MKM :)

Feb 24 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Lazagna, a Falcon, & Archfiend Combo? single scoop
Single Scoop: Lazagna, a Falcon, & Archfiend Combo?

We've got a psuedo Mill gameplan with the new Lazav but we've also got a Coveted Falcon and Archfiend of Dross combo built in this sweet standard brew!

Feb 22 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop:  Krenko, Baron of Tin Street loves Artifacts? single scoop
Single Scoop: Krenko, Baron of Tin Street loves Artifacts?

Wait, could the new Krenko be what artifacts and sacrifice archetypes needed?

Feb 20 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: A Bunch of Tokens and a Dream single scoop
Single Scoop: A Bunch of Tokens and a Dream

So many things are looking to help boost the power of tokens in Standard between Warleader's Call and maybe even Lightning Helix!

Feb 17 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Detective Decks Need A Clue single scoop
Single Scoop: Detective Decks Need A Clue

With a new format, we could use some help solving the mystery of a new format! Nobody does it better than this Detective deck!

Feb 15 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Cryptic Coat is Exactly What The Smithy Ordered single scoop
Single Scoop: Cryptic Coat is Exactly What The Smithy Ordered

Cryptic Cloak is helping this Thousand Moons Smithy deck pop off!

Feb 13 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Super Mana Leak is Here! single scoop
Single Scoop: Super Mana Leak is Here!

Standard has been absurdly fun and its even better now that there's a SUPER MANA LEAK BACK IN THE FORMAT

Feb 10 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Bard Class is Timeless Legal single scoop
Single Scoop: Bard Class is Timeless Legal

WAIT A MINUTE. YOU'RE TELLING ME RAGAVAN CAN BE FREE? Well, lets see if these gruul legendaries can take down Timeless.

Feb 8 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: We Love Janky Amalia Combos single scoop
Single Scoop: We Love Janky Amalia Combos

Amalia Benavides Aguirre has a combo that we'd love to EXPLORE >:3

Feb 6 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: WHAT IS A MIND GOBLIN? single scoop

Goblins were feared on MTGArena. We need to make Timeless players fear them once again as I assume that's why they're called the Mind Goblins.

Feb 3 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Timeless Affinity Will Steal Games! single scoop
Single Scoop: Timeless Affinity Will Steal Games!

Affinity was once a Modern all-star aggro deck. Can it steal some games and Sharpnel Blast a few folks along the way?

Feb 1 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Merfolk Are A Timeless Archetype single scoop
Single Scoop: Merfolk Are A Timeless Archetype

Merfolk is so close to being playable in Timeless. Let's see if this deck can run the Timeless ladder!

Jan 30 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Can You Click Fast Enough for This Flumph Combo? single scoop
Single Scoop: Can You Click Fast Enough for This Flumph Combo?

Flumph is a great combo piece but can you even click fast enough to pull it off before you time out??

Jan 27 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: What Happened to Our Opponent's Cards!? single scoop
Single Scoop: What Happened to Our Opponent's Cards!?

The biggest mystery we'll be solving is either "how did we get waxed so fast?" or "Where'd our opponent's cards go!?"

Jan 26 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: A Pile of Weak Creatures and A Dream single scoop
Single Scoop: A Pile of Weak Creatures and A Dream

Well, almost none of our creatures are that powerful on their own but when they're STACKED together, maybe they can tax our opponent's out of the game!

Jan 24 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Colorless in Timeless single scoop
Single Scoop: Colorless in Timeless

Timeless needs a big Colorless deck and we're taking Forsaken Monument out for a spin!

Jan 21 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Turn One Geist of Saint Traft is Decent single scoop
Single Scoop: Turn One Geist of Saint Traft is Decent

Cheating out a Geist of Saint Traft on turn 1 feels amazing!

Jan 19 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Get In, We're Trying to "Lose the Game." single scoop
Single Scoop: Get In, We're Trying to "Lose the Game."

Our deck is loaded with ways to lose the game but hopefully we can work our way out of that with Gideon of the Trials and a Harmless Offering :)

Jan 16 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Get In, We're Blowing Up Lands! single scoop
Single Scoop: Get In, We're Blowing Up Lands!

Do our opponents actually need lands to cast their spells?

Jan 13 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Living Your Best Unlife single scoop
Single Scoop: Living Your Best Unlife

Are you tired of getting Thoughtseized and targeted? Don't worry, main deck Leyline of Sanctiy will help! Hitting zero life isn't the end either!

Jan 11 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop:   Aclazotz and Discarding in Standard single scoop
Single Scoop: Aclazotz and Discarding in Standard

Standard is amazing right now so let's try to play a fair discard deck with Aclazotz!

Jan 9 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: We Made Our Own Saheeli Rai Combo! single scoop
Single Scoop: We Made Our Own Saheeli Rai Combo!

Saheeli Rai had Felidar Guardian in other formats but there are still tons of ways to combo off with Saheeli....even if they're slightly more fragile...

Jan 6 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: PAYING RESPECTS TO SIEGE RHINO single scoop

Siege Rhino is always near and dear in all of our hearts. It was once the gold standard for a creature in Standard and Modern! Let's get Siege Rhino with some Lingering Souls going in Timeless >:3

Jan 4 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Being Rewarded For Lowering Our Health! single scoop
Single Scoop: Being Rewarded For Lowering Our Health!

Who says lowering your health isn't a benefit? We play with one of old Modern's best decks in Death's Shadow!

Jan 2 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Mill is a Timeless Archetype single scoop
Single Scoop: Mill is a Timeless Archetype

With Timeless mostly being a low cost format, Tasha's Hideous Laughter has to be a bonkers card!

Dec 30 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Can You Jund People in Timeless? single scoop
Single Scoop: Can You Jund People in Timeless?

The Jund Alumni are back and meshed in with the new school Jund cards like Ragavan. We're even trying out the Richard special Dreadwood Mossknight?

Dec 28 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Temur Terravore Moon single scoop
Single Scoop: Temur Terravore Moon

Terravore is a distant cousin of Tarmogoyf and it loves to eat lands so let's jam it inside a Blue Moon-esque deck!

Dec 26 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Single Scoop: Get In, We're Shutting Down Triggers single scoop
Single Scoop: Get In, We're Shutting Down Triggers

Our deck has one goal, to Stifle and deny our opponent any triggers. This includes their Fetchlands! Let's see what we can do with a deck full of stifles and other nonsense!

Dec 23 | by TheAsianAvenger

Displaying Article 91 - 120 of 882 in total

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