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Browse > Home / Decks / Vintage / Lurrus DRS

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Lurrus of the Dream-Den Lurrus of the Dream-Den [IKO]


Deathrite Shaman Deathrite Shaman <retro> [RVR]
Psychic Frog Psychic Frog [MH3]
Collector Ouphe Collector Ouphe [PLIST]
Knight of Infamy Knight of Infamy [M13]
Orcish Bowmasters Orcish Bowmasters [LTR]
Tourach, Dread Cantor Tourach, Dread Cantor [MH2]


Ancestral Recall Ancestral Recall [2ED]
Brainstorm Brainstorm [C15]
Fatal Push Fatal Push <foil etched> [ACR]
Gitaxian Probe Gitaxian Probe [NPH]
Mental Misstep Mental Misstep [NPH]
Daze Daze [DD2]
Demonic Tutor Demonic Tutor [MB1]
Time Walk Time Walk [2ED]
Force of Will Force of Will <borderless> [DMR]
Dig Through Time Dig Through Time [OTC]
Treasure Cruise Treasure Cruise [M3C]
Vampiric Tutor Vampiric Tutor [PLIST]
Flusterstorm Flusterstorm <buy-a-box> [MH3]
Mystical Tutor Mystical Tutor <retro> [DMR]
Spell Pierce Spell Pierce [2X2]
Timetwister Timetwister [2ED]
Virtue's Ruin Virtue's Ruin [PLIST]
Force of Negation Force of Negation [2X2]


Black Lotus Black Lotus [2ED]
Mox Jet Mox Jet [2ED]
Mox Sapphire Mox Sapphire [2ED]
Mox Emerald Mox Emerald [2ED]


Dress Down Dress Down [PLIST]


Bayou Bayou [3ED]
Polluted Delta Polluted Delta [MH3]
Strip Mine Strip Mine [ATH]
Swamp Swamp <252> [THB]
Underground Sea Underground Sea [3ED]
Verdant Catacombs Verdant Catacombs [MH2]
Wasteland Wasteland <Valley of Gorgoroth> [LTC]
Tropical Island Tropical Island [3ED]


Virtue's Ruin Virtue's Ruin [PLIST]
Yixlid Jailer Yixlid Jailer [TSR]
Force of Negation Force of Negation [2X2]
Grafdigger's Cage Grafdigger's Cage <planeswalker stamp> [M20]
Dress Down Dress Down [PLIST]
Orcish Bowmasters Orcish Bowmasters [LTR]
Fractured Sanity Fractured Sanity <showcase> [MH2]
Dark Betrayal Dark Betrayal [THS]
Nature's Claim Nature's Claim [CNS]
Vexing Bauble Vexing Bauble [MH3]
Collector Ouphe Collector Ouphe [PLIST]

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