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Image for Modern Mayhem: Selesnya Prison (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Selesnya Prison (Modern, Magic Online)

Blowing up lands? White has a counterspell? This all sound interesting? If so, make sure you watch TheAsianAvenger learn Selesnya Prison!

Apr 9 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Top 8 At The Mythic Invitational mtgarena
Top 8 At The Mythic Invitational

TheAsianAvenger talks about his entire Mythic Invitational and Top 8'ing in detail here!

Apr 6 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Golgari Zomberts (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Golgari Zomberts (Standard, Magic Arena)

Just a day in the life of the hordes of undying this week!

Apr 2 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Naya Dinos! (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Naya Dinos! (Standard, Magic Arena)

Instead of a Jeff Goldblum reference, come watch TheAsianAvenger find a way with dinosaurs!

Mar 29 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: The Haunt of Dimir (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: The Haunt of Dimir (Standard, Magic Arena)

The Dimir have a vampiric issue and it's quite the haunter!

Mar 27 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Dimir Faeries (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Dimir Faeries (Modern, Magic Online)

TheAsianAvenger reminisces on his fae-days this week!

Mar 25 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Jeskai Drakes (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Jeskai Drakes (Standard, Magic Arena)

Will TheAsianAvenger be able to take flight and get a 5-0 this week? Find out as he pilots a Jeskai Drakes deck!

Mar 22 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Izzet A Bogle? (Standard, Magic Arena) f2pfish
Budget Arena: Izzet A Bogle? (Standard, Magic Arena)

Time to put some pants on and go to town! We're trying some Izzet Bogles!

Mar 20 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Mythic Invitational: Preparation standard
Mythic Invitational: Preparation

TheAsianAvenger talks a little about preparing for the Mythic Invitational!

Mar 17 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Grixis Midrange (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Grixis Midrange (Standard, Magic Arena)

Looking for a Grixis deck to try? Look no further!

Mar 15 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Naya Nahiri (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Naya Nahiri (Modern, Magic Online)

All Hail the Spaghetti God! Let's see if the buddy cop combo of Nahiri and Emrakul can take down a modern league!

Mar 11 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for March State of the Meta: Best of One standard
March State of the Meta: Best of One

It's a new season! TheAsianAvenger will be providing you with a few lists and decks to watch out for on the ladder.

Mar 9 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Temur Deeproot Phoenix (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Temur Deeproot Phoenix (Standard, Magic Arena)

We're tuning another user submitted list this episode! This time we're doing a different take on Arclight Phoenix

Mar 8 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Goblins of Calamity (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Goblins of Calamity (Standard, Magic Arena)

How many haste 1/1 Goblins does it take to get wins? TheAsianAvenger helps figure that out!

Mar 6 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: GlubGlubGlub (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: GlubGlubGlub (Modern, Magic Online)

Where did all the fish decks go? Let's see if the deck can still hang with the 2019 Modern meta!

Mar 4 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Green Deck Wins (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Green Deck Wins (Standard, Magic Arena)

As my family would say "It's time for your greens!" Well let's see if that rings true with the meta as we try a Stompy playstyle!

Mar 1 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Mardu Humanz budget arena
Budget Arena: Mardu Humanz

Humans are great in Modern. But how would they work in Standard? Let's find out!

Feb 27 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Esperits (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Esperits (Modern, Magic Online)

We all know how spooky Spirits are in Modern but what if we add black instead of green?

Feb 25 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Sultai Campaign (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Sultai Campaign (Standard, Magic Arena)

Is Sultai Campaign the truth? Let's find out if it's time to be poppin' champagne with Disinformation Campaign!

Feb 22 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Rakdos Skeletal Surprise (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Rakdos Skeletal Surprise (Standard, Magic Arena)

Time for a deck that'll make your bones shiver as we play Rakdos Skeletons this week on Budget Arena!

Feb 20 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Free Win Red! (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Free Win Red! (Modern, Magic Online)

TheAsianAvenger has foreseen an early Blood Moon in our opponent's day. Come see why!

Feb 18 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Gruul Aggro (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Gruul Aggro (Standard, Magic Arena)

Gruul Smash! Gruul Smash! Gruul Smash!

Feb 15 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Simic Frillionaires (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Simic Frillionaires (Standard, Magic Arena)

Come join TheAsianAvenger on Who Wants To Be A Frillionaire!

Feb 13 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Izzet Wizards? (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Izzet Wizards? (Modern, Magic Online)

Izzet Wizards or Izzet Not? TheAsianAvenger helps answer the age-old question.

Feb 11 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for My Grind to Mythic Season 2 (Standard, Magic Arena)
My Grind to Mythic Season 2 (Standard, Magic Arena)

What did TheAsianAvenger use to grind to mythic early in season 2?

Feb 9 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Esper Hero (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Esper Hero (Standard, Magic Arena)

Is the Hero of Precinct One the hero we need or the one we deserve? TheAsianAvenger will help us find out!

Feb 8 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Orzhov Afterlife (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Orzhov Afterlife (Standard, Magic Arena)

I didn't choose the Afterlife, the Afterlife chose me!

Feb 6 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Modern Mayhem: Goblins!!! (Modern, Magic Online) modern mayhem
Modern Mayhem: Goblins!!! (Modern, Magic Online)

Wait a minute? Are those goblins!? They sure are! Join TheAsianAvenger as he jams some goblins through an MTGO league!

Feb 4 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Fish Five-0: Rakdos Midrange (Standard, Magic Arena) fish five-o
Fish Five-0: Rakdos Midrange (Standard, Magic Arena)

Is this Rakdos Midrange deck the truth? Come find out as you don't want to miss out on this Rakdos Spectacle!

Feb 1 | by TheAsianAvenger
Image for Budget Arena: Guildgates (Standard, Magic Arena) budget arena
Budget Arena: Guildgates (Standard, Magic Arena)

Are guildgates better this time around in Ravnica? Come find out as TheAsianAvenger takes a budget version of the deck into the queue!

Jan 30 | by TheAsianAvenger

Displaying Article 811 - 840 of 883 in total

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