Commander Clash S2 Episode 24: Multi-color
Hello and welcome to Commander Clash, a video series where several MTGGoldfish contributors battle in a four player Commander game for fun and bragging rights. Our decks are all shining with gold this week: every nonland card must be multi-colored! Here's what we came up with:
- Tom smacks his opponents with small evasive creatures that draw cards, led by Marchesa, the Black Rose
- Seth plays Mythic Tribal, running a 5-Color monstrosity that is composed of mythic-rarity cards led by Sliver Queen
- Richard busts out Sphinx Tribal, an Esper Control deck that polices the board with Sharuum the Hegemon
- Tomer runs a 5-Color Spellslinger deck focused on casting instants/sorceries for value, championed by Progenitus
Because the deckbuilding restriction this week makes it difficult to cast all our multi-colored spells on time, we've omitted our lands from the usual ~20tix deck budget, so cracking a Marsh Flats for Underground Sea is fair game. Let's see how these oddball decks pan out! But first, quick reminder: if you like Commander Clash and other video content here on MTGGoldfish, make sure to subscribe to the MTGGoldfish Youtube Channel to keep up with the latest and greatest.
Tom's Deck (Marchesa)
Richard's Deck (Sharuum)
Seth's Deck (Sliver Queen)
Tomer's Deck (Progenitus)
Post-Game Thoughts
It was really cool to see a bunch of cards nobody every plays in a regular Commander game. We got to see not only some great multicolor cards like Rashmi, Eternities Crafter (briefly!), but also "multicolor matters" cards like Cloven Casting, and even meta calls for multicolor hate like Trial //Error! This was certainly one of the most unique clashes we ever did, and I particularly relish these games because I've personally been playing Commander for so long and have seen so many decks that it's rare for me to experience cards and decks that I've never seen before.
Also, Crackleburr, the card so wonderfully obscure that even MODO forgot about it!
Next Week: Newbie Favorites
For next week, we'll be building decks from cards that we loved when we first starting playing Magic. They could be good cards or bad cards -- let's be honest, probably bad -- that captivated our imagination when we first looked at the game with fresh eyes. I'm excited to hear from the rest of the crew about what cards and what styles of play drew them in when they started playing!