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Commander Clash S5 E11: Ravnica Guilds!! (Augustin vs. Jarad vs. Tibor & Lumia vs. Trostani)

Welcome back to Commander Clash! To celebrate the release of the latest set, Guilds of Ravnica, we're representing our favorite guild by building a deck around a legendary guild member! Here's what we picked:

  • Richard picks Selesnya, but instead of a typical Tokens deck he's brewed a crazy Wurm Tribal deck supported by Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
  • Seth defies expectations by not picking a durdly Blue guild but instead picks Golgari, turning the graveyard into a resource with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
  • Tomer picks the best guild, Izzet, and shows what can be done with an often overlooked Izzet commander, Tibor and Lumia
  • Vincent picks Azorius, writing down laws to prevent everyone from having fun and passing them through the system with Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

Can the lesser guilds even put up a sporting fight against the superior Izzet guild? Let's find out! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash. and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Richard's Deck (Trostani)


Seth's Deck (Jarad)


Tomer's Deck (Tibor and Lumia)



Vince's Deck (Augustin)


Post-Game Thoughts

I haven't been doing a good job this season bringing decks of a correct power level. Either they're too janky, like my Kamigawa-flavored brews, or they're too strong, like my Garna, the Bloodflame deck that ran the easy Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts combo, and now this Tibor and Lumia Combo deck.

I think the Firemind's Foresight combo was thematic and appropriate, even if it's quite strong and hard to disrupt. I don't regret running that, but I do regret that I stumbled into the combo so quickly. The Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo was definitely pushing it too far. I've never ran that combo before and was already running Isochron Scepter in the deck since I have so many cheap instants to imprint, so I figured why not toss in Reversal and see what happens. Turns out it's just too easy to win from there. Lesson learned. I'm sorry I had to learn this in Commander Clash though, since we only have a few hours to record some entertaining games for you all and it sucks when those games end up being lopsided solitaire because I can't figure out how my cards work.


Next Week: Viewer Submitted Decks!

Last week, we asked you to submit decks that you want to see us play in a future Commander Clash episode. Next week you get to see which decks we picked! I was sick during the recording so Tom took my place, which means I'm in the unusual position of eagerly waiting to see how the game went!

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