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Browse > Home / Decks / Penny Dreadful / Merfolk

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Cursecatcher Cursecatcher [A25]
Tide Shaper Tide Shaper <retro> [MH2]
Master of the Pearl Trident Master of the Pearl Trident [LCC]
Silvergill Adept Silvergill Adept [RIX]
Merrow Reejerey Merrow Reejerey [LCC]
Kopala, Warden of Waves Kopala, Warden of Waves [LCC]
Rishadan Dockhand Rishadan Dockhand [MH2]
Coralhelm Commander Coralhelm Commander [LCC]
Harbinger of the Tides Harbinger of the Tides [FDN]
Tidal Warrior Tidal Warrior [DDT]
Merfolk Sovereign Merfolk Sovereign [LCC]


Spell Pierce Spell Pierce [DFT]


Island Island <251> [THB]


Mistcaller Mistcaller [M19]
Divert Divert [OD]
Deprive Deprive [ROE]
Annul Annul [THS]
Rebuild Rebuild [MH1]
Vedalken Shackles Vedalken Shackles [5DN]

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