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Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Burakos, Party Leader // Folk Hero
$ 32.87
13.99 tix
7 Mythic, 34 Rare, 17 Uncommon, 16 Common

Format: Commander
User Submitted Deck
Deck Date: Jul 18, 2024

1 Folk Hero $ 2.10
1 Burakos, Party Leader $ 0.49
Creatures (40)
1 Archpriest of Iona $ 0.25
1 Bloodsoaked Champion $ 0.25
1 Changeling Outcast $ 0.89
1 Disciple of the Vault $ 1.43
1 Universal Automaton $ 0.55
1 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails $ 0.37
1 Hidden Dragonslayer $ 0.20
1 High Priest of Penance $ 0.25
1 Impassioned Orator $ 0.20
1 Malakir Blood-Priest $ 0.15
1 Mindblade Render $ 0.30
1 Suture Priest $ 1.83
1 Zulaport Cutthroat $ 1.60
1 Aven Mindcensor $ 0.45
1 Bygone Bishop $ 0.25
1 Frontline Medic $ 0.25
1 Grim Haruspex $ 0.96
1 Harper Recruiter $ 0.28
1 Mage's Attendant $ 0.19
1 Mardu Strike Leader $ 0.25
1 Mirror Entity $ 0.31
1 Morbid Opportunist $ 0.61
1 Nalia de'Arnise $ 0.49
1 Nighthawk Scavenger $ 0.25
1 Rumor Gatherer $ 0.30
1 Solemn Recruit $ 0.25
1 Corpse Augur $ 0.20
1 Galepowder Mage $ 0.25
1 Glorious Protector $ 0.29
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury $ 0.25
1 Irregular Cohort $ 0.25
1 Jazal Goldmane $ 0.26
1 Mirkwood Bats $ 0.45
1 Seasoned Dungeoneer $ 2.23
1 Squad Commander $ 0.25
1 Dire Fleet Ravager $ 0.25
1 Solemn Doomguide $ 0.25
1 Calculating Lich $ 0.45
1 Pontiff of Blight $ 0.30
1 Valiant Changeling $ 0.22
Spells (13)
1 Despark $ 0.33
1 Dire Tactics $ 0.25
1 Sign in Blood $ 0.35
1 Back for Seconds $ 0.19
1 Funeral Rites $ 0.17
1 Read the Bones $ 0.25
1 Sevinne's Reclamation $ 0.25
1 Vindicate $ 0.50
1 Ambition's Cost $ 0.20
1 Utter End $ 0.25
1 Deadly Alliance $ 0.15
1 Stick Together $ 0.25
1 Thwart the Grave $ 0.15
Artifacts (8)
1 Multiclass Baldric $ 0.41
1 Charcoal Diamond $ 0.19
1 Conjurer's Mantle $ 0.99
1 Marble Diamond $ 0.18
1 Orzhov Signet $ 0.25
1 Star Compass $ 0.75
1 Swiftfoot Boots $ 1.44
1 Commander's Sphere $ 0.20
Lands (37)
1 Command Tower $ 0.25
1 Mistveil Plains $ 1.10
1 Mortuary Mire $ 0.20
1 Myriad Landscape $ 0.22
1 Path of Ancestry $ 0.20
11 Plains $ 0.00
1 Snowfield Sinkhole $ 0.29
1 Starlit Sanctum $ 0.25
15 Swamp $ 0.00
1 Tainted Field $ 0.24
1 Temple of Silence $ 0.25
1 Vault of the Archangel $ 0.32
1 Windbrisk Heights $ 0.25
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  14 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Folk Hero 1.66 tix
1 Burakos, Party Leader
Creatures (40)
1 Archpriest of Iona 0.02 tix
1 Bloodsoaked Champion 0.02 tix
1 Changeling Outcast 0.03 tix
1 Disciple of the Vault 0.03 tix
1 Universal Automaton 0.03 tix
1 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails 0.02 tix
1 Hidden Dragonslayer 0.02 tix
1 High Priest of Penance 0.03 tix
1 Impassioned Orator 0.03 tix
1 Malakir Blood-Priest 0.03 tix
1 Mindblade Render 1.40 tix
1 Suture Priest 0.03 tix
1 Zulaport Cutthroat 0.03 tix
1 Aven Mindcensor 0.02 tix
1 Bygone Bishop 0.02 tix
1 Frontline Medic 0.02 tix
1 Grim Haruspex 0.02 tix
1 Harper Recruiter
1 Mage's Attendant 0.01 tix
1 Mardu Strike Leader 0.02 tix
1 Mirror Entity 0.02 tix
1 Morbid Opportunist 0.03 tix
1 Nalia de'Arnise 0.28 tix
1 Nighthawk Scavenger 0.02 tix
1 Rumor Gatherer 0.01 tix
1 Solemn Recruit 0.02 tix
1 Corpse Augur 0.24 tix
1 Galepowder Mage 0.02 tix
1 Glorious Protector 0.02 tix
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 0.02 tix
1 Irregular Cohort 0.03 tix
1 Jazal Goldmane 0.68 tix
1 Mirkwood Bats 0.02 tix
1 Seasoned Dungeoneer 3.90 tix
1 Squad Commander 0.02 tix
1 Dire Fleet Ravager 0.02 tix
1 Solemn Doomguide 0.51 tix
1 Calculating Lich 0.28 tix
1 Pontiff of Blight 0.02 tix
1 Valiant Changeling 0.03 tix
Spells (13)
1 Despark 0.03 tix
1 Dire Tactics 0.01 tix
1 Sign in Blood 0.01 tix
1 Back for Seconds 0.03 tix
1 Funeral Rites 0.02 tix
1 Read the Bones 0.01 tix
1 Sevinne's Reclamation 0.02 tix
1 Vindicate 0.02 tix
1 Ambition's Cost 0.03 tix
1 Utter End 0.02 tix
1 Deadly Alliance 0.01 tix
1 Stick Together
1 Thwart the Grave 0.03 tix
Artifacts (8)
1 Multiclass Baldric 0.92 tix
1 Charcoal Diamond 0.04 tix
1 Conjurer's Mantle 2.43 tix
1 Marble Diamond 0.04 tix
1 Orzhov Signet 0.02 tix
1 Star Compass 0.01 tix
1 Swiftfoot Boots 0.01 tix
1 Commander's Sphere 0.02 tix
Lands (37)
1 Command Tower 0.05 tix
1 Mistveil Plains 0.03 tix
1 Mortuary Mire 0.03 tix
1 Myriad Landscape 0.22 tix
1 Path of Ancestry 0.02 tix
11 Plains 0.00 tix
1 Snowfield Sinkhole 0.03 tix
1 Starlit Sanctum 0.04 tix
15 Swamp 0.00 tix
1 Tainted Field 0.10 tix
1 Temple of Silence 0.02 tix
1 Vault of the Archangel 0.02 tix
1 Windbrisk Heights 0.02 tix
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  14 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk
1 Folk Hero 1 Mythic
1 Burakos, Party Leader 1 Mythic
Creatures (40)
1 Archpriest of Iona 1 Rare
1 Bloodsoaked Champion 1 Rare
1 Changeling Outcast 1 Comm.
1 Disciple of the Vault 1 Comm.
1 Universal Automaton 1 Comm.
1 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails 1 Rare
1 Hidden Dragonslayer 1 Rare
1 High Priest of Penance 1 Rare
1 Impassioned Orator 1 Comm.
1 Malakir Blood-Priest 1 Comm.
1 Mindblade Render 1 Rare
1 Suture Priest 1 Comm.
1 Zulaport Cutthroat 1 Unc.
1 Aven Mindcensor 1 Rare
1 Bygone Bishop 1 Rare
1 Frontline Medic 1 Rare
1 Grim Haruspex 1 Rare
1 Harper Recruiter 1 Rare
1 Mage's Attendant 1 Unc.
1 Mardu Strike Leader 1 Rare
1 Mirror Entity 1 Rare
1 Morbid Opportunist 1 Mythic
1 Nalia de'Arnise 1 Mythic
1 Nighthawk Scavenger 1 Rare
1 Rumor Gatherer 1 Unc.
1 Solemn Recruit 1 Rare
1 Corpse Augur 1 Unc.
1 Galepowder Mage 1 Rare
1 Glorious Protector 1 Rare
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 1 Rare
1 Irregular Cohort 1 Comm.
1 Jazal Goldmane 1 Mythic
1 Mirkwood Bats 1 Comm.
1 Seasoned Dungeoneer 1 Rare
1 Squad Commander 1 Rare
1 Dire Fleet Ravager 1 Mythic
1 Solemn Doomguide 1 Rare
1 Calculating Lich 1 Mythic
1 Pontiff of Blight 1 Rare
1 Valiant Changeling 1 Unc.
Spells (13)
1 Despark 1 Rare
1 Dire Tactics 1 Unc.
1 Sign in Blood 1 Rare
1 Back for Seconds 1 Unc.
1 Funeral Rites 1 Comm.
1 Read the Bones 1 Comm.
1 Sevinne's Reclamation 1 Rare
1 Vindicate 1 Rare
1 Ambition's Cost 1 Unc.
1 Utter End 1 Rare
1 Deadly Alliance 1 Comm.
1 Stick Together 1 Rare
1 Thwart the Grave 1 Unc.
Artifacts (8)
1 Multiclass Baldric 1 Rare
1 Charcoal Diamond 1 Unc.
1 Conjurer's Mantle 1 Rare
1 Marble Diamond 1 Unc.
1 Orzhov Signet 1 Unc.
1 Star Compass 1 Comm.
1 Swiftfoot Boots 1 Unc.
1 Commander's Sphere 1 Comm.
Lands (37)
1 Command Tower 1 Comm.
1 Mistveil Plains 1 Unc.
1 Mortuary Mire 1 Comm.
1 Myriad Landscape 1 Unc.
1 Path of Ancestry 1 Rare
11 Plains
1 Snowfield Sinkhole 1 Comm.
1 Starlit Sanctum 1 Unc.
15 Swamp
1 Tainted Field 1 Unc.
1 Temple of Silence 1 Rare
1 Vault of the Archangel 1 Rare
1 Windbrisk Heights 1 Rare
100 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  14 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 1 / wk

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Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...


Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Archpriest of Iona Archpriest of Iona [CLB]
Bloodsoaked Champion Bloodsoaked Champion [CLB]
Aven Mindcensor Aven Mindcensor [CLB]
Harper Recruiter Harper Recruiter [CLB]
Nalia de'Arnise Nalia de'Arnise [CLB] (F)
Burakos, Party Leader Burakos, Party Leader [CLB] (F)
Squad Commander Squad Commander [CLB]
Deep Gnome Terramancer Deep Gnome Terramancer <extended> [CLB]
Zulaport Cutthroat Zulaport Cutthroat [BLC]
Bygone Bishop Bygone Bishop [CLB]
Frontline Medic Frontline Medic [CLB]
Mage's Attendant Mage's Attendant [SNC]
Mirror Entity Mirror Entity [OTC]
Rumor Gatherer Rumor Gatherer [CLB]
Galepowder Mage Galepowder Mage [CLB]
Glorious Protector Glorious Protector [CLB]
Changeling Outcast Changeling Outcast [OTC]
Eight-and-a-Half-Tails Eight-and-a-Half-Tails [CLB]
High Priest of Penance High Priest of Penance [CLB]
Malakir Blood-Priest Malakir Blood-Priest [ZNR]
Mindblade Render Mindblade Render [CLB]
Selfless Spirit Selfless Spirit [BLC]
Grim Haruspex Grim Haruspex [KTK]
Nighthawk Scavenger Nighthawk Scavenger [LCC]
Gonti, Lord of Luxury Gonti, Lord of Luxury [CMM]
Jazal Goldmane Jazal Goldmane [CMM]
Seasoned Dungeoneer Seasoned Dungeoneer <extended> [CLB]
Dire Fleet Ravager Dire Fleet Ravager [LCC]
Puppeteer Clique Puppeteer Clique [WOC]
Solemn Doomguide Solemn Doomguide [CLB]
Mother of Runes Mother of Runes [UL]
Universal Automaton Universal Automaton [MH1]
Archivist of Oghma Archivist of Oghma [CLB]
Dauthi Voidwalker Dauthi Voidwalker [MH2]
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff <370 - extended> [LTR]
Mardu Strike Leader Mardu Strike Leader [CLB]
Order of Whiteclay Order of Whiteclay [CLB]
Solemn Recruit Solemn Recruit [AER]
Grim Hireling Grim Hireling [CLB]
Irregular Cohort Irregular Cohort [CLB]
Mirkwood Bats Mirkwood Bats <borderless> [LTR]
Calculating Lich Calculating Lich [CLB]
Pontiff of Blight Pontiff of Blight [CLB]
Valiant Changeling Valiant Changeling [CLB]
Disciple of the Vault Disciple of the Vault [2XM] (F)
Esper Sentinel Esper Sentinel <showcase> [MH2]
Evolved Sleeper Evolved Sleeper [DMU]
Giver of Runes Giver of Runes [MH1]
Mikaeus, the Lunarch Mikaeus, the Lunarch [MIC]
Thieves' Guild Enforcer Thieves' Guild Enforcer [M21]
Viscera Seer Viscera Seer [LCC]
Dawnbringer Cleric Dawnbringer Cleric [CLB]
Drannith Magistrate Drannith Magistrate [IKO]
Grand Abolisher Grand Abolisher [BIG]
Hidden Dragonslayer Hidden Dragonslayer [MKC]
Impassioned Orator Impassioned Orator [PIP]
Leonin Relic-Warder Leonin Relic-Warder [MB1]
Suture Priest Suture Priest [NPH]
Athreos, God of Passage Athreos, God of Passage [MB1]
Aven Interrupter Aven Interrupter [OTJ]
Extraction Specialist Extraction Specialist [SNC]
Fleshbag Marauder Fleshbag Marauder [CLU]
Markov Purifier Markov Purifier <showcase> [VOW]
Moon-Blessed Cleric Moon-Blessed Cleric [AFR]
Morbid Opportunist Morbid Opportunist [OTC]
Nadier's Nightblade Nadier's Nightblade [MH3]
Righteous Valkyrie Righteous Valkyrie <extended> [KHM]
Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire <showcase> [KHM]
Viconia, Drow Apostate Viconia, Drow Apostate <showcase> [CLB]
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose [M21] (F)
Corpse Augur Corpse Augur [CMM]
Redemption Choir Redemption Choir [LCC]
Ruthless Technomancer Ruthless Technomancer [NEC]
Vexilus Praetor Vexilus Praetor [40K]
Wispdrinker Vampire Wispdrinker Vampire <showcase Dossier> [MKM]
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward <showcase> [CLB]
Underdark Explorer Underdark Explorer [CLB]
Butcher of Malakir Butcher of Malakir [LCC]
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth [MH3]


Sevinne's Reclamation Sevinne's Reclamation [OTC]
Stick Together Stick Together [CLB]
Swords to Plowshares Swords to Plowshares [LCC]
Despark Despark <retro> [BRC]
Vindicate Vindicate <retro> [BRC]
Thwart the Grave Thwart the Grave [ZNR]
Fracture Fracture [STX]
Back for Seconds Back for Seconds [WOE]
Unbreakable Formation Unbreakable Formation [MIC]
Coveted Prize Coveted Prize [ZNR]
Lich-Knights' Conquest Lich-Knights' Conquest <bundle> [WOE] (F)
Austere Command Austere Command [MKC]
Dark Ritual Dark Ritual [5ED]
Path to Exile Path to Exile <foil etched> [ACR]
Damn Damn [LCC]
Dire Tactics Dire Tactics [IKO]
Disenchant Disenchant [BRO]
Lively Dirge Lively Dirge [OTJ]
Night's Whisper Night's Whisper [MOC]
Open the Armory Open the Armory [SOI]
Predators' Hour Predators' Hour [OTC]
Reprieve Reprieve [LTR]
Sign in Blood Sign in Blood [M10]
Anguished Unmaking Anguished Unmaking <extended> [PIP]
Buried Alive Buried Alive [MH3]
Crib Swap Crib Swap [CLB]
Cut a Deal Cut a Deal [CLB]
Flawless Maneuver Flawless Maneuver [CMM]
Funeral Rites Funeral Rites [THB]
Generous Gift Generous Gift [WOC]
Read the Bones Read the Bones [CMM]
Safe Passage Safe Passage [M13]
Toxic Deluge Toxic Deluge [MH3]
Ambition's Cost Ambition's Cost [CLB]
Beseech the Mirror Beseech the Mirror [WOE]
Congregate Congregate [DMR]
Damnation Damnation [MM3]
Deadly Rollick Deadly Rollick [CMM]
Utter End Utter End [40K]
Ad Nauseam Ad Nauseam [ALA]
Cleansing Nova Cleansing Nova [MIC]
Deadly Alliance Deadly Alliance [ZNR]
Final Parting Final Parting [CMM]
Sculpted Sunburst Sculpted Sunburst [CLB]
Beseech the Queen Beseech the Queen [PLIST]
Farewell Farewell [M3C]
Terminus Terminus [MM3]
Dusk // Dawn Dusk // Dawn [MKC]


Multiclass Baldric Multiclass Baldric <extended> [CLB]
Arcane Signet Arcane Signet [OTC]
Orzhov Signet Orzhov Signet [OTC]
Sol Ring Sol Ring [BLC]
Maskwood Nexus Maskwood Nexus [M3C]
Charcoal Diamond Charcoal Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Conjurer's Mantle Conjurer's Mantle [MOC]
Marble Diamond Marble Diamond <showcase> [CLB]
Swiftfoot Boots Swiftfoot Boots [BLC]
Mana Crypt Mana Crypt [MB1]
Immovable Rod Immovable Rod [AFC]
Skullclamp Skullclamp [BLC]
Tarrian's Soulcleaver Tarrian's Soulcleaver <extended> [LCI]
Vorpal Sword Vorpal Sword <extended> [AFR] (F)
Wayfarer's Bauble Wayfarer's Bauble [CLB]
Fellwar Stone Fellwar Stone [BLC]
Lightning Greaves Lightning Greaves [MB1]
Mind Stone Mind Stone <244> [40K]
Star Compass Star Compass [IMA]
Talisman of Hierarchy Talisman of Hierarchy [MOC]
Thought Vessel Thought Vessel [BLC]
Archaeomancer's Map Archaeomancer's Map [PLIST]
Bontu's Monument Bontu's Monument [AKH]
Commander's Sphere Commander's Sphere [LCC]
Oketra's Monument Oketra's Monument [AKH]
Phial of Galadriel Phial of Galadriel [LTR]
Whispersilk Cloak Whispersilk Cloak [DDE]
Ghirapur Orrery Ghirapur Orrery [BLC]
Wedding Ring Wedding Ring <extended> [WHO]
Bolas's Citadel Bolas's Citadel [WAR]


Folk Hero Folk Hero [CLB] (F)
Black Market Connections Black Market Connections <extended> [ACR]
Revel in Riches Revel in Riches [XLN]
Haunted One Haunted One <extended> [CLB]
Deafening Silence Deafening Silence [ELD]
Reconnaissance Reconnaissance [ACR]
Animate Dead Animate Dead [4ED]
Bitterblossom Bitterblossom [WOT]
The Meathook Massacre The Meathook Massacre [MID]
Far Traveler Far Traveler [CLB]
Necromancy Necromancy [MKC]
Tocasia's Welcome Tocasia's Welcome [BRO]
Felidar Retreat Felidar Retreat [CMM]
Grave Pact Grave Pact [WOT]
Black Market Black Market [PIP]
Journey to Oblivion Journey to Oblivion [ZNR]


Command Tower Command Tower <263> [WHO]
Path of Ancestry Path of Ancestry [LCC]
Plains Plains <250> [THB]
Swamp Swamp <252> [THB]
Vault of the Archangel Vault of the Archangel [OTC]
Bojuka Bog Bojuka Bog [BLC]
Myriad Landscape Myriad Landscape [WHO]
Shattered Sanctum Shattered Sanctum [VOW]
Tainted Field Tainted Field [LCC]
War Room War Room [WHO]
Caves of Koilos Caves of Koilos [OTC]
Godless Shrine Godless Shrine [RNA]
Isolated Chapel Isolated Chapel [OTC]
Mistveil Plains Mistveil Plains [UMA]
Mortuary Mire Mortuary Mire [J22]
Mutavault Mutavault [CLB]
Orzhov Basilica Orzhov Basilica [CLU]
Reliquary Tower Reliquary Tower [M3C]
Silent Clearing Silent Clearing [MH1]
Snowfield Sinkhole Snowfield Sinkhole [KHM]
Starlit Sanctum Starlit Sanctum [CLB]
Temple of Silence Temple of Silence [DMC]
Vault of Champions Vault of Champions <borderless> [CMM]
Windbrisk Heights Windbrisk Heights [LCC]
Access Tunnel Access Tunnel [MKC]
Ash Barrens Ash Barrens [CMM]
Base Camp Base Camp [ZNR]
Boseiju, Who Shelters All Boseiju, Who Shelters All <Isengard, Saruman's Fortress> [LTC]
Castle Locthwain Castle Locthwain [ELD]
Concealed Courtyard Concealed Courtyard [OTJ] (F)
Demolition Field Demolition Field [OTC]
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire [NEO]
Emeria, the Sky Ruin Emeria, the Sky Ruin [C14]
Exotic Orchard Exotic Orchard [CMM]
Fetid Heath Fetid Heath [OTC]
Karoo Karoo [PLIST]
Leechridden Swamp Leechridden Swamp [J22]
Marsh Flats Marsh Flats [MH2]
Memorial to Folly Memorial to Folly [C19]
Minas Tirith Minas Tirith [LTR]
Rogue's Passage Rogue's Passage [MKC]
Scrubland Scrubland [3ED]
Shadowy Backstreet Shadowy Backstreet [MKM]
Shambling Vent Shambling Vent [CLB]
Shineshadow Snarl Shineshadow Snarl [LCC]
Shizo, Death's Storehouse Shizo, Death's Storehouse [DMC]
Snow-Covered Plains Snow-Covered Plains <276> [KHM]
Snow-Covered Swamp Snow-Covered Swamp <280> [KHM]
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Takenuma, Abandoned Mire [NEO]
Witch's Cottage Witch's Cottage [ELD]

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