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Commander Clash S2 Episode 30: Sliver Mayhem

Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. Recently, someone suggested that we play a game where everyone is running Tribal Slivers. We figured such a game would either be amazing or terrible with no middle ground, but we agreed that it would be crazy either way, so here it is! This is Sliver Mayhem, and here are our rules for this game:

  • Tribal Slivers. Each deck is running a minimum of 30 slivers. I think we ended up with 35+ in each deck.
  • All the slivers must be from Time Spiral block or earlier. The modern slivers only buff your own slivers. That's boring. The oldschool slivers buff all slivers, including your opponents, which leads to the mayhem situation we're looking for. Plus the modern slivers look lame (what were you thinking, Wizards?). 
  • The commander must be Sliver Legion. The other sliver legendaries are crazy strong for this game, perhaps too strong (*cough* *cough* Sliver Overlord), and we didn't want the games to revolve entirely around them. Sliver Legion is still badass and adds to the crazy board states we want to encourage.

So, just how absurd is a game of Sliver Mayhem? Let's find out! And remember, folks: you asked for this! But first, a quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.

Tom's Deck

Seth's Deck

Richard's Deck

Tomer's Deck

Post-Game Thoughts

Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?!

I count this as a perk of playing on Magic Online. There is no way you'd be able to track a game like Sliver Mayhem sitting at a table with paper cards. It's just not practical. Magic Online, however, has no problem keeping track of absurd games like this for you. So if you're looking to play a game of Sliver Mayhem (don't), Magic Online is the only realistic option.

As for the games themselves, I'm glad we got to show both sides of the coin here. When everyone's playing old school slivers, the games end either super fast or super slow. In game 2, Tom and I removed Sliver Queen and Sliver Overlord from our decks because they quickly warp the game around themselves, and I think that was a good call.

Apologies for my terrible plays in game two. Longtime viewers know I'm no pro player and make plenty of mistakes each game, but after an hour into game two my brain was fried and I was mentally finished. We had done a back-to-back recording of Commander Clash and after four hours in of playing Commander my brain could not keep up with the insane board state any longer. If we ever do Sliver Mayhem again - and we won't - I'd need to mentally prepare for the prospect of the game going long and absurd again.

Oh yeah, and pack Insurrection and some board wipes in your deck. That'd be a good call.

I hope you guys enjoyed the games! It was definitely different and interesting. I'm glad we did it, once.

Next Week: History Clash!

We're going to show off a chunk of Magic's history by building decks with cards that were printed in a specific time period. We started at the very beginning with Alpha and the last time we did this, we got up to Onslaught block. Next week we're picking up where we left off and building decks with cards from Mirrodin block up to an undecided point, possibly Ravnica block. It should be sweet!

As always, we love to hear from you guys! Tell us what you like to see, what you don't like, any ideas that we can put forward for future videos, or anything else you'd like to tell us! You can reach us in the comments section below or tweet me @BudgetCommander.

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