Format: Legacy
Event: Legacy League 2025-02-06, 5-0
Deck Source:
Deck Date: Feb 6, 2025
Card Breakdown
Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:
![Yorion, Sky Nomad [MUL]](
1.0 in 100% of decks
![Lavinia, Azorius Renegade <retro> [RVR]](
1.4 in 100% of decks
![Orcish Bowmasters [LTR]](
2.6 in 100% of decks
![Recruiter of the Guard [MH3]](
3.8 in 100% of decks
![Skyclave Apparition [BLC]](
1.4 in 100% of decks
![Solitude [MH2]](
3.2 in 100% of decks
![Baleful Strix [MKC]](
3.8 in 80% of decks
![Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd [MH3]](
4.0 in 60% of decks
![Plague Engineer [PLIST]](
1.0 in 60% of decks
1.0 in 60% of decks
![Overlord of the Balemurk [DSK]](
4.0 in 60% of decks
3.0 in 40% of decks
![Meddling Mage [MB1]](
1.0 in 40% of decks
![Abhorrent Oculus <borderless> [DSK]](
2.0 in 40% of decks
![Flickerwisp [PLIST]](
2.0 in 40% of decks
![Venser, Shaper Savant <anime> [J25]](
1.0 in 40% of decks
![Teferi, Time Raveler [WAR]](
1.5 in 40% of decks
![Swords to Plowshares [DRC]](
3.8 in 100% of decks
![Brainstorm [CNS]](
4.0 in 80% of decks
![Force of Will [DMR] (F)](
4.0 in 80% of decks
![Lorien Revealed [LTR]](
1.3 in 80% of decks
![Aether Vial [2X2]](
4.0 in 100% of decks
![Flooded Strand [MH3]](
4.0 in 100% of decks
![Karakas <White Tower of Ecthelion> [LTC]](
3.0 in 100% of decks
![Marsh Flats [MM3]](
4.0 in 100% of decks
![Polluted Delta <extended> [MH3]](
4.0 in 100% of decks
![Scrubland [3ED]](
1.4 in 100% of decks
![Tundra [3ED]](
2.4 in 100% of decks
![Underground Sea [3ED]](
1.8 in 100% of decks
![Island <251> [THB]](
1.5 in 80% of decks
![Plains <250> [THB]](
1.8 in 80% of decks
![Swamp <252> [THB]](
1.0 in 80% of decks
![Wasteland <Valley of Gorgoroth> [LTC]](
4.0 in 60% of decks
![Force of Negation [2X2]](
3.5 in 80% of decks
![Consign to Memory [MH3]](
3.7 in 60% of decks
![Faerie Macabre [MMA]](
2.0 in 60% of decks
![Harbinger of the Seas [MH3]](
1.3 in 60% of decks
![Plague Engineer [PLIST]](
1.0 in 60% of decks
![Prismatic Ending [MH2]](
2.5 in 40% of decks
![Ethersworn Canonist [ALA]](
1.0 in 40% of decks
![Rest in Peace <extended> [ACR]](
2.0 in 40% of decks
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