Commander Clash S4 Episode 8: C17 Precons! (Arcane Wizardry, Draconic Domination, Feline Ferocity, Vampiric Bloodlust)
Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. This week we finally have a chance to play with the Commander 2017 preconstructed decks! The set was released at the end of August but only now have they made their way on to Magic Online. Better late than never, right? Let's see what we've got:
- Tom pilots Vampiric Bloodlust, a Vampire Tribal list all about being aggressive and going wide with Edgar Markov
- Seth pilots Draconic Domination, a Dragon Tribal deck that overwhelms the board by dropping giant battlecruisers and smashing face with The Ur-Dragon
- Richard pilots Feline Ferocity, a Cat Tribal deck looking to go tall by suiting up one kitty and turning it into a giant beat with Arahbo, Roar of the World
- Tomer pilots Arcane Wizardry, a Wizard Tribal deck that controls the board, destroying and bouncing threats and out-valuing the opposition with Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
Yes, Seth is back once again because Jennifer's dog accidentally ate some cinnamon buns during the recording and had to be rushed to the vet to yak them up. The dog's fine but we had to replace her for this one. Now, on to the match! And as usual, another quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.
Tom's Deck (Vampiric Bloodlust)
Seth's Deck (Draconic Domination)
Richard's Deck (Feline Ferocity)
Tomer's Deck (Arcane Wizardry)
Post-Game Thoughts
I really like the Commander 2017 precons and also how they play against each other. I've played with them in other groups and it does feel like each deck has an equal shot of winning: Vampiric Bloodlust usually has the strongest early game, Arcane Wizardry has the strongest lategame, and the other two decks fall somewhere in between. They all have a good deal of interaction, ramp, card draw, and neat finishers. Well done, Wizards!
I'll also remember Seth's betrayal this game. The abacus doesn't forget ...
Next Week: Wednesday Video!
A new Commander Clash video will be going up Wednesday, December 6th instead of the usual Saturday! I don't want to spoil anything about the video other than we haven't done anything like this before!