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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Mizzix of the Izmagnus

Mizzix Budget by Gideonisthebest7932

Report Deck Name Fix Archetype
$ 63.61
7.24 tix
10 Mythic, 24 Rare, 22 Uncommon, 19 Common

Format: Commander
User Submitted Deck
Deck Date: Jul 23, 2024

1 Mizzix of the Izmagnus $ 0.45
Creatures (11)
1 Electrostatic Field $ 0.99
1 Goblin Electromancer $ 0.19
1 Third Path Iconoclast $ 0.52
1 Young Pyromancer $ 0.26
1 Flux Channeler $ 1.17
1 Guttersnipe $ 0.23
1 Archmage Emeritus $ 2.49
1 Murmuring Mystic $ 0.25
1 Storm-Kiln Artist $ 0.89
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner $ 0.25
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned $ 3.98
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Ral, Storm Conduit $ 2.14
Spells (35)
1 Consider $ 0.80
1 Opt $ 0.20
1 Preordain $ 1.00
1 Spell Burst $ 0.25
1 Contentious Plan $ 0.36
1 Crackle with Power $ 1.87
1 Epic Experiment $ 0.25
1 Experimental Augury $ 0.50
1 Expressive Iteration $ 0.59
1 Finale of Revelation $ 0.28
1 Galvanic Iteration $ 0.25
1 Increasing Vengeance $ 0.50
1 Mizzium Mortars $ 0.43
1 Negate $ 0.20
1 Prologue to Phyresis $ 0.30
1 Drown in Dreams $ 0.60
1 Frantic Search $ 0.25
1 Reiterate $ 3.50
1 Silundi Vision $ 0.35
1 Solve the Equation $ 2.30
1 Steady Progress $ 0.33
1 Storm King's Thunder $ 1.14
1 Stroke of Genius $ 0.30
1 Aetherize $ 0.50
1 Big Score $ 0.91
1 Chain Reaction $ 0.32
1 Fact or Fiction $ 0.25
1 Mizzix's Mastery $ 0.61
1 Mystic Retrieval $ 0.34
1 Radstorm $ 6.00
1 Tezzeret's Gambit $ 0.25
1 Mystic Confluence $ 0.36
1 Firemind's Foresight $ 0.29
1 Treasure Cruise $ 0.25
1 Blasphemous Act $ 2.29
Artifacts (11)
1 Sol Ring $ 0.99
1 Wayfarer's Bauble $ 0.25
1 Arcane Signet $ 0.40
1 Fellwar Stone $ 0.88
1 Izzet Signet $ 0.38
1 Mind Stone $ 0.25
1 Talisman of Creativity $ 1.09
1 Thought Vessel $ 1.00
1 Commander's Sphere $ 0.20
1 Decanter of Endless Water $ 1.24
1 Mindsplice Apparatus $ 0.98
Enchantments (4)
1 Case of the Ransacked Lab $ 0.80
1 Fiery Inscription $ 0.35
1 Metallurgic Summonings $ 1.49
1 Thousand-Year Storm $ 3.50
Lands (37) +1 MDFCs
1 Cascade Bluffs $ 1.80
1 Command Tower $ 0.25
1 Frostboil Snarl $ 0.25
15 Island $ 0.00
1 Izzet Boilerworks $ 0.25
1 Karn's Bastion $ 1.63
10 Mountain $ 0.00
1 Prismari Campus $ 0.20
1 Reliquary Tower $ 0.25
1 Restless Spire $ 0.36
1 Shivan Reef $ 0.69
1 Sulfur Falls $ 0.84
1 Temple of Epiphany $ 0.25
1 Wandering Fumarole $ 0.31
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  7 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Mizzix of the Izmagnus 0.12 tix
Creatures (11)
1 Electrostatic Field 0.03 tix
1 Goblin Electromancer 0.03 tix
1 Third Path Iconoclast 0.03 tix
1 Young Pyromancer 0.03 tix
1 Flux Channeler 0.03 tix
1 Guttersnipe 0.02 tix
1 Archmage Emeritus 0.02 tix
1 Murmuring Mystic 0.03 tix
1 Storm-Kiln Artist 0.03 tix
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner 0.02 tix
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 0.02 tix
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Ral, Storm Conduit 0.02 tix
Spells (35)
1 Consider 0.04 tix
1 Opt 0.02 tix
1 Preordain 3.25 tix
1 Spell Burst 0.03 tix
1 Contentious Plan 0.03 tix
1 Crackle with Power 0.02 tix
1 Epic Experiment 0.02 tix
1 Experimental Augury 0.03 tix
1 Expressive Iteration 0.03 tix
1 Finale of Revelation 0.03 tix
1 Galvanic Iteration 0.03 tix
1 Increasing Vengeance 0.02 tix
1 Mizzium Mortars 0.02 tix
1 Negate 0.02 tix
1 Prologue to Phyresis 0.03 tix
1 Drown in Dreams 0.37 tix
1 Frantic Search 0.02 tix
1 Reiterate 0.02 tix
1 Silundi Vision 0.03 tix
1 Solve the Equation 0.03 tix
1 Steady Progress 0.01 tix
1 Storm King's Thunder 1.31 tix
1 Stroke of Genius 0.02 tix
1 Aetherize 0.02 tix
1 Big Score 0.01 tix
1 Chain Reaction 0.02 tix
1 Fact or Fiction 0.02 tix
1 Mizzix's Mastery 0.03 tix
1 Mystic Retrieval 0.02 tix
1 Radstorm
1 Tezzeret's Gambit 0.03 tix
1 Mystic Confluence 0.33 tix
1 Firemind's Foresight 0.02 tix
1 Treasure Cruise 0.03 tix
1 Blasphemous Act 0.02 tix
Artifacts (11)
1 Sol Ring 0.07 tix
1 Wayfarer's Bauble 0.03 tix
1 Arcane Signet 0.02 tix
1 Fellwar Stone 0.04 tix
1 Izzet Signet 0.03 tix
1 Mind Stone 0.04 tix
1 Talisman of Creativity 0.03 tix
1 Thought Vessel 0.02 tix
1 Commander's Sphere 0.02 tix
1 Decanter of Endless Water 0.04 tix
1 Mindsplice Apparatus 0.02 tix
Enchantments (4)
1 Case of the Ransacked Lab 0.02 tix
1 Fiery Inscription 0.03 tix
1 Metallurgic Summonings 0.02 tix
1 Thousand-Year Storm 0.02 tix
Lands (37) +1 MDFCs
1 Cascade Bluffs 0.07 tix
1 Command Tower 0.05 tix
1 Frostboil Snarl 0.02 tix
15 Island 0.00 tix
1 Izzet Boilerworks 0.03 tix
1 Karn's Bastion 0.02 tix
10 Mountain 0.00 tix
1 Prismari Campus 0.03 tix
1 Reliquary Tower 0.02 tix
1 Restless Spire 0.06 tix
1 Shivan Reef 0.02 tix
1 Sulfur Falls 0.02 tix
1 Temple of Epiphany 0.02 tix
1 Wandering Fumarole 0.02 tix
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  7 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Mizzix of the Izmagnus 1 Mythic
Creatures (11)
1 Electrostatic Field 1 Unc.
1 Goblin Electromancer 1 Comm.
1 Third Path Iconoclast 1 Unc.
1 Young Pyromancer 1 Unc.
1 Flux Channeler 1 Unc.
1 Guttersnipe 1 Unc.
1 Archmage Emeritus 1 Rare
1 Murmuring Mystic 1 Unc.
1 Storm-Kiln Artist 1 Unc.
1 Talrand, Sky Summoner 1 Rare
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned 1 Mythic
Planeswalkers (1)
1 Ral, Storm Conduit 1 Rare
Spells (35)
1 Consider 1 Comm.
1 Opt 1 Unc.
1 Preordain 1 Comm.
1 Spell Burst 1 Unc.
1 Contentious Plan 1 Comm.
1 Crackle with Power 1 Mythic
1 Epic Experiment 1 Mythic
1 Experimental Augury 1 Comm.
1 Expressive Iteration 1 Unc.
1 Finale of Revelation 1 Mythic
1 Galvanic Iteration 1 Rare
1 Increasing Vengeance 1 Mythic
1 Mizzium Mortars 1 Rare
1 Negate 1 Comm.
1 Prologue to Phyresis 1 Comm.
1 Drown in Dreams 1 Rare
1 Frantic Search 1 Comm.
1 Reiterate 1 Rare
1 Silundi Vision 1 Unc.
1 Solve the Equation 1 Unc.
1 Steady Progress 1 Comm.
1 Storm King's Thunder 1 Mythic
1 Stroke of Genius 1 Rare
1 Aetherize 1 Unc.
1 Big Score 1 Comm.
1 Chain Reaction 1 Rare
1 Fact or Fiction 1 Unc.
1 Mizzix's Mastery 1 Mythic
1 Mystic Retrieval 1 Unc.
1 Radstorm 1 Rare
1 Tezzeret's Gambit 1 Rare
1 Mystic Confluence 1 Rare
1 Firemind's Foresight 1 Rare
1 Treasure Cruise 1 Comm.
1 Blasphemous Act 1 Rare
Artifacts (11)
1 Sol Ring 1 Unc.
1 Wayfarer's Bauble 1 Comm.
1 Arcane Signet 1 Comm.
1 Fellwar Stone 1 Unc.
1 Izzet Signet 1 Unc.
1 Mind Stone 1 Comm.
1 Talisman of Creativity 1 Unc.
1 Thought Vessel 1 Comm.
1 Commander's Sphere 1 Comm.
1 Decanter of Endless Water 1 Comm.
1 Mindsplice Apparatus 1 Rare
Enchantments (4)
1 Case of the Ransacked Lab 1 Rare
1 Fiery Inscription 1 Unc.
1 Metallurgic Summonings 1 Mythic
1 Thousand-Year Storm 1 Mythic
Lands (37) +1 MDFCs
1 Cascade Bluffs 1 Rare
1 Command Tower 1 Comm.
1 Frostboil Snarl 1 Rare
15 Island
1 Izzet Boilerworks 1 Unc.
1 Karn's Bastion 1 Rare
10 Mountain
1 Prismari Campus 1 Comm.
1 Reliquary Tower 1 Unc.
1 Restless Spire 1 Rare
1 Shivan Reef 1 Rare
1 Sulfur Falls 1 Rare
1 Temple of Epiphany 1 Rare
1 Wandering Fumarole 1 Rare
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  7 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...


Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Mizzix of the Izmagnus Mizzix of the Izmagnus [CMM]
Goblin Electromancer Goblin Electromancer [OTC]
Guttersnipe Guttersnipe [OTC]
Storm-Kiln Artist Storm-Kiln Artist [OTC]
Talrand, Sky Summoner Talrand, Sky Summoner [OTC]
Baral, Chief of Compliance Baral, Chief of Compliance [AER]
Flux Channeler Flux Channeler [WAR]
Electrostatic Field Electrostatic Field [OTC]
Third Path Iconoclast Third Path Iconoclast [OTC]
Archmage Emeritus Archmage Emeritus [OTC]
Harmonic Prodigy Harmonic Prodigy <showcase> [MH2]
Young Pyromancer Young Pyromancer [OTC]
Veyran, Voice of Duality Veyran, Voice of Duality [OTC]
Melek, Izzet Paragon Melek, Izzet Paragon [CMM]
Niv-Mizzet, Parun Niv-Mizzet, Parun <retro> [RVR]
Thunderclap Drake Thunderclap Drake <extended> [OTC]
Dreamtide Whale Dreamtide Whale [MH3]
Dualcaster Mage Dualcaster Mage <precon> [CMR]
Vadrik, Astral Archmage Vadrik, Astral Archmage <showcase> [MID]
Charmbreaker Devils Charmbreaker Devils [C21]
Kaza, Roil Chaser Kaza, Roil Chaser [OTC]
Baral and Kari Zev Baral and Kari Zev <showcase> [MOM]
Jori En, Ruin Diver Jori En, Ruin Diver [OGW]
Stella Lee, Wild Card Stella Lee, Wild Card <borderless> [OTC]
Melek, Reforged Researcher Melek, Reforged Researcher <prerelease> [MKM] (F)
Radiant Performer Radiant Performer [C21]
Ovika, Enigma Goliath Ovika, Enigma Goliath <showcase> [ONE]
Ruin Crab Ruin Crab <showcase> [ZNR]
Bloodthirsty Adversary Bloodthirsty Adversary [OTC]
Erebor Flamesmith Erebor Flamesmith [LTR]
Firebrand Archer Firebrand Archer [HOU]
Mercurial Spelldancer Mercurial Spelldancer [ONE]
Naban, Dean of Iteration Naban, Dean of Iteration [DOM]
Razzle-Dazzler Razzle-Dazzler [OTJ]
Silver Myr Silver Myr [NEC]
Thermo-Alchemist Thermo-Alchemist [J22]
Bothersome Quasit Bothersome Quasit <extended> [CLB]
Burnished Hart Burnished Hart [CLB]
Callous Oppressor Callous Oppressor [ONS]
Drift of Phantasms Drift of Phantasms <retro> [RVR]
Enigma Drake Enigma Drake [M19]
Gadwick, the Wizened Gadwick, the Wizened [ELD]
Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy <showcase> [CLB]
Haughty Djinn Haughty Djinn [OTC]
Mocking Sprite Mocking Sprite [WOE]
Simian Spirit Guide Simian Spirit Guide [TSR]
Tribute Mage Tribute Mage [MH1]
Trophy Mage Trophy Mage [AER]
Wandering Mind Wandering Mind [VOW]
Archaeomancer Archaeomancer [M13]
Crackling Drake Crackling Drake [RVR]
Erratic Cyclops Erratic Cyclops [C21]
Galazeth Prismari Galazeth Prismari <borderless> [STX]
Master Thief Master Thief [ZNC]
Murmuring Mystic Murmuring Mystic [OTC]
Myriad Construct Myriad Construct [CMM]
Sly Instigator Sly Instigator [CLB]
Solemn Simulacrum Solemn Simulacrum [BLC]
Spark Double Spark Double <retro> [RVR]
Venser, Shaper Savant Venser, Shaper Savant [2X2]
Wildfire Devils Wildfire Devils [SCD]
Wizards of Thay Wizards of Thay [CLB]
Wonder Wonder [MH2] (FE)
Zaffai, Thunder Conductor Zaffai, Thunder Conductor [C21] (F)
Beguiler of Wills Beguiler of Wills [DKA]
Dazzling Sphinx Dazzling Sphinx [OTC]
Deekah, Fractal Theorist Deekah, Fractal Theorist [C21]
Keranos, God of Storms Keranos, God of Storms [JOU]
Rionya, Fire Dancer Rionya, Fire Dancer [C21]
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind [C20]
The Locust God The Locust God [MOC]
Agent of Treachery Agent of Treachery [M20]
Diluvian Primordial Diluvian Primordial [OTC]
Inspired Sphinx Inspired Sphinx [SCD]
Eris, Roar of the Storm Eris, Roar of the Storm [OTC] (F)
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre [MM2]
Emrakul, the Promised End Emrakul, the Promised End <Artist Series John Avon> [SLD]


Jaya Ballard Jaya Ballard [C21]
Ral, Storm Conduit Ral, Storm Conduit [WAR]
Narset, Parter of Veils Narset, Parter of Veils [WAR]
Ral Zarek Ral Zarek [RVR]
Teferi, Master of Time Teferi, Master of Time <277> [M21]


Epic Experiment Epic Experiment [OTC]
Tezzeret's Gambit Tezzeret's Gambit [M3C]
Brainstorm Brainstorm [C15]
Vandalblast Vandalblast <borderless> [CMM]
Counterspell Counterspell <borderless> [CMM]
Mizzix's Mastery Mizzix's Mastery <retro> [RVR]
Mana Geyser Mana Geyser [5DN]
Frantic Search Frantic Search <borderless> [CMM]
Solve the Equation Solve the Equation [STX]
Aetherize Aetherize [LCC]
Treasure Cruise Treasure Cruise [M3C]
Ponder Ponder [WHO]
Experimental Augury Experimental Augury [ONE]
Finale of Revelation Finale of Revelation [M3C]
Negate Negate [ZNR]
Pull from Tomorrow Pull from Tomorrow [BLC]
Seething Song Seething Song [9ED]
Stroke of Genius Stroke of Genius <retro> [DMR]
Big Score Big Score [BLC]
Blasphemous Act Blasphemous Act [PIP]
Faithless Looting Faithless Looting [CMM]
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt <showcase> [CLB]
Opt Opt [J22]
Preordain Preordain [WHO]
Serum Visions Serum Visions [OTC]
Comet Storm Comet Storm <precon> [CMR]
Contentious Plan Contentious Plan [WAR]
Cyclonic Rift Cyclonic Rift [RTR]
Mizzium Mortars Mizzium Mortars [CLB]
Blue Sun's Zenith Blue Sun's Zenith [A25]
Reiterate Reiterate [TSP]
Storm King's Thunder Storm King's Thunder [CLB]
Fact or Fiction Fact or Fiction <precon> [CMR]
Mystic Retrieval Mystic Retrieval [UMA]
Rewind Rewind [M21]
Mystic Confluence Mystic Confluence [LTC]
Rousing Refrain Rousing Refrain [OTC]
Firemind's Foresight Firemind's Foresight [RTR]
Dig Through Time Dig Through Time [OTC]
Crackle with Power Crackle with Power <showcase> [OTP]
Electrodominance Electrodominance <showcase> [OTP]
Galvanic Iteration Galvanic Iteration [OTC]
Grapeshot Grapeshot [DMR]
Jaya's Immolating Inferno Jaya's Immolating Inferno <precon> [CMR]
Quick Study Quick Study [WOE]
Steady Progress Steady Progress [MM2]
Chain Reaction Chain Reaction [SCD]
Past in Flames Past in Flames [40K]
Reinterpret Reinterpret [C21]
Turnabout Turnabout <retro> [DMR]
Mind's Desire Mind's Desire [C21]
Volcanic Vision Volcanic Vision [C21]
Apex of Power Apex of Power [AFC]
Time Stretch Time Stretch <retro> [DMR]
Banefire Banefire [DDN]
Mystical Tutor Mystical Tutor <retro> [DMR]
Spell Burst Spell Burst [TSR]
Abrade Abrade [SCD]
Curse of the Swine Curse of the Swine [M3C]
Dramatic Reversal Dramatic Reversal [KLD]
Expressive Iteration Expressive Iteration [OTC]
Mana Drain Mana Drain <showcase> [OTP]
Merchant Scroll Merchant Scroll [HML]
Mind Spring Mind Spring [C20]
Pyretic Ritual Pyretic Ritual [M11]
Return the Favor Return the Favor [OTJ]
Snap Snap [DMR]
Think Twice Think Twice [OTC]
Capsize Capsize [TE]
Chaos Warp Chaos Warp [OTC]
Counterflux Counterflux [RTR]
Drown in Dreams Drown in Dreams [M3C]
Jeska's Will Jeska's Will [MKC]
Unwind Unwind [DOM]
Windfall Windfall [LCC]
Mass Manipulation Mass Manipulation [RNA]
Radstorm Radstorm [PIP]
Aetherspouts Aetherspouts [MIC]
Creative Technique Creative Technique [C21]
Prophetic Bolt Prophetic Bolt [2X2]
Vivisurgeon's Insight Vivisurgeon's Insight [ONE]
Aethersnatch Aethersnatch [C15]
Inspiring Refrain Inspiring Refrain [WHO]
Surge to Victory Surge to Victory [C21]
Brass's Bounty Brass's Bounty [MOC]
Beacon of Tomorrows Beacon of Tomorrows [DDS]
Pact of Negation Pact of Negation [A25]
Blazing Volley Blazing Volley [AKH]
Blustersquall Blustersquall [RTR]
Consider Consider [MKC]
Diminish Diminish [MB1]
Dispel Dispel [BFZ]
Dive Down Dive Down [XLN]
Explosive Derailment Explosive Derailment [OTJ]
Fireball Fireball <showcase> [CLB]
Gitaxian Probe Gitaxian Probe [NPH]
High Tide High Tide <retro> [DMR]
Magma Spray Magma Spray [AKH]
March of Swirling Mist March of Swirling Mist [NEO]
Mutiny Mutiny [RIX]
Mystic Speculation Mystic Speculation [FUT]
Pongify Pongify [M3C]
Rapid Hybridization Rapid Hybridization [BLC]
Renegade Tactics Renegade Tactics [CMR]
Shock Shock [M21]
Thought Scour Thought Scour [2X2]
Warlord's Fury Warlord's Fury [DOM]
Arcane Denial Arcane Denial <B> [ALL]
Blue Sun's Twilight Blue Sun's Twilight <extended> [ONE]
Change of Plans Change of Plans [NCC]
Chart a Course Chart a Course [LCI]
Desperate Ritual Desperate Ritual [CHK]
Entrancing Melody Entrancing Melody [XLN]
Finale of Promise Finale of Promise [OTC]
Impulse Impulse [GN3]
Incinerate Incinerate [10E]
Increasing Vengeance Increasing Vengeance [C19]
Izzet Charm Izzet Charm <retro> [RVR]
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike [M15]
Logic Knot Logic Knot [TSR]
Lose Focus Lose Focus [MH2]
Magmaquake Magmaquake [AFC]
Mana Leak Mana Leak [DDN]
Mindswipe Mindswipe [KTK]
Muddle the Mixture Muddle the Mixture <retro> [RVR]
Muse Vortex Muse Vortex [C21]
Narset's Reversal Narset's Reversal [WAR]
Prologue to Phyresis Prologue to Phyresis [ONE]
Radical Idea Radical Idea [GRN]
Reverberate Reverberate [40K]
Revolutionary Rebuff Revolutionary Rebuff [KLD]
Scatter Ray Scatter Ray [BRO]
Searing Spear Searing Spear [J22]
Shifting Grift Shifting Grift [OTJ]
Starstorm Starstorm [J22]
Tormenting Voice Tormenting Voice [J22]
Twincast Twincast [M10]
Act of Treason Act of Treason [RVR]
Archmage's Charm Archmage's Charm <showcase> [OTP]
Artificer's Epiphany Artificer's Epiphany [J22]
Bonus Round Bonus Round [BBD]
Brainsurge Brainsurge [MH3]
Cancel Cancel [AKH]
Countervailing Winds Countervailing Winds [HOU]
Crashing Tide Crashing Tide [J22]
Deflecting Swat Deflecting Swat [C20]
Delayed Blast Fireball Delayed Blast Fireball <extended> [CLB]
Didn't Say Please Didn't Say Please [ELD]
Divination Divination [DKA]
Dominate Dominate [NE]
Fierce Guardianship Fierce Guardianship [CMM]
Flame of Anor Flame of Anor [LTR]
Force of Negation Force of Negation [2X2]
Introduction to Prophecy Introduction to Prophecy [STX]
Invert Polarity Invert Polarity [MH3]
Invoke the Firemind Invoke the Firemind [GK1]
Lock and Load Lock and Load [OTC]
Lookout's Dispersal Lookout's Dispersal [J22]
Lullmage's Domination Lullmage's Domination [ZNR]
Metallic Rebuke Metallic Rebuke [2XM]
Mogg Salvage Mogg Salvage [MH2]
Prismari Command Prismari Command [LCC]
Secrets of the Golden City Secrets of the Golden City [RIX]
Teachings of the Archaics Teachings of the Archaics [STX]
Tragic Lesson Tragic Lesson [J22]
Wizard's Retort Wizard's Retort [DOM]
Wyll's Reversal Wyll's Reversal [CLB]
Cosmotronic Wave Cosmotronic Wave [GRN]
Disrupt Decorum Disrupt Decorum [MKC]
Dwarven Reinforcements Dwarven Reinforcements [KHM]
Fuel for the Cause Fuel for the Cause [MBS]
Inspiration Inspiration [RTR]
Pirate's Pillage Pirate's Pillage [2X2]
Pirate's Prize Pirate's Prize [XLN]
Reins of Power Reins of Power [CLB]
See Double See Double [MOM]
Sleep Sleep [M10]
Soul Read Soul Read [J22]
Steam Augury Steam Augury [THS]
Tempted by the Oriq Tempted by the Oriq [STX]
Unexpected Windfall Unexpected Windfall [PIP]
Welcome to the Fold Welcome to the Fold [SOI]
Wild Ricochet Wild Ricochet [SCD]
Act of Aggression Act of Aggression [NPH]
Aether Gale Aether Gale [CMM]
Baral's Expertise Baral's Expertise [OTC]
Call for Aid Call for Aid [LTC]
Deem Worthy Deem Worthy [J22]
Fervent Mastery Fervent Mastery [STX]
Fiery Encore Fiery Encore [C21]
Force of Will Force of Will <borderless> [DMR]
Inspired Tinkering Inspired Tinkering [CLB]
Invoke Calamity Invoke Calamity [NEO]
Misdirection Misdirection [DDT]
Pore Over the Pages Pore Over the Pages [DDQ]
Time Warp Time Warp [STA]
Volcanic Torrent Volcanic Torrent [OTC]
Counterlash Counterlash [PLIST]
Elemental Eruption Elemental Eruption <extended> [OTC]
Flood of Tears Flood of Tears [VOC]
Mirror Match Mirror Match [C15]
Mob Rule Mob Rule [FRF]
Opportunity Opportunity [M14]
Reduce // Rubble Reduce // Rubble [AKH]
River's Rebuke River's Rebuke [NCC]
Sublime Epiphany Sublime Epiphany [M21]
Blatant Thievery Blatant Thievery [C15]
Nexus of Fate Nexus of Fate [PRM-BAB] (F)
Sundering Stroke Sundering Stroke [ELD]
Insurrection Insurrection [CMM]
Mnemonic Deluge Mnemonic Deluge [CMR] (F)
Soulfire Eruption Soulfire Eruption [CMR]
Worldfire Worldfire [M13]
Enter the Infinite Enter the Infinite <retro> [RVR]


Sol Ring Sol Ring [BLC]
Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [OTC]
Izzet Signet Izzet Signet [OTC]
Thought Vessel Thought Vessel [BLC]
Decanter of Endless Water Decanter of Endless Water [CLB]
Talisman of Creativity Talisman of Creativity [PIP]
Fellwar Stone Fellwar Stone [BLC]
Mind Stone Mind Stone <244> [40K]
Commander's Sphere Commander's Sphere [LCC]
Mindsplice Apparatus Mindsplice Apparatus <extended> [ONE]
Lightning Greaves Lightning Greaves [MB1]
Ruby Medallion Ruby Medallion [MH3]
Sapphire Medallion Sapphire Medallion [MH3]
The Magic Mirror The Magic Mirror <planeswalker stamp> [PELD]
Jeweled Lotus Jeweled Lotus [CMR]
Mana Crypt Mana Crypt [MB1]
Sensei's Divining Top Sensei's Divining Top [EMA]
Soul-Guide Lantern Soul-Guide Lantern [ONC]
Traveler's Amulet Traveler's Amulet [2X2]
Wayfarer's Bauble Wayfarer's Bauble [CLB]
Imposter Mech Imposter Mech [NEC]
Isochron Scepter Isochron Scepter [DDJ]
Liquimetal Torque Liquimetal Torque <retro> [MH2]
Scroll Rack Scroll Rack [CMR]
Swiftfoot Boots Swiftfoot Boots [BLC]
Winged Boots Winged Boots [OTC]
Basalt Monolith Basalt Monolith [3ED]
Chromatic Lantern Chromatic Lantern <retro> [RVR]
Cursed Mirror Cursed Mirror [MH3]
Manalith Manalith [HOU]
Midnight Clock Midnight Clock [OTC]
Mithril Coat Mithril Coat [LTR]
Orazca Relic Orazca Relic [RIX]
Rings of Brighthearth Rings of Brighthearth [CMR]
Sonic Screwdriver Sonic Screwdriver <186> [WHO]
Twinning Staff Twinning Staff [C20]
Aetherflux Reservoir Aetherflux Reservoir <retro> [BRR]
Helm of Possession Helm of Possession [TE]
Thran Dynamo Thran Dynamo [BLC]
Gilded Lotus Gilded Lotus [BLC]
Mirari Mirari [C13]
Pyromancer's Goggles Pyromancer's Goggles [ORI]


Thousand-Year Storm Thousand-Year Storm [2X2] (FE)
Case of the Ransacked Lab Case of the Ransacked Lab [MKM]
Propaganda Propaganda [ACR]
Rhystic Study Rhystic Study [PR]
Swarm Intelligence Swarm Intelligence [C21]
Sorcerer Class Sorcerer Class [AFR]
Fiery Inscription Fiery Inscription [LTR]
Leyline of Anticipation Leyline of Anticipation [M20]
Metallurgic Summonings Metallurgic Summonings [KLD]
Curiosity Curiosity [JMP]
Proft's Eidetic Memory Proft's Eidetic Memory [MKM]
Acquired Mutation Acquired Mutation [PIP]
Amphibian Downpour Amphibian Downpour [MH3]
Aria of Flame Aria of Flame [MH1]
Curator's Ward Curator's Ward [DOM]
Day of the Moon Day of the Moon [WHO]
Jace's Sanctum Jace's Sanctum [ORI]
Leyline of Singularity Leyline of Singularity [GPT]
Mechanized Production Mechanized Production [PIP]
Psychic Possession Psychic Possession [DIS]
Teferi's Ageless Insight Teferi's Ageless Insight <showcase> [M21]
Zur's Weirding Zur's Weirding [8ED]
Arcane Melee Arcane Melee [AVR]
Double Vision Double Vision [NCC]
Inexorable Tide Inexorable Tide [PIP]
The Mirari Conjecture The Mirari Conjecture [DOM]
Arcane Bombardment Arcane Bombardment [OTC]
Fiery Emancipation Fiery Emancipation [WOT]
Shark Typhoon Shark Typhoon [OTC]


Island Island <251> [THB]
Mountain Mountain <253> [THB]
Command Tower Command Tower <263> [WHO]
Reliquary Tower Reliquary Tower [M3C]
Shivan Reef Shivan Reef [BLC]
Temple of Epiphany Temple of Epiphany [M3C]
Izzet Boilerworks Izzet Boilerworks [CLU]
Sulfur Falls Sulfur Falls [BLC]
Cascade Bluffs Cascade Bluffs [BLC]
Frostboil Snarl Frostboil Snarl [LCC]
Temple of the False God Temple of the False God [OTC]
Karn's Bastion Karn's Bastion [NCC]
Evolving Wilds Evolving Wilds [J22]
Ferrous Lake Ferrous Lake [OTC]
Mystic Sanctuary Mystic Sanctuary [ELD]
Stormcarved Coast Stormcarved Coast [WHO]
Exotic Orchard Exotic Orchard [CMM]
Forgotten Cave Forgotten Cave [J22]
Myriad Landscape Myriad Landscape [WHO]
Path of Ancestry Path of Ancestry [LCC]
Prismari Campus Prismari Campus [STX]
Reflecting Pool Reflecting Pool [CLB]
Riptide Laboratory Riptide Laboratory [MH2]
Silverbluff Bridge Silverbluff Bridge [PIP]
Spirebluff Canal Spirebluff Canal <prerelease> [OTJ] (F)
Steam Vents Steam Vents [GRN]
Terramorphic Expanse Terramorphic Expanse [OTC]
Training Center Training Center [CMR]
Vivid Crag Vivid Crag [C17]
Wandering Fumarole Wandering Fumarole [CLB]
Boseiju, Who Shelters All Boseiju, Who Shelters All <Isengard, Saruman's Fortress> [LTC]
Castle Vantress Castle Vantress [M3C]
Eroded Canyon Eroded Canyon [OTJ]
Fiery Islet Fiery Islet [WHO]
Halimar Depths Halimar Depths [DDM]
Highland Lake Highland Lake [AKH]
Homeward Path Homeward Path <Green Dragon Inn> [LTC] (F)
Izzet Guildgate Izzet Guildgate <251> [GRN]
Kher Keep Kher Keep [MKC]
Restless Spire Restless Spire [WOE]
Rivendell Rivendell <borderless> [LTR]
Scalding Tarn Scalding Tarn [MH2]
Scavenger Grounds Scavenger Grounds [PIP]
Spinerock Knoll Spinerock Knoll [NCC]
Study Hall Study Hall [C21]
Sunken Palace Sunken Palace [M3C]
Sunscorched Desert Sunscorched Desert [AKH]
Survivors' Encampment Survivors' Encampment [HOU]
Thespian's Stage Thespian's Stage [M3C]
Vivid Creek Vivid Creek [NCC]
Volatile Fjord Volatile Fjord [KHM]
War Room War Room [WHO]


Comet Storm Comet Storm <precon> [CMR]
Crackle with Power Crackle with Power <showcase> [OTP]
Jaya's Immolating Inferno Jaya's Immolating Inferno <precon> [CMR]

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