Making Our "Friends" Build Impossible Decks | Commander Clash S17 E18
This week on Commander Clash we each get to pick an impossibly hard card to build around...and then make another member of the crew build around it! Here's what we've got!
Richard's Deck (One with Nothing from Tomer)
Phil's Deck (Door to Nothingness from Seth)
Seth's Deck (Strixhaven Stadium from Richard)
Tomer's Deck (Mirror March from Phil)
House Bans
This season, we are using the official Commander banned list along with the following house bans:
- Fast mana cards Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Gaea's Cradle
- Smothering Tithe
- Rhystic Study
- Field of the Dead
- Glacial Chasm
Next Week: First to Draw 100 Cards Wins!
We all know that whoever draws the most card is the real winner of a game of Commander, but what if drawing the most cards literally wins you the game? Come back next week to find out!