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Commander Clash S5 Episode 1: Anything Goes!

Welcome back to Commander Clash, season 5! It's been a while but we're officially back! Did you miss us? I missed us.

As always, a new season means a switch in our roster: both Jennifer and Tom will be leaving the core group for this season. Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll be popping in now and then to fill seats just like Seth did in the last season. Speaking of Seth: our unofficial 5th member from last season is officially returning as a core member this season! Which leaves one last spot in the group for a brand new face on Commander Clash: introducing Vincent Kenobi, probably better known as PleasantKenobi, which you can regularly find jamming together jank brews on his stream and his youtube channel!

We kick things off with Anything Goes to get a feel for the new group dynamic:

  • Richard tries to Mill Them Out with the god of Milling, Phenax, God of Deception
  • Seth works on killing himself for value (aka card draw) with a Life Total Shenanigans deck led by Selenia, Dark Angel
  • Tomer uses his Moonfolk Tribal deck to punish his opponents in the name of Patron of the Moon
  • Vincent showcases his love of Bant with a Voltron brew revolving around suiting up Rafiq of the Many

Four players enter the battlefield, but only one will emerge victorious! Who will it be? Let's find out! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash. and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Richard's Deck (Phenax)


Seth's Deck (Selenia)


Tomer's Deck (Patron of the Moon)


Vincent's Deck (Rafiq)


Post-Game Thoughts


I made some mistakes. The first one was wasting that Mystical Tutor. The second one was not letting Vincent put Richard in lethal range. I was afraid of the Strip Mine; my hand, let alone my deck, had no outs to what Vincent was up to if my Maze of Iths went away.

I'll check the comments section a day or two later to see what XYZ giant punt I forgot about -- it's been two weeks since we recorded this so my memory is hazy -- but regardless, that was some terrible draws. I want to run it back whenever possible. The Moonfolk will have their revenge!


Next Week: Elder Dragon Highlander!

We celebrate the release of Core Set 2019 by building decks around the new Elder Dragons from the set! Which mighty dragon will end up being victorious in the war? We'll find out ... next time, on Commander Clash! (cue electric guitar outro music)

Actually wait a second because I want your opinion! What do you think about our decision not to have a hard budget limit on our decks, and instead just staying away from any card over $100 USD (along with our soft ban list)? Do you prefer that over our previous hard cap of about 20-30tix? Let us know!

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