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Image for Financial Review of Commander 2015 commander
Financial Review of Commander 2015

What does the financial future of Commander 2015 have in store? Let's discuss!

Nov 9 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: 37 Land Vortex against the odds
Against the Odds: 37 Land Vortex

What are the odds of winning with 37 lands, Molten Vortex and Day's Undoing? We're about to find out!

Nov 5 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $99 (58 tix) Standard Reanimator budget magic
Budget Magic: $99 (58 tix) Standard Reanimator

What's better than a turn 10 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger? Why, a turn four Ulamog, of course!

Nov 4 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Much Abrew About Nothing: Modern RallyFenza much abrew about nothing
Much Abrew About Nothing: Modern RallyFenza

A new version of Rally Vampires - now with 50% less Vampire and 100% more infinite combos!

Nov 3 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Most Expensive Standard Since Caw Blade standard
The Most Expensive Standard Since Caw Blade

Despite going unplayed, the impact of Battle for Zendikar on deck prices is immense.

Nov 2 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: Tainted Remedy against the odds
Against the Odds: Tainted Remedy

What are the odds of winning with Tainted Remedy in Standard? Let's see!

Oct 29 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $42 (13 tix) Marshmallow Tutelage budget magic
Budget Magic: $42 (13 tix) Marshmallow Tutelage

This week Saffron is looking to kill opponents slowly, two cards at a time, with Sphinx's Tutelage and marshmallows.

Oct 28 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Battle for Zendikar and the This Always Happens Theory battle for zendikar
Battle for Zendikar and the This Always Happens Theory

Is it true that new sets never see heavy play? If not, what's the problem with Battle for Zendikar? Let's look at the numbers.

Oct 27 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: Standard GB Aristocrats (Event Deck Upgrade) budget magic
Budget Magic: Standard GB Aristocrats (Event Deck Upgrade)

Can $13 of upgrades make the Battle for Zendikar Event Deck competitive in Standard? Let's find out!

Oct 26 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Playtest: Battle for Zendikar Event Deck video
Playtest: Battle for Zendikar Event Deck

On the fence about buying the Battle for Zendikar Event Deck? Come watch Richard and I battle it out!

Oct 24 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: Standard Land Destruction against the odds
Against the Odds: Standard Land Destruction

Tired of losing to $500 manabases in Standard? Let's dish out some punishment to players being too greedy with their lands!

Oct 22 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $25 (3 tix) Standard Eldrazi Aggro budget magic
Budget Magic: $25 (3 tix) Standard Eldrazi Aggro

Looking for an ultra budget option to compete in the super expensive BFZ Standard? Eldrazi Aggro might be the deck for you!

Oct 21 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar: By the Numbers standard
Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar: By the Numbers

What decks and cards shined at Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar? Which ones faltered? Let's break down the numbers.

Oct 19 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Instant Analysis: Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar Day Two finance
Instant Analysis: Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar Day Two

UB Aristocrats, Temurai and all the important happenings from day two at Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar.

Oct 18 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Instant Analysis: Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar Day One pro tour
Instant Analysis: Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar Day One

Day One of Pro Tour BFZ is in the books. What did the meta look like, which cards over performed, which disappointed? Let's discuss.

Oct 17 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: 34 Rhinos against the odds
Against the Odds: 34 Rhinos

If four Rhinos are good and eight Rhinos are great, how about thirty-four Rhinos?

Oct 15 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $96 (51 tix) Standard Ulamog Exile budget magic
Budget Magic: $96 (51 tix) Standard Ulamog Exile

Battle for Zendikar is finally on Magic Online, so it's time for Budget Magic to explore the new Standard. First up, Ulamog Exile!

Oct 14 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Unfun, Unfair and Punishing: Eighth Edition modern
Unfun, Unfair and Punishing: Eighth Edition

When are hate cards healthy for a format? When are they unhealthy? Let's use Blood Moon, Ensnaring Bridge and Choke to figure it out.

Oct 12 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid against the odds
Against the Odds: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid

What are the odds of stealing all your opponents lands or drawing your entire deck with Gilt-Leaf Archdruid? Let's see!

Oct 8 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $84 (65 tix) Modern Troll Worship budget magic
Budget Magic: $84 (65 tix) Modern Troll Worship

Want to play a deck where only two of your opponent's cards matter? Take the aptly named Troll Worship for a spin to find out!

Oct 7 | by SaffronOlive
Image for By the Numbers: Battle for Zendikar Week One finance
By the Numbers: Battle for Zendikar Week One

Which BFZ cards were bombs on week one? Which were busts? Do we have a new Jace, the Mind Sculptor? Let's discuss!

Oct 5 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Brewing BFZ - Mardu Aristocrats, Awaken Control, and Budget Eldrazi Aggro standard
Brewing BFZ - Mardu Aristocrats, Awaken Control, and Budget Eldrazi Aggro

Saffron updates Mardu Aristocrats, along with brewing up Awaken Control and Eldrazi Aggro.

Oct 2 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: Swarmyard against the odds
Against the Odds: Swarmyard

In perhaps the most Against the Odds deck to date, Saffron brews up five-color Swarmyard Combo and takes it for a spin.

Oct 1 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $98 (36 tix) Modern Ironworks Combo budget magic
Budget Magic: $98 (36 tix) Modern Ironworks Combo

Looking for an inexpensive deck to goldfish your way though the Modern format? How about giving Ironworks Combo a try?

Sep 30 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Deck Evolutions: Legacy Miracles deck evolutions
Deck Evolutions: Legacy Miracles

While we call it Miracles today, the foundation of UWx CounterTop was built years before the namesake mechanic. Let's explore its history.

Sep 28 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Instant Analysis: Battle for Zendikar Event Deck finance
Instant Analysis: Battle for Zendikar Event Deck

Should you buy the Battle for Zendikar Event Deck? What does the future hold for Hangarback Walker? Let's discuss!

Sep 25 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Against the Odds: Modern Illusions against the odds
Against the Odds: Modern Illusions

Modern Illusions ran away with this week's Against the Odds voting, but how will it perform against the best decks in the format? Let's see!

Sep 24 | by SaffronOlive
Image for Budget Magic: $72 (26 tix) Modern Rally Vampires budget magic
Budget Magic: $72 (26 tix) Modern Rally Vampires

For this week's Budget Magic, Saffron brews up a tribal combo deck built around Rally the Ancestors and Return to the Ranks!

Sep 23 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Expected Value of Battle for Zendikar finance
The Expected Value of Battle for Zendikar

How much value can you expect from a box of Battle for Zendikar? How do full art basics and Expeditions shift the numbers? Let's see!

Sep 22 | by SaffronOlive
Image for The Psychology of Spoiler Season (or, why you bought Narset for $50) finance
The Psychology of Spoiler Season (or, why you bought Narset for $50)

Saffron delves into the psychology of spoiler season with the help of research on arousal, group behavior and risk taking.

Sep 18 | by SaffronOlive

Displaying Article 3391 - 3420 of 3535 in total

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