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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Estrid, the Masked

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Tuvasa the Sunlit Tuvasa the Sunlit [C18] (F)
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Sythis, Harvest's Hand [MH2]
Mesa Enchantress Mesa Enchantress <retro> [DMR]
Sanctum Weaver Sanctum Weaver [PLIST]
Aven Mindcensor Aven Mindcensor [PLIST]
Heliod's Pilgrim Heliod's Pilgrim [THB]
Satyr Enchanter Satyr Enchanter [CMM]
Setessan Champion Setessan Champion [CMM]
Archon of Sun's Grace Archon of Sun's Grace [J25]
Eidolon of Blossoms Eidolon of Blossoms [CMM]
Kestia, the Cultivator Kestia, the Cultivator [C18] (F)
Alseid of Life's Bounty Alseid of Life's Bounty [PLIST]
Arbor Elf Arbor Elf [MB1]
Birds of Paradise Birds of Paradise <Artist Series: Mark Poole> [SLD]
Fang of Shigeki Fang of Shigeki <showcase> [NEO]
Generous Visitor Generous Visitor [NEO]
Goldvein Hydra Goldvein Hydra [OTJ] (F)
Llanowar Elves Llanowar Elves [FDN]
Nyxborn Hydra Nyxborn Hydra [MH3]
Barbara Wright Barbara Wright [WHO]
Composer of Spring Composer of Spring <extended> [CMM]
Containment Priest Containment Priest [M21]
Dauntless Dismantler Dauntless Dismantler [LCI]
Destiny Spinner Destiny Spinner [CMM]
Faerie Mastermind Faerie Mastermind [MOM]
Femeref Enchantress Femeref Enchantress [VI]
Flitterstep Eidolon Flitterstep Eidolon [BNG]
Hushbringer Hushbringer [PLIST]
Hydroid Krasis Hydroid Krasis [M3C]
Jacked Rabbit Jacked Rabbit [BLC]
Jukai Naturalist Jukai Naturalist [NEO]
Kami of Transience Kami of Transience [NEO]
Kataki, War's Wage Kataki, War's Wage [MMA]
Kor Spiritdancer Kor Spiritdancer [ROE]
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice [NEO]
Nessian Wanderer Nessian Wanderer [CMM]
Neverwinter Hydra Neverwinter Hydra [AFC]
Scavenging Ooze Scavenging Ooze [DSC]
Spirited Companion Spirited Companion [J25]
Tervigon Tervigon [40K]
The Goose Mother The Goose Mother [WOE]
Transcendent Envoy Transcendent Envoy [J22]
Weaver of Harmony Weaver of Harmony [NEO]
Aura Gnarlid Aura Gnarlid [WOC]
Calix, Guided by Fate Calix, Guided by Fate [MAT]
Courser of Kruphix Courser of Kruphix [BNG]
Danitha, New Benalia's Light Danitha, New Benalia's Light <showcase> [MAT]
Drift of Phantasms Drift of Phantasms <retro> [RVR]
Eidolon of Countless Battles Eidolon of Countless Battles [WOC]
Entity Tracker Entity Tracker [DSK]
Evolution Sage Evolution Sage [LCC]
Fear of Impostors Fear of Impostors [DSK]
Gylwain, Casting Director Gylwain, Casting Director [WOC] (F)
Ian Chesterton Ian Chesterton [WHO]
Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion <showcase> [CLB]
Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor <borderless> [MH3]
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Selvala, Heart of the Wilds [M3C]
Tanglespan Lookout Tanglespan Lookout [WOE]
Thalia, Heretic Cathar Thalia, Heretic Cathar <retro> [INR]
Verduran Enchantress Verduran Enchantress [5ED]
Yavimaya Enchantress Yavimaya Enchantress [C18]
Displacer Kitten Displacer Kitten [CLB]
Ellivere of the Wild Court Ellivere of the Wild Court [WOC]
Hokori, Dust Drinker Hokori, Dust Drinker [PLIST]
Stoic Angel Stoic Angel [MM3]
Yenna, Redtooth Regent Yenna, Redtooth Regent [WOE]
Fear of Sleep Paralysis Fear of Sleep Paralysis [DSC]
Koma, Cosmos Serpent Koma, Cosmos Serpent [MKC]
Koma, World-Eater Koma, World-Eater <extended> [FDN]
Nylea's Colossus Nylea's Colossus [C18]
Apex Devastator Apex Devastator [CMR]
Nyxborn Behemoth Nyxborn Behemoth <extended> [CMM]


Estrid, the Masked Estrid, the Masked [C18] (F)
Calix, Destiny's Hand Calix, Destiny's Hand <borderless> [THB]
Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset <borderless> [MID]


Swords to Plowshares Swords to Plowshares [M3C]
Abjure Abjure [WL]
Argivian Find Argivian Find [PLIST]
Disrupt Disrupt [PLIST]
Dizzy Spell Dizzy Spell [RAV]
Hope Charm Hope Charm [VI]
Path to Exile Path to Exile [PIP]
Swan Song Swan Song [LTC]
Counterspell Counterspell <retro> [DMR]
Curse of the Swine Curse of the Swine [LCC]
Dawn's Truce Dawn's Truce [BLB]
Disorder in the Court Disorder in the Court [MKC]
Doppelgang Doppelgang [MKM]
Gaea's Blessing Gaea's Blessing [DOM]
Heliod's Intervention Heliod's Intervention [OTC]
Heroic Intervention Heroic Intervention [PIP]
Muddle the Mixture Muddle the Mixture <retro> [RVR]
Pull from Tomorrow Pull from Tomorrow [BLC]
Rampant Growth Rampant Growth [J25]
Beast Within Beast Within [LCC]
Capsize Capsize [TE]
Cultivate Cultivate [C18]
Frantic Search Frantic Search <retro> [DMR]
Kruphix's Insight Kruphix's Insight [JOU]
Retribution of the Meek Retribution of the Meek [VI]
Unwind Unwind [DOM]
Day of Judgment Day of Judgment [FDN]
Aetherspouts Aetherspouts [MIC]
Luminous Rebuke Luminous Rebuke [FDN]
Winds of Rath Winds of Rath [MKC]
Brilliant Restoration Brilliant Restoration [NEO]
Redress Fate Redress Fate [DSC]


Helm of the Gods Helm of the Gods [ORI]
Luxior, Giada's Gift Luxior, Giada's Gift [SNC]
Sol Ring Sol Ring [DRC]
Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [BLC]
Weathered Runestone Weathered Runestone [KHM]
Winter Moon Winter Moon [MH3]
Ichormoon Gauntlet Ichormoon Gauntlet <oil slick> [ONE]
Conduit of Worlds Conduit of Worlds [ONE]


Wild Growth Wild Growth <retro> [DMR]
Fertile Ground Fertile Ground [PIP]
Overgrowth Overgrowth [PLIST]
Enchantress's Presence Enchantress's Presence [CMM]
Estrid's Invocation Estrid's Invocation [MH3]
Weirding Wood Weirding Wood [MOC]
Dawn's Reflection Dawn's Reflection [5DN]
Ethereal Armor Ethereal Armor [DSK]
Unbridled Growth Unbridled Growth [AER]
Utopia Sprawl Utopia Sprawl [WOT]
Sterling Grove Sterling Grove [MH2]
Urban Utopia Urban Utopia [GRN]
Wolfwillow Haven Wolfwillow Haven [J22]
Gift of Paradise Gift of Paradise [AKH]
Glittering Frost Glittering Frost [KHM]
New Horizons New Horizons [WAR]
Hallowed Haunting Hallowed Haunting <DSK Special Guest> [SPG]
Market Festival Market Festival [JOU]
Oath of Teferi Oath of Teferi [CMM]
Starfield of Nyx Starfield of Nyx [CMM]
Abundant Growth Abundant Growth [INR]
Chained to the Rocks Chained to the Rocks [THS]
Consecrate Land Consecrate Land [TSB]
Essence Leak Essence Leak [IN]
Lush Growth Lush Growth [ALA]
Mana Chains Mana Chains [WL]
Myth Realized Myth Realized [2X2]
On Thin Ice On Thin Ice [MH1]
Rancor Rancor [M13]
Sea's Claim Sea's Claim [ONS]
Shimmering Wings Shimmering Wings [10E]
Unable to Scream Unable to Scream [DSK]
Urban Burgeoning Urban Burgeoning [RTR]
Whip Silk Whip Silk [PLIST]
All That Glitters All That Glitters <borderless> [CMM]
Blind Obedience Blind Obedience <retro> [RVR]
Convincing Mirage Convincing Mirage [M10]
Deification Deification [MAT]
Dog Umbra Dog Umbra [MH3]
Ground Seal Ground Seal [WOT]
Nylea's Presence Nylea's Presence [PLIST]
On the Trail On the Trail [MKC]
Ossification Ossification [PLIST]
Sheltered by Ghosts Sheltered by Ghosts [DSK]
Spreading Seas Spreading Seas [WOT]
Stasis Stasis [5ED]
Sunken Field Sunken Field [PR]
Ancestral Mask Ancestral Mask [MB1]
Aura of Silence Aura of Silence [C15]
Ballad of the Black Flag Ballad of the Black Flag [ACR]
Blighted Burgeoning Blighted Burgeoning [MOM]
Curse of Clinging Webs Curse of Clinging Webs <extended> [MIC]
Duelist's Heritage Duelist's Heritage [MKC]
Equipoise Equipoise [VI]
Ghostly Prison Ghostly Prison [PLIST]
Imprisoned in the Moon Imprisoned in the Moon [INR]
Infiltrator's Magemark Infiltrator's Magemark [GPT]
Love Song of Night and Day Love Song of Night and Day [DMU]
Mirrormade Mirrormade [DSC]
Nature's Embrace Nature's Embrace [VOW]
Propaganda Propaganda [ACR]
Sheltered Aerie Sheltered Aerie [DTK]
Tarmogoyf Nest Tarmogoyf Nest [M3C]
Unbound Flourishing Unbound Flourishing [MH1]
Verdant Haven Verdant Haven [M14]
Abduction Abduction [WL]
Angelic Destiny Angelic Destiny [FDN]
Bear Umbra Bear Umbra [ROE]
Buried in the Garden Buried in the Garden <showcase> [OTP]
Case of the Locked Hothouse Case of the Locked Hothouse [MKM]
Chamber of Manipulation Chamber of Manipulation [OD]
Court of Ardenvale Court of Ardenvale [WOC]
Court of Bounty Court of Bounty [CMR]
Court of Vantress Court of Vantress <extended> [WOC]
Dream Tides Dream Tides [VI]
Elspeth's Talent Elspeth's Talent [MOC]
Historian's Boon Historian's Boon <extended> [DMC]
Rising Waters Rising Waters [NE]
Sage's Reverie Sage's Reverie [PLIST]
The Bath Song The Bath Song [LTR]
The Curse of Fenric The Curse of Fenric [WHO]
Trouble in Pairs Trouble in Pairs [MKC]
Vault 101: Birthday Party Vault 101: Birthday Party [PIP]
Elspeth Conquers Death Elspeth Conquers Death [THB]
Mantle of the Ancients Mantle of the Ancients [PIP]
Sigil of the Empty Throne Sigil of the Empty Throne [DSC]
Song of Earendil Song of Earendil [LTC]
Sphere of Safety Sphere of Safety [DSC]
Teferi's Talent Teferi's Talent [MOC]
Greenhouse // Rickety Gazebo Greenhouse // Rickety Gazebo [DSK]
Overwhelming Splendor Overwhelming Splendor [HOU]


Reliquary Tower Reliquary Tower [M3C]
Command Tower Command Tower <264> [WHO]
Forest Forest <254> [THB]
Island Island <251> [THB]
Plains Plains <250> [THB]
Bountiful Promenade Bountiful Promenade [PLIST]
Exotic Orchard Exotic Orchard [DSC]
Floodfarm Verge Floodfarm Verge [DSK]
Glacial Fortress Glacial Fortress [DRC]
Karn's Bastion Karn's Bastion [LCC]
Arctic Flats Arctic Flats [CSP]
Arctic Treeline Arctic Treeline [KHM]
Ash Barrens Ash Barrens [DSC]
Boreal Shelf Boreal Shelf [CSP]
Brushland Brushland [BLC]
Deserted Beach Deserted Beach [INR] (F)
Dreamroot Cascade Dreamroot Cascade [INR]
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire [NEO] (F)
Forge of Heroes Forge of Heroes [C18]
Gemstone Mine Gemstone Mine <retro> [DMR]
Glacial Floodplain Glacial Floodplain [KHM]
Hall of Heliod's Generosity Hall of Heliod's Generosity [WOC]
Hinterland Harbor Hinterland Harbor [DRC]
Hushwood Verge Hushwood Verge [DSK]
Lakeside Shack Lakeside Shack [DSK]
Maze of Ith Maze of Ith <retro> [DMR]
Nesting Grounds Nesting Grounds <retro> [MH3]
Nimbus Maze Nimbus Maze [AFC]
Overgrown Farmland Overgrown Farmland [INR]
Rimewood Falls Rimewood Falls [KHM]
Sanctum of Eternity Sanctum of Eternity [C19]
Sea of Clouds Sea of Clouds [CLB] (F)
Seaside Citadel Seaside Citadel [BLC]
Shimmerdrift Vale Shimmerdrift Vale [J22]
Skycloud Expanse Skycloud Expanse [BLC]
Snow-Covered Forest Snow-Covered Forest <284> [KHM]
Snow-Covered Island Snow-Covered Island <278> [KHM]
Snow-Covered Plains Snow-Covered Plains <276> [KHM]

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