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The Dimir have a vampiric issue and it's quite the haunter!
TheAsianAvenger reminisces on his fae-days this week!
Will TheAsianAvenger be able to take flight and get a 5-0 this week? Find out as he pilots a Jeskai Drakes deck!
Time to put some pants on and go to town! We're trying some Izzet Bogles!
TheAsianAvenger talks a little about preparing for the Mythic Invitational!
Looking for a Grixis deck to try? Look no further!
All Hail the Spaghetti God! Let's see if the buddy cop combo of Nahiri and Emrakul can take down a modern league!
It's a new season! TheAsianAvenger will be providing you with a few lists and decks to watch out for on the ladder.
We're tuning another user submitted list this episode! This time we're doing a different take on Arclight Phoenix
How many haste 1/1 Goblins does it take to get wins? TheAsianAvenger helps figure that out!
Where did all the fish decks go? Let's see if the deck can still hang with the 2019 Modern meta!
As my family would say "It's time for your greens!" Well let's see if that rings true with the meta as we try a Stompy playstyle!
Humans are great in Modern. But how would they work in Standard? Let's find out!
We all know how spooky Spirits are in Modern but what if we add black instead of green?
Is Sultai Campaign the truth? Let's find out if it's time to be poppin' champagne with Disinformation Campaign!
Time for a deck that'll make your bones shiver as we play Rakdos Skeletons this week on Budget Arena!
TheAsianAvenger has foreseen an early Blood Moon in our opponent's day. Come see why!
Gruul Smash! Gruul Smash! Gruul Smash!
Come join TheAsianAvenger on Who Wants To Be A Frillionaire!
Izzet Wizards or Izzet Not? TheAsianAvenger helps answer the age-old question.
What did TheAsianAvenger use to grind to mythic early in season 2?
Is the Hero of Precinct One the hero we need or the one we deserve? TheAsianAvenger will help us find out!
I didn't choose the Afterlife, the Afterlife chose me!
Wait a minute? Are those goblins!? They sure are! Join TheAsianAvenger as he jams some goblins through an MTGO league!
Is this Rakdos Midrange deck the truth? Come find out as you don't want to miss out on this Rakdos Spectacle!
Are guildgates better this time around in Ravnica? Come find out as TheAsianAvenger takes a budget version of the deck into the queue!
Can Astral Slide stop Skullclamp Affinity?? Find out as SaffronOlive and TheAsianAvenger turn back the clocks in standard!
Electrodominance has found it's way into a Modern deck already. Let's see if Living Dominance is able to keep up with Modern!
What does the best of one ladder look like right now? TheAsianAvenger will reveal all!
This week, we'll see if Hero of Precinct One and Dovin, Grand Arbiter make Bant Tokens the truth
Displaying Article 871 - 900 of 939 in total