Format: Commander
User Submitted Deck
Deck Date: Jan 8, 2025
Deck Primer / Description
I think this is a pretty cool white weenie combo adjacent deck which draws cards to stay in the game,tries to not fall too far behind then makes 1000000 zombies and takes over on one late game turn,generally the aim is to flood the board with chaff creatures that replace themselves,and have the commander in play as board "protection" later in the game once you have one of the free sac outlets down the mass reanimation can be used to loop tobias and make many more zombies than he is supposed to,ideally in the late game you can sac your board- tobias ,cast a mass reanimation spell then sac it again to follow up by rites of replicationing tobias sacking to legend rules and then a sac outlet the tobias's ,if you pull this off you make 10 zombies for each creature you originally started with,often multiplying your total power by 20 and hopefully ending the game.
The most expensive card in the deck sticks out a lot,but i think its a really cool way to sac your entire board for upside since for some reason the etb doesnt limit you to only sacking 12 power
in general draw cards hit land drops stay in the game then cast in oketras name and win
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